(Typescript | React | TailwindCSS | NestJS | Serverless | AWS | DynamoDB | Postgres)
- Open to work on freelancer projects with
andReact Native
- Currently working with React and NodeJS
Name | Description (en-US) | Techs |
Fincheck - Backend / Frontend - web | NestJS (backend) and React app. It is an app to organize your personal finances. | nestjs ,typescript ,react ,react-query ,tailwindcss |
Waiter APP - Backend / Frontend - web / Mobile app | App made on javascript course (JStack). It is an app that would be used in a restaurant. Main features: waiter catalog, make orders from clients, manage current orders | node ,mongodb ,react ,react-native ,styled-components ,ios ,android ,mobile ,websockets |
Bedrock API | a project focused on learning about security on APIs. I have built an express API that tries to be secure against common attacks. Main features: Login, Request rate limit, Nginx proxy, Docker, Unit tests to cover all the scenarios |
node , typescript , docker , mongodb , nginx , jest |
Billing helper | API used to validate billets bar codes. Main feature: you send a bar code and the API returns informations about that billet: Due date, Value, ... | node , typescript , docker , jest |
Emailer | API to send emails asynchronously. Main features: Batch emails, Choose a provider to send the email (AWS / Sendgrid), queues | node , typescript , docker , redis |
My contacts - Backend / Frontend | App learned on javascript course (JStack). It is an app to manage contacts. Main features: waiter catalog, make orders from clients, manage current orders | node ,postgresql ,react ,styled-components |
File uploader | Microservice to handle file uploading. Main features: Multiple platforms (AWS S3 / Firebase / Google Cloud / Azure blob storage) | node , typescript , jest , clean arch , clean code |
Next with authentication | next , typescript , react |
Websockets with AWS API Gateway | aws , typescript , apigw , lambda , serverless |
Github proxy | API to search informations about an user from github API. Main features: Search user, search user repos | node , typescript , jest , clean arch , clean code |
Studier API | API built as part of rocketseat learning challenge. Main features: manage users, manage user lessons |
typescript ,docker ,prisma ,ec2 |
Movies catalog | Movies catalog frontend app based on a Figma layout and using MovieDB API. Main features: Filtering and search, Pagination | react , typescript , hooks ,styled-components , clean code , figma |
Shopify wish list | My first Node + React project, a app to search for products from a shopify commerce store. Built in 2021 | react , node |
node-aws | Project to learn about deploying a backend project into AWS EC2 Containers | typescript ,docker ,aws ,ec2 |