This repository is our submission to SoccerNetv-3 Re-identification challenge.
SoccerNet Re-Identification (ReID) is part of the SoccerNet-v3 dataset, which is an extension of SoccerNet-v2 with new and challenging tasks including action spotting, camera shot segmentation with boundary detection, replay grounding, calibration, multi-view player re-identification and multi-player tracking. Please visit SoccerNetv3 official website for more information about other challenges.
The goal of the challenge is to re-identify soccer players across multiple camera viewpoints depicting the same action during the game. The first frame in which the action has been seen in the broadcast video as the "action frame". The other frames depicting the same action (at roughly the same timestamp), and appearing later in the broadcast video, are called the "replay frame". The goal of the challenge is to re-identify each soccer player in the action frame across the different replay frames. For that purpose, each bounding box from a given action frame will be considered as a query, and bounding boxes from the corresponding replay frames will be ranked according to their distance to each query. Below is the example of the player association in the SoccerNetv3 dataset.
For detailed explanation please head to report.
Compared to traditional street surveillance type re-identification dataset, the SoccerNet-v3 ReID dataset is particularly challenging because soccer players from the same team have very similar appearance, which makes it hard to tell them apart. On the other hand, each identity has a few number of samples, which render the model harder to train. There is also a big diversity in image resolution.
One of the main ideas behind our solution is that compared to all the traditional re-identification datasets such as Market1501, Duke-Reid etc. the time gap between images of same identity is almost zero, which mens we could use positional features as discriminative cue, mush so when appearance features are not sufficient to discriminate the identities.
Appearance extractor works on extracting the appearance features of the image. We train the RESNET-50 model for this task which is initialized with pretrained weights learnt on the classification task of the Zoo dataset.
Part extractor works on extracting the spatial features of body parts in an image which capture the positional features of the players. We do not need any annotations of body parts for this task as we train the subnetwork of OpenPose which is initialized with pretrained weights on the task of pose estimation on COCO dataset. For more detailed information look at the report.
we bi-pool the features from both the streams (appearance and part), which simply means taking the outer product to allow finer interactions of the features. We use Compact Bi-linear pooling which is compute efficient way of bi-linear pooling as outer product is taken on dimensionally reduced vectors.
In the Deep CNNs lower layers can identify some low-level features such as shape and edges while upper layers capture the high-level features.
As can be seen in activations maps, activations of the last layer of RESNET-50 do not reveal much information, so we are also interested in the features extracted at some previous layers of RESNET-50. Therefore, we calculate the layer wise similarity as shown below,
# cd to your preferred directory and clone this repo
git clone
# create environment
cd sn-reid/
conda create --name sn-reid python=3.7
conda activate sn-reid
# install dependencies
# make sure `which python` and `which pip` point to the correct path
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install torch and torchvision (select the proper cuda version to suit your machine)
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch
# install torchreid (don't need to re-build it if you modify the source code)
python develop
Have a look at the YAML configuration file baseline_config.yaml and related default configuration for more information about the available options.
python benchmarks/baseline/ --config-file benchmarks/baseline/configs/baseline_config.yaml
pip install SoccerNet
from SoccerNet.Downloader import SoccerNetDownloader
mySoccerNetDownloader = SoccerNetDownloader(LocalDirectory="/path/to/project/datasets/soccernetv3")
mySoccerNetDownloader.downloadDataTask(task="reid", split=["train", "valid", "test", "challenge"])
Trained on batch size of 32 and 10% SoccernetV3 dataset
Model Name | mAP | Rank-1 |
Our model | 63.7 | 52.8 |
Osnet | 61.6 | 51.2 |
Resnet50_fc512 | 46.7 | 32.8 |
Inceptionv4 | 46.7 | 32 |
Renet50mid | 46.5 | 31.7 |
Trained on batch size of 32 and 2% SoccernetV3 dataset
Model Name | mAP | Rank-1 |
Osnet | 55.5 | 45.1 |
Our model | 55 | 42.4 |
Resnet50_fc512 | 49.9 | 35.8 |
Inceptionv4 | 42.9 | 27.8 |
Renet50mid | 44.2 | 28.9 |