SDK of platform for Python Developers is a set of libraries which allow you to work on xFusion Platform for device integration and data submission.
The SDK minimum system requirements includes:
- Operating System – Ubuntu 14.04
- CPU – 2 core
- RAM – 4 GB
- Python v2.7
- Internet connectivity is required for package installation and communication with Azure Protocol Hub.
The required packages are installed by executing , and script.
The authentication needs to be done in Azure SDK by updating following fields under [IOTHUB-Detail] section in config.ini file Usage:
* Connection string - primary key
Connection string = <azure-iot-connecting-string>
The SDK includes following libraries:
This module is essential for device on-boarding. The device gets registered in the platform and Azure IotHUb sdk using a UNIQUE DEVICE IDENTIFIER and gets a mapped platform Device ID and device info.
* Import the library
from IotGateway.registerDevice import registration
from IotGateway.sdk.service.samples.azure_register import iothub_create_device
* Create a registration object
* Using the registration object register the device with UNIQUE DEVICE IDENTIFIER
deviceID = registrationObj.device_registration_push(device = <UNIQUE DEVICE IDENTIFIER>)
* Using UNIQUE DEVICE IDENTIFIER device register on Azure IotHub
device_info = iothub_create_device(<UNIQUE DEVICE IDENTIFIER>, <primary_key>, <sencondary_key>)
This modules the data as it is required by xFusion Platform to understand.
* Import the library
from IotGateway.protocol.data_formatter import Formatter
* Create a formatter object
formatter_obj = Formatter()
* Using the formatter object format the data passing fetched deviceID
formatted_data = formatter_obj.format_data(<formatted_data>, <deviceID>, <Service-Parameter> , <DataSource-Parameter>, <Parameter-Value>,<Parameter value fetched time in UTC Epoch> , <Parameter value storage time in UTC Epoch> )
This module publishes the formatted data to Azure IOt Hub in encrypted format.
* Import the library
from IotGateway.publishData.publisher import PublisherIOTHub
from IotGateway.sdk.device.sample.iothub_client_sample import iothub_client_init, iothub_client_sample_run
* Create a publisher object
pub_obj = PublisherIOTHub()
* Using the publisher object publish the encrypted data to Azure iothub
pub_obj.publish(<deviceID>, <encrypted data> )