I care about rigorously-derived methods for learning about, and taking good care of, our planet 🌍 .
I'm a geospatial software engineer at onXmaps, where I'm working to build the best backcountry map for recreationists and professionals alike.
I hold a Ph.D. 🎓 in Ecology from the University of Washington, where I developed a few new methodologies for understanding the effects of environmental change on ecosystems at a variety of scales, from organismal to planetary. I studied Computer Science at Tufts University in Medford, MA., where I earned my B.S. (dissertation | google scholar)
- 🗺️ Geospatial software development in Python (and GDAL, and Mapbox, and QGIS, and PostGIS...)
- 🛰️ Remote sensing for environmental analysis (mostly Planet Labs, Landsat, Sentinel)
- 🌩️ Cloud-native data workflows (AWS ECS, Lambda, S3; COGs, STACs, and others.)
- ❓ Machine learning with heterogeneous environmental data (PyTorch, Tensorflow, Scikit-learn)
- 🌿 Ecological responses to climate change
- ⚖️ Policy-forward solutions to the climate crisis
- ⛷️ Skiing/trail-running/recreating on U.S. Public Lands