The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for processing of natural language text. It includes a sentence detector, a tokenizer, a name finder, a parts-of-speech (POS) tagger, a chunker, and a parser.
In this Repository, I will show you how to use Apache OpenNLP through a set of simple examples.
- Sentence Detector
- Tokenizer
- Name Finder
- POS Tagger
- Chunker
- Parser
Sentence Detector
Sentence detector is for detecting sentence boundaries.
The trained openNLP model "en-sent.bin" used for this.
Tokens are usually words which are separated by space, but there are exceptions.
For example, "isn't" gets split into "is" and "n't, since it is a a brief format of "is not".
The trained openNLP model "en-token.bin" used for this operation.
Name Finder
By its name, name finder just finds names in the context.
It accepts an array of strings, and find the names inside, So need to tokenize the input data first.
POS Tagger
Part-of-speech tagging is the process of marking up a word in a text (corpus) as corresponding
to a particular part of speech such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.
POS Tags and their meanings:-
CC: Coordinating conjuction PRP$: Prossessive pronoun
CD: Cardinal number RB: Adverb
DT: Determiner RBR: Adverb, Comparative
EX: Existential there RBS: Adverb, Superlative
FW: Foreign word RP: Particle
IN: preposition or subordinating conjunction SYM: Symbol
JJ: Adjective TO: to
JJR: Adjective, Comparative UH: Interjection
JJS: Adjective, Superlative VB:Verb, base form
LS: List item marker VBD: Verb, Past tense
MD: Modal VBG: Verb, gerund or past participle
NN: Noun, singular or mass VBN:Verb, past participle
NNS: NOun, plural VBP: Verb, non3rd person singular present
NNP: Proper noun, singular VBZ: Verb, 3rd person singular present
NNPS: Proper noun, plural WDT: Whdeterminer
PDT: Predeterminer WP: Whpronoun
POS: Possessive ending WP$: Possessive whpronoun
PRP: Personal pronoun WRB: Wh adverb
What chunker does is to partition a sentence to a set of chunks by using the tokens generated by tokenizer.
Parser is used for create a parse tree with POS tags.
NOTES : All the required trained models are included in this repo, so only need to provide proper path to the files.
Happy Coding :)