Clone the repository and make sure we're in that directory.
andrew@andrew-ThinkPad-T460:~/StudioProjects$ git clone
Once some changes have been made this is how one goes about adding it to the repository:
^^ check the files it says have changed.
^^ adds all the changed files to be committed.
You can try git status again and it should list the changed files as changes to be committed.
^^ You then commit the changes, this should prompt giving a description of what the commit is.
^^ Try uploading your changes.
It might complain that someone else has actually pushed their changes before you. You then try:
Unless theres some weird massive changes that should make your copy up to date with those changes - and then you can just 'git push' again.
If that doesn't work well then it probably means it's time for making a spicy new branch or something idk.