PiZyPwm, for Raspberry (Pi) Ea(zy) PWM, is an easy way to implement PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output on a Raspberry Pi using Python language.
There are three available sub-project:
- “rpi.gpio” : if you plan to use PiZyPwm with onboard GPIO pins. It uses RPi.GPIO library, but is now obsolete as RPi.GPIO library now includes software PWM.
- “quick2wire” : if you plan to use PiZyPwm with Quick2Wire expansion board. Thanks to SirHegel77 for the code.
- “mcp230xx” : if you plan to use PiZyPwm with an MCP23008 or MCP23017 GPIO expander.
Due to the non real-time capacities of Python language, do not expect PWM to be very accurate. Pulses will never exactly last the theorical duration. But PiZyPwm will be enough if you don't need a great accuracy.
See README.md into each sub-project folder.