Note: this library is work in progress
Tested on GHC 7.6.3:
git clone
git clone
cd interactive-brokers
cabal sandbox init
cabal sandbox add-source ../mvc-service
cabal install --only-dependencies -p
cabal configure -p
cabal build
With IB TWS running, start the example application which issues a series of requests to the IB API and sends the responses to stdout:
cabal run requests
The IB API can be accessed via the full desktop client (TWS - Trader Workstation) or the gateway client. I have only used TWS to date but will try the gateway soon - from what I can tell it only offers a restricted subset of the native IB API (e.g. orders may not be supported) but supports the full API via FIX.
Create a folder for TWS.
mkdir ~/IBJts
Download and run the latest TWS installer for OS X and run it. Copy all files from the Contents/Resources/Java subfolder of the newly created package to ~/IBJts. For example:
cp -r /Users/<Username>/Applications/ ~/IBJts
Change to the IBJts folder:
cd ~/IBJts
Run TWS:
java -cp jts.jar:total.jar -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M jclient.LoginFrame .
Create a shell file to launch TWS and save as 'ibtws':
cd ~/IBjts
java -cp jts.jar:total.jar -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M jclient.LoginFrame .
Make ibtws executable
chmod +x ibtws
Download the latest IBController code and extract the archive in your home folder. Change to the newly created IBControllerVX-XX-X folder.
cp ibc
chmod +x ibc
Edit ibc. Mine looks like this (note the commented-out username and password):
TWSUSERID=<IB username>
JAVAOPTS="-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M"
pushd $TWSDIR
java -cp $TWSCP:$IBCDIR/IBController.jar $JAVAOPTS ibcontroller.IBController $IBCINI $TWSUSERID $TWSPASSWORD
Edit the following entries in IBController.ini.
IbLoginId=<IB username>
IbPassword=<IB password>
Make ibtws and ibc accessible e.g. via copying to a folder in your PATH.
Running ibtws should launch the TWS client and request your login details:
Running ibc should launch IB TWS and login automatically:
Activate via menu / setting dialog:
Edit - Global configuration - API - Settings - Enable ActiveX and Socket Clients