Uppsala University IT Department Thesis - Application Checklist
- This document created for personal use only (It may contain wrong information)
- Check original web page before start
An unsuitable thesis project might ...
- be too big or to small
- be vaguely delimited
- contain too much implementation work
- contain too much descriptive moments or
- offers too little of analysis or - constructive thinking
Check roles from here
- The supervisor and the reviewer must be two different persons
- The reviewer and the examiner must be two different persons
- The supervisor and the examiner can be the same person
Check grading creteria from here
- Find thesis project from company/university
- Fill the form registration form
⚠️ If you cannot find reviwer, you canleft empty reviewer part in registration document.
- Fill the specification document with company/professor more info - even more info -Roles-
- Fill collaboration agreement with company more info [optional]
Send Below documents for registering course
When you have these documents, you contact the thesis coordinator. His first task is to find a reviewer for you, and make sure this person signs the form too. You can reach the thesis coordinator by email to exjobb@it.uu.se.
- Registration form [Sign, Supervisor(request), Reviewer(request) (If you find already )]
- Proof of "you attend one of the compulsory start-up meetings"
- Collaboration agreement [optional]
- Courses you take (Official Transcript you can find it from Ladok)
- Specification document
- Wait for answer from university
- Registering course done by automatically by registration (?)
- Start writing report ASAP.
Stay in contact with your reviewer to get feedback
- About once per month or so (send progress reports)
- Mid course meeting (meet person to person)
- If problems (delays) occur
Not always what an external company requests, get feedback from your reviewer (see above)
What is in a report?
- Background and description of the problem (formulate the research questions you want to answer)
- Methods and techniques used
- Relevant (related) theory, research and development
- Description of your own work
- Results, Evaluation, Analysis, Verification, Demonstration
- Conclusions including future work
Assestment of the report
- Disposition and quality of expression
- Knowledge of prior work and development
- Technical content and complexity
- Elements of own work
- elements of creativity (literally: what did you create?)
- Demonstrated depth of understanding
- Evidence of critical evaluation
- Guidelines for future work
- Conclusions, including objective reflections
Final presentation (prel report >80%, approval of reviewer)
- Delivery (eye contact, variation in voice, clear slides)
- Content (subject and purpose, knowledge, questions)
- Enthusiasm (show interest, audience understanding)
Opposition (anytime, but preferable same day
- Understanding and critical assessment of other work
- Discussion and questions at a relevant level
- Constructive feedback
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