This tiny software mod changes the function of the HOME button to an obscure, but still usable, modifier, combined with Automate & some Shell Scripting, it unlocks the full potential of this great portable device!
Here's a (rough) demo of the mod in use :
- HOME + A = Center Touchscreen Tap
- HOME + Y = Application Switch / List
- HOME + X = Brightness Up
- HOME + B = Brightness Down
- HOME + L1 = L3
- HOME + R1 = R3
- HOME + L2 = Settings
- HOME + R2 = Back (Access menu on Dolphin & AetherSX2)
- HOME + SELECT = Home Button [V2 Addition]
If you decide to try this mod, please be careful, follow the video / written instructions closely & it should work.
If anything goes (extremely) wrong, read the factory reset guide to fully recover the console back to the factory default.
Please note: Installing this mod will stop the official OTAs updates, the only way to restore them is to factory reset the device
- HomePlus Install Files [V2 is compatible up to firmware 1.10]
- A Good USB to USB-C Cable
- Download "", "HomePlus_Scripts.bak" & "HomePlus_Layout.kl" from the release page
- Copy the three files to the Internal Storage of the RP2+ [NOT THE SD CARD / NO SEPARATE FOLDER]
- Follow the installation video tutorial:
- Select "Run on system startup" in Automate's setting to activate the HomePlus Mod on startup (Recommended)
- Delete the three installation files from the Internal Storage (Optional)
- Download "", "HomePlus_Scripts.bak" & "HomePlus_Layout.kl" from the release page
- Copy the three files to the Internal Storage of the RP2+ [NOT THE SD CARD / NO SEPARATE FOLDER]
- On the RP2+, go to Settings > Handheld Settings > Virtual Mouse
- Enable it, change the virtual mouse shortcut to START / SELECT (or both) & then disable it
- Now Scroll down to "Advanced" & Select "Run Script as Root"
- Select the file called "" & tap on "Run"
- The HomePlus Installation script will run & restart the console
- After the restart, download, install & run Automate
- In automate, tap on the menu icon (Three lines icon in the top left) & then on "Settings"
- Scroll down to the "Backup" Section & Select "Restore Backup"
- Select the file named "HomePlus_Scripts.bak" [Now V2]
- Return to the main menu, there should be two scripts there: "HomePlus - Retro" & "HomePlus - Xbox" [Now V2]
- Select any of the two script & tap on the missing privileges below
- Allow / Enable all the requested privileges / services (4 in total)
- Tap on the ticket icon (next to the share button) & disable logging
- Find the controller layout currently in use in Settings > Handheld Settings > Controller Style
- Return to Automate & start the script matching the layout
- Tap on "Start All" & That's it!
- Select "Run on system startup" in Automate's setting to activate the HomePlus Mod on startup (Recommended)
- Disable Automate's Notifications (Recommended)
- Delete the three installation files from the Internal Storage (Optional)
- Read / Use the documentation & examples in the development repo
- Share your creations with the community! (Retroid Pocket 2 Plus) (Automate) / turtle (Factory Reset Files & Boot Sound Off Script) (Shell Scripting Example) (Find Valid Inputs) (Find Permission Used on System Files) (Long Touch Sintax) (Chain Sendkey Commands) (Dumpsys Input Filtering)