This is a multiplayer blackjack game played from command line. The game is developed just for fun and for my personal skill development. I also had an intention to create automated players based on Reinforcement Learning and probabilistic/statistical methods. But they are not implemented yet.
Clone the repository
install dependencies
Go to the folder blackjack_game using "cd" command in command line.
write "python" in command line and enjoy the game.
Multiplayer game
The initial balance for each player is $500.
The lowest bet is $5.
Additional bet can be placed before each hitting action.
All initial bets and additional bets need to be integer.
The number of card deck is 6 and is shuffled in the beginning and when total number of picked cards exceeds a particular number which is selected randomly after each shuffle.
The game usually starts with a number of people taken as input and also their names.
If you dont insert any name, the names will automatically be placed as 'player-1', 'player-2' etc.
Splitting is prohibitted / No option for splitting
I hope you enjoy the game. Please let me know if you want to improve it further or add additional features to the game or even want to develop an UI. I will be happy to co-operate.