From 780877b8a1f1a54d438c77ec8f5b1e020a13f397 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: The Accessibility Exchange <> Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2023 16:50:41 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] chore(localization): update translations (#2048) * chore(localization): translate en.json into French, Canada * chore(localization): translate en.json into French, Canada * chore(localization): translate en.json into French, Canada --------- Co-authored-by: Justin Obara --- resources/lang/fr.json | 284 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 142 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-) diff --git a/resources/lang/fr.json b/resources/lang/fr.json index 9d88acbef..005915911 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fr.json +++ b/resources/lang/fr.json @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "\"About your organization\"": "", + "\"About your organization\"": "« À propos de votre organisation »", "\"About your organization\" (English)": "« À propos de votre organisation » (en anglais)", "\"About your organization\" (French)": "À propos de votre organisation", "(optional)": "(optionnel)", @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ "accessibility and inclusion link title": "titre du lien sur les mesures d’accessibilité et d’inclusion", "Accessibility Consultant": "Personne consultante en matière d’accessibilité", "Accessibility consultant application": "Devenir personne consultante en matière d’accessibilité", - "Accessibility Consultant notification setting": "", + "Accessibility Consultant notification setting": "Accessibility Consultant notification setting", "Accessibility Consultants": "Personnes consultantes en matière d’accessibilité", "Accessibility Consultants could help you design consultations that are inclusive and accessible.": "Les personnes consultantes en matière d’accessibilité peuvent vous aider à concevoir des consultations qui soient inclusives et accessibles.", "Accessibility Consultants — Individual": "Personne consultante en matière d’accessibilité - Individu", @@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ "Additional information to join": "Information supplémentaire à joindre", "additional information to join": "information complémentaire à joindre", "Additional needs or concerns": "Besoins ou préoccupations supplémentaires", - "additional phone information": "", - "additional video information": "", + "additional phone information": "additional phone information", + "additional video information": "additional video information", "Add language": "Ajouter une langue", "Add link": "Ajouter un lien", "Add meeting": "Ajouter une réunion", @@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ "A follow-up to a previous project (such as a progress report)": "Un suivi pour un projet précédent (tel qu’un rapport d’étape)", "African": "Africain", "Age": "Âge", - "age bracket connections": "", - "age bracket constituencies": "", + "age bracket connections": "age bracket connections", + "age bracket constituencies": "age bracket constituencies", "Age group": "Groupe d’âge", "age group": "groupe d’âge", "Age groups": "Groupes d’âge", @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ "All rights reserved.": "Tous droits réservés.", "Already on your block list": "Déjà sur votre liste de blocage", "Already on your notification list.": "Already on your notification list.", - "alternative meeting software": "", + "alternative meeting software": "alternative meeting software", "Alternative text for images": "Texte de remplacement pour les images", "Although it is not compulsory, we highly recommend that you include English and French translations of your content.": "Bien que cela ne soit pas obligatoire, nous vous recommandons vivement d’inclure des traductions en anglais et en français de votre contenu.", "A meeting title must be provided in at least English or French.": "Le titre de la réunion doit être fourni au moins en anglais ou en français.", @@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ "Approve estimate": "Approuver le devis", "Approximate response time": "Temps de réponse approximatif", "approximate response time": "vos temps de réponse approximatifs", - "Approximate response time (English)": "", - "Approximate response time (French)": "", + "Approximate response time (English)": "Approximate response time (English)", + "Approximate response time (French)": "Approximate response time (French)", "A project name must be provided in at least one language.": "Un nom de projet doit être fourni dans au moins une langue.", "A project with this name already exists.": "Un projet portant ce nom existe déjà.", "Area": "Zone", - "area of accessibility planning and design": "", + "area of accessibility planning and design": "area of accessibility planning and design", "Area of impact": "Domaine d’impact", "Areas of accessibility": "Areas of accessibility", "Areas of accessibility you are interested in": "Domaines relatifs à l’accessibilité qui vous intéressent", @@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ "Areas of interest": "Domaines d’intérêt", "Areas of your organization this project will impact": "Secteurs de votre organisation sur lesquels ce projet aura un impact", "area type": "area type", - "area type connections": "", - "area type constituencies": "", + "area type connections": "area type connections", + "area type constituencies": "area type constituencies", "Are you looking for individuals in specific provinces or territories or specific cities or towns?": "Cherchez-vous des personnes dans des provinces ou territoires spécifiques ou dans des villes ou villages spécifiques ?", "Are you sure you want to block :blockable?": "Voulez-vous vraiment bloquer :blockable?", "Are you sure you want to delete your account?": "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer votre compte ?", @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ "Author: :author": "Auteur : :author", "Author name": "Nom de l’auteur", "author organization": "author organization", - "availability": "", + "availability": "availability", "availability for Friday": "disponibilité le vendredi", "availability for Monday": "disponibilité le lundi", "availability for Saturday": "disponibilité le samedi", @@ -260,16 +260,16 @@ "Be matched based on what your lived experiences are": "Be matched based on what your lived experiences are", "Between which times during the day will the interviews take place?": "Entre quels moments de la journée les entrevues auront-elles lieu ?", "bio": "bio", - "bio (English)": "", - "bio (French)": "", + "bio (English)": "bio (English)", + "bio (French)": "bio (French)", "Black": "Noir", "Black on brown": "Noir sur brun", "Black on white": "Noir sur blanc", "Black on yellow": "Noir sur jaune", "Block": "Bloquer", "Block :blockable": "Bloquer :bloquable", - "blockable id": "", - "blockable type": "", + "blockable id": "blockable id", + "blockable type": "blockable type", "Blocked individuals and organizations": "Personnes et organisations bloquées", "Body differences": "Différences corporelles", "Booking accessibility service providers": "Gestion de prestataires de services en matière d’accessibilité", @@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ "Communities your organization :represents_or_serves_and_supports": "Communautés que votre organisation :represents_or_serves_and_supports", "Community Connector": "Personne facilitatrice communautaire", "Community connector application": "Community connector application", - "Community Connector notification setting": "", + "Community Connector notification setting": "Community Connector notification setting", "Community Connectors": "Personnes facilitatrices communautaires", "Community Connectors could help you connect with groups that may be hard to reach otherwise.": "Les personnes facilitatrices communautaires peuvent vous aider à entrer en contact avec des groupes qui seraient autrement difficiles à rejoindre.", "Community Connectors — Individual": "Personne facilitatrice communautaire - Individu", @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ "Congratulations, :name!": "Félicitations, :name!", "Connecting the disability and Deaf communities and their supporters with ": "Une plateforme mettant en relation les communautés de personnes en situation de handicap et de personnes sourdes et leurs alliés avec ", "connecting to a Community Connector to help recruit Consultation Participants.": "la mise en relation avec une personne facilitratrice communautaire afin de faciliter le recrutement des personnes participant à la consultation.", - "connection lived experience": "", + "connection lived experience": "connection lived experience", "Connect members of your community with governments and businesses who are looking for Consultation Participants. Help them learn how to best work with your community.": "Mettez les membres de votre communauté en contact avec les gouvernements et les entreprises qui recherchent des personnes pour participer à des consultations. Aidez-les à apprendre comment travailler au mieux avec votre communauté.", "Connect organizations with participants from my community": "Met en relation des organisations avec des personnes de ma communauté", "Connects the disability and Deaf communities and supporters with organizations that are “regulated” or supervised and monitored by the federal government, so that together they can work on accessibility projects, as required by the Accessible Canada Act.": "Le Connecteur pour l’accessibilité met en relation les communautés de personnes en situation de handicap et de personnes sourdes et leurs alliés avec des organisations qui sont réglementées ou contrôlées par le gouvernement fédéral, afin qu’elles puissent travailler ensemble sur des projets relatifs à l’accessibilité, comme l’exige la Loi canadienne sur l’accessibilité.", @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ "Consultation Participants are required to share their province\/territory, their city\/town, and whether or not they identify as someone with a disability, Deaf or a supporter. All of the remaining questions are optional. For multiple choice questions, there is an option to select “prefer not to answer”.": "Les personnes participant aux consultations doivent indiquer leur province\/territoire, leur ville\/village et préciser si elles s’identifient ou non comme une personne en situation de handicap, une personne sourde ou une personne soutenant ces personnes. Toutes les autres questions sont facultatives. Pour les questions à choix multiples, une option « préfère ne pas répondre » est disonible.", "Consultation Participants — Individual": "Personne participante à la consultation - Individu", "Consultations": "Consultations", - "consulting methods": "", + "consulting methods": "consulting methods", "Consulting services": "Services de consultation", "Consulting with a Community Organization": "Consultation auprès d’une organisation communautaire", "Contact": "Contact", @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ "Contacting you with notifications": "Vous contacter grâce à des notifications", "contact person": "contact person", "Contact person": "Personne contact", - "Contact person requires Video Relay Service (VRS) for phone calls": "", + "Contact person requires Video Relay Service (VRS) for phone calls": "Contact person requires Video Relay Service (VRS) for phone calls", "Contact person’s email": "Adresse courriel de la personne contact", "Contact person’s phone number": "Numéro de téléphone de la personne contact", "Contact support": "Contactez le support", @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ "Content added": "Contenu ajouté", "Content added, unsaved changes": "Contenu ajouté, modifications non sauvegardées", "Content types": "Types de contenus", - "context": "", + "context": "context", "Continue": "Continuer", "Contracted": "Contracted", "Contracts": "Contrats", @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ "creating an open project, where anyone who matches their criteria can sign up. ": "créer un projet ouvert, où quiconque correspond aux critères peut s’inscrire. ", "Cross disability (includes people with disabilities, Deaf people, and supporters)": "Polyhandicap (comprend les personnes en situation de handicap, les personnes sourdes et les personnes qui les soutiennent)", "Current password": "Mot de passe actuel", - "current password": "", + "current password": "current password", "Customize": "Personnaliser", "Customize this website’s accessibility": "Personnalisez les paramètres d’accessibilité de ce site Internet", "Dark theme": "Thème sombre", @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ "Decline": "Refuser", "Deepen understanding": "Approfondissement de la compréhension", "Deepen understanding about the systemic barriers (laws, policies, practices, and culture) underlying the experiences that consultation participants report": "Deepen understanding about the systemic barriers (laws, policies, practices, and culture) underlying the experiences that consultation participants report", - "definition": "", + "definition": "definition", "Delete account": "Supprimer le compte", "Delete my page": "Supprimer ma page", "Delete regulated organization": "Supprimer l’organisation sous réglementation fédérale", @@ -491,10 +491,10 @@ "Developing an accessibility plan": "Développement d’un plan sur l’accessiblité", "Developmental disabilities": "Déficience intellectuelle (et autres troubles du développement)", "Did you know…": "Saviez-vous que…", - "directions": "", + "directions": "directions", "Disability and\/or Deaf identity": "Handicap et\/ou identité sourde", - "disability and deaf connections": "", - "disability and deaf constituencies": "", + "disability and deaf connections": "disability and deaf connections", + "disability and deaf constituencies": "disability and deaf constituencies", "Disability and Deaf groups they are looking for": "Groupes de personnes en situation de handicap ou de personnes sourdes qu’ils cherchent", "Disability and Deaf representative organizations": "Organisations représentant les personnes en situation de handicap et les personnes sourdes", "Disability and Deaf support organizations": "Organisation soutenant les personnes en situation de handicap et les personnes sourdes", @@ -505,8 +505,8 @@ "disability type": "type de handicap", "Disconnected rooms for down-time": "Salles isolées pour les temps morts", "Dismiss": "Ignorer", - "document access needs": "", - "document languages": "", + "document access needs": "document access needs", + "document languages": "document languages", "Documents will be sent to participants by:": "Les documents seront envoyés aux personnes participantes par :", "Does :name have lived experience of the people they can connect to?": ":name a-t-il\/a-t-elle une expérience vécue de la réalité des personnes auprès desquelles il\/elle peut servir d’intermédiaire ?", "Does your organization :represent_or_serve_and_support a specific age bracket or brackets?": "Est-ce que votre organisation représente une ou plusieurs tranches d’âge spécifiques ?", @@ -565,14 +565,14 @@ "Engagement": "Consultation", "engagement": "consultation", "engagement description": "description de la consultation", - "engagement description (English)": "", - "engagement description (French)": "", - "engagement format": "", + "engagement description (English)": "engagement description (English)", + "engagement description (French)": "engagement description (French)", + "engagement format": "engagement format", "Engagement materials": "Documents de consultation", "Engagement meetings": "Réunions de la consultation", "engagement name": "nom de la consultation", - "engagement name (English)": "", - "engagement name (French)": "", + "engagement name (English)": "engagement name (English)", + "engagement name (French)": "engagement name (French)", "Engagements": "Consultations", "Engagements by organizations that I have saved on my notification list": "Consultations menées par les organisations que j’ai enregistrés dans ma liste de notifications", "Engagements that are looking for people that my organization represents or supports": "Consultations qui recherchent des personnes que mon organisation représente ou soutient", @@ -592,8 +592,8 @@ "ethnoracial group": "ethnoracial group", "Ethnoracial identity": "Identité ethnoraciale", "ethnoracial identity": "identité ethnoraciale", - "ethnoracial identity connections": "", - "ethnoracial identity constituencies": "", + "ethnoracial identity connections": "ethnoracial identity connections", + "ethnoracial identity constituencies": "ethnoracial identity constituencies", "Experiences": "Expériences", "experience working with organizations to create inclusive consultations, identify barriers, and create accessibility plans.": "expérience de travail avec des organisations pour créer des consultations inclusives, identifier les obstacles et créer des plans en matière d’accessibilité.", "External team": "Équipe externe", @@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ "Finding out about new projects": "Découvrir les nouveaux projets", "Find learning materials, best practices, and variety of tools to help you throughout the consultation process.": "Supports d’apprentissage, meilleures pratiques et une variété d’outils pour vous aider tout au long du processus de consultation.", "Find people with disabilities, Deaf people and community organizations (for example, disability or other relevant civil society organizations, like Indigenous groups), to consult with on your accessibility project.": "Trouvez des personnes en situation de handicap, des personnes sourdes et des organisations communautaires (par exemple, des organisations de personnes en situation de handicap ou d’autres organisations pertinentes de la société civile, comme les groupes autochtones), à consulter dans le cadre de votre projet en matière d’accessibilité.", - "finished introduction": "", + "finished introduction": "finished introduction", "First language": "Première langue", "first language": "first language", "First Nations": "Premières Nations", @@ -660,8 +660,8 @@ "further directions": "autres directives", "Gender and sexual identity": "Identités sexuelles et de genre", "Gender and sexuality": "Genre et sexualité", - "gender and sexuality connections": "", - "gender and sexuality constituencies": "", + "gender and sexuality connections": "gender and sexuality connections", + "gender and sexuality constituencies": "gender and sexuality constituencies", "Gender diverse": "Gender diverse", "Gender fluid people": "Personnes de genre fluide", "Gender identity": "Identité de genre", @@ -692,18 +692,18 @@ "groups you can connect to": "groupes auprès desquels vous pouvez agir comme intermédiaire", "Guidelines and best practices": "Lignes directrices et meilleures pratiques", "Hard-of-hearing": "Personnes malentendantes", - "has age bracket connections": "", - "has age bracket constituencies": "", - "has ethnoracial identity connections": "", - "has ethnoracial identity constituencies": "", - "has gender and sexuality connections": "", - "has gender and sexuality constituencies": "", - "has indigenous connections": "", - "has indigenous constituencies": "", - "has other disability connection": "", - "has other disability constituency": "", - "has other ethnoracial identity connection": "", - "has other ethnoracial identity constituency": "", + "has age bracket connections": "has age bracket connections", + "has age bracket constituencies": "has age bracket constituencies", + "has ethnoracial identity connections": "has ethnoracial identity connections", + "has ethnoracial identity constituencies": "has ethnoracial identity constituencies", + "has gender and sexuality connections": "has gender and sexuality connections", + "has gender and sexuality constituencies": "has gender and sexuality constituencies", + "has indigenous connections": "has indigenous connections", + "has indigenous constituencies": "has indigenous constituencies", + "has other disability connection": "has other disability connection", + "has other disability constituency": "has other disability constituency", + "has other ethnoracial identity connection": "has other ethnoracial identity connection", + "has other ethnoracial identity constituency": "has other ethnoracial identity constituency", "Have more questions?": "Vous avez encore des questions ?", "Have questions?": "Vous avez des questions ?", "Have trouble meeting the access needs of your participants?": "Vous avez du mal à répondre aux besoins en matière d’accessibilité des personnes participantes ?", @@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ "If you are looking for a specific :attribute, you must select at least one.": "If you are looking for a specific :attribute, you must select at least one.", "If you are seeking a Community Connector for this engagement, there are a few ways to find one:": "Si vous recherchez une personne facilitatrice communautaire pour cette consultation, plusieurs moyens s’offrent à vous :", "If you delete your account:": "Si vous supprimez votre compte :", - "If you did not create an account, no further action is required.": "", + "If you did not create an account, no further action is required.": "If you did not create an account, no further action is required.", "If you did not expect to receive an invitation to this :invitationable_type, you may discard this email.": "Si vous ne vous attendiez pas à recevoir une invitation pour ce\/cette :invitationable_type, vous pouvez ignorer ce courriel.", "If you have an additional access need you must describe it.": "Si vous avez des besoins additionnels en matière d’accessibilité, veuillez les décrire.", "If you have forgotten your password, please enter the email address that you used to sign up for The Accessibility Exchange. We will email you a link that will let you choose a new password.": "Si vous avez oublié votre mot de passe, veuillez entrer l’adresse courriel que vous avez utilisée pour vous inscrire au Connecteur pour l’accessibilité. Nous vous enverrons par courriel un lien qui vous permettra de choisir un nouveau mot de passe.", @@ -765,8 +765,8 @@ "Including government departments, agencies and Crown Corporations": "Comprend les ministères, les agences et les sociétés d'État", "Incomplete": "Vous n’avez pas encore complété cette étape.", "Indigenous": "Autochtone", - "indigenous connections": "", - "indigenous constituencies": "", + "indigenous connections": "indigenous connections", + "indigenous constituencies": "indigenous constituencies", "Indigenous group": "Indigenous group", "Indigenous identity": "Indigenous identity", "Individual": "Individu", @@ -781,12 +781,12 @@ "Initiated by": "Lancé par", "In order to create a successful exchange, we ask Consultation Participants to provide this information so that The Accessibility Exchange can match Consultation Participants with an engagement that is looking for someone with your experiences.": "Afin de créer un échange réussi, nous demandons aux personnes participant à des consultations de fournir ces informations afin que le Connecteur pour l’accessibilité puisse mettre en relation les participants à des consultations avec une consultation à la recherche d’une personne ayant votre expérience.", "In person": "En personne", - "in person access needs": "", + "in person access needs": "in person access needs", "In progress": "En cours", "In Progress": "En cours", "Interests": "Intérêts", "Internal team": "Équipe interne", - "intersectional": "", + "intersectional": "intersectional", "Intersectional - This engagement is looking for people who have all sorts of different identities and lived experiences, such as race, gender, age, sexual orientation, and more.": "Intersectionnel - Cette consultation s’adresse à toute personne, peu importe leurs axes d’identités intersectionnels (telles que la race, le sexe, l’âge, l’orientation sexuelle) et leurs expériences vécues.", "Intersectional outreach": "Approche intersectionnelle", "Intervenor": "Intervenant", @@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ "Interviews will take place between :start and :end.": "Les entrevues auront lieu dans la période du :start au :end.", "Introduction video": "Vidéo de présentation", "Inuit": "Inuit", - "invitation": "", + "invitation": "invitation", "Invite": "Envoyer des invitations", "Invite new member": "Inviter un nouveau membre", "Invite others to your organization": "Invitez d’autres personnes à rejoindre votre organisation", @@ -816,14 +816,14 @@ "Join our accessibility community": "Rejoignez notre communauté en faveur de l’accessibilité", "Keeping my information up to date": "Maintenir mes informations à jour", "Language": "Langue", - "language": "", + "language": "language", "Language: :locale": "Langue: :locale", "Language :language added.": "Langue :language ajoutée.", "Language :language removed.": "Langue :language supprimée.", "Language :number": "Langue :number", "Language added.": "Langue ajoutée.", - "language connections": "", - "language constituencies": "", + "language connections": "language connections", + "language constituencies": "language constituencies", "Language groups": "Communautés linguistiques", "Language preferences": "Préférences linguistiques", "Language removed.": "Langue supprimée.", @@ -858,8 +858,8 @@ "link to join the meeting": "lien pour rejoindre la réunion", "Lived and living experiences": "Expériences vécues", "Lived experience": "Expérience vécue", - "lived experience connections": "", - "lived experience constituencies": "", + "lived experience connections": "lived experience connections", + "lived experience constituencies": "lived experience constituencies", "lived experience of disability, or of being Deaf, or both": "l’expérience vécue du handicap, de la surdité, ou des deux", "lived experience of disability or of being Deaf, or of both": "expérience vécue du handicap ou de la surdité, ou des deux", "lived experiences": "lived experiences", @@ -867,9 +867,9 @@ "Living in urban, rural, or remote areas": "Vivant dans des zones urbaines, rurales ou éloignées", "Location": "Emplacement", "Location :number": "Emplacement :number", - "location city or town": "", - "location province or territory": "", - "location type": "", + "location city or town": "location city or town", + "location province or territory": "location province or territory", + "location type": "location type", "Mailing Address": "Adresse postale", "Mailing address": "Adresse postale", "main menu": "menu principal", @@ -897,17 +897,17 @@ "Materials will be provided in the following languages:": "Le matériel sera disponible dans les langues suivantes :", "Me": "Moi", "means that a field is required.": "singifie qu’un champ est requis.", - "meeting access needs": "", + "meeting access needs": "meeting access needs", "meeting date": "date de la réunion", "Meeting dates": "Dates de réunion", "meeting end time": "heure de fin de la réunion", "Meetings": "Réunions", - "meeting software": "", + "meeting software": "meeting software", "meeting start time": "heure de début de la réunion", "meeting time zone": "fuseau horaire de la réunion", "meeting title": "titre de la réunion", - "meeting title (English)": "", - "meeting title (French)": "", + "meeting title (English)": "meeting title (English)", + "meeting title (French)": "meeting title (French)", "Member": "Membre", "Members of our team have received the following training:": "Les membres de notre équipe ont suivi les formations suivantes :", "Men": "Hommes", @@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ "New Estimate Request from :projectable": "Nouvelle demande de devis de :projectable", "Newfoundland and Labrador": "Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador", "Newfoundland Standard or Daylight Time": "Heure normale ou heure avancée de Terre-Neuve", - "new language": "", + "new language": "new language", "New password": "Nouveau mot de passe", "New project": "Nouveau projet", "New reports uploaded": "Nouveaux rapports téléversés", @@ -998,8 +998,8 @@ "Notes": "Remarques", "Not everyone has had access to paid or volunteer experiences, but there are a lot of experiences that build certain skills and strengths. You can share more about that here. If you have had paid or volunteer experiences, you can also include that.": "Tout le monde n’a pas forcément eu la possibilité de vivre des expériences rémunérées ou bénévoles, mais il existe de nombreuses expériences qui permettent de développer certaines compétences et forces. Vous pouvez en parler ici. Si vous avez eu des expériences rémunérées ou bénévoles, vous pouvez également le mentionner.", "Nothing found.": "Rien n’a été trouvé.", - "notificationable id": "", - "notificationable type": "", + "notificationable id": "notificationable id", + "notificationable type": "notificationable type", "Notification list": "Liste des notifications", "Notification List": "Liste des notifications", "Notification preferences": "Préférences de notification", @@ -1046,17 +1046,17 @@ "Ontario": "Ontario", "Open call": "Invitation ouverte", "Opens in new tab": "S’ouvre dans un nouvel onglet", - "open to other formats": "", + "open to other formats": "open to other formats", "optional": "optionnel", - "organization": "", + "organization": "organization", "Organization details": "Détails de l’organisation", "Organization information": "Informations sur l’organisation", "Organization information that will set you up for running consultations.": "Renseignements sur l’organisation qui vous permettront de mener des consultations.", "Organization name": "Nom de l’organisation", "organization name": "nom de l’organisation", - "organization name (English)": "", - "organization name (French)": "", - "organizations": "", + "organization name (English)": "organization name (English)", + "organization name (French)": "organization name (French)", + "organizations": "organizations", "organizations and businesses to work on accessibility projects together.": "les organisations et entreprises afin de travailler ensemble sur des projets relatifs à l’accessibilité.", "Organizations can decide which criteria they would like the participants for a project to have. They then have a choice between:": "Les organisations peuvent décider des critères qu’elles souhaitent voir figurer parmi les personnes participantes à un projet. Elles ont alors le choix entre :", "Organization selection criteria": "Critères de sélection des organisations", @@ -1064,35 +1064,35 @@ "Organizations that provide support “for” disability, Deaf, and family-based members. Not constituted primarily by people with disabilities.": "Organisations qui offrent du soutien ou des services aux personnes en situation de handicap, les personnes sourdes et les membres de la famille. Ne sont pas constituées principalement de personnes en situation de handicap.", "Organizations which have some constituency of persons with disabilities, Deaf persons, or family members, but these groups are not their primary mandate. Groups served, for example, can include: Indigenous organizations, 2SLGBTQ+ organizations, immigrant and refugee groups, and women’s groups.": "Organisations qui comptent parmi leurs membres des personnes en situation de handicap, des personnes sourdes ou des membres de leur famille, mais pour qui ces groupes ne constituent pas leur vocation première. Les groupes desservis peuvent inclure : les organisations autochtones, les organisations 2SLGBTQ+, les groupes de personnes migrantes et réfugiées et les groupes de femmes.", "Organizations “of” disability, Deaf, and family-based organizations. Constituted primarily by people with disabilities.": "Organisations de personnes en situation de handicap, de personnes sourdes, et de familles. Constituées principalement de personnes en situation de handicap.", - "organization type": "", + "organization type": "organization type", "Organization website": "Site Internet de l’organisation", "Other": "Autre", - "other": "", + "other": "other", "Other (please describe)": "Autre (veuillez décrire)", "Other (please specify)": "Autre (veuillez préciser)", "Other accepted format": "Autre format accepté", "other accepted format": "autre format accepté", - "other accepted format (English)": "", - "other accepted format (French)": "", - "other accepted formats": "", - "other access need": "", + "other accepted format (English)": "other accepted format (English)", + "other accepted format (French)": "other accepted format (French)", + "other accepted formats": "other accepted formats", + "other access need": "other access need", "Other civil society organizations relevant to people with disabilities, Deaf people, and supporters": "Autres organisations de la société civile pertinentes pour les personnes en situation de handicap, les personnes sourdes et leurs réseaux de soutien", - "other disability connection": "", - "other disability constituency": "", - "other ethnoracial identity connection": "", - "other ethnoracial identity constituency": "", + "other disability connection": "other disability connection", + "other disability constituency": "other disability constituency", + "other ethnoracial identity connection": "other ethnoracial identity connection", + "other ethnoracial identity constituency": "other ethnoracial identity constituency", "Other identities": "Autres axes d’identité", "Other identity groups": "Autres groupes identitaires", - "other identity type": "", - "other payment type": "", + "other identity type": "other identity type", + "other payment type": "other payment type", "Other public sector organization, which is regulated by the Accessible Canada Act": "Autre organisation du secteur public qui est réglementée par la Loi canadienne sur l’accessibilité", "Other – in-person or virtual meeting": "Autre - réunion en personne ou virtuelle", "Other – written or recorded response": "Autre – réponse écrite ou enregistrée", "Our team does not have people with lived and living experiences of disability or being Deaf.": "Notre équipe ne compte pas de personnes en situation de handicap ou de personne sourdes, ou de personnes ayant une expérience vécue du handicap ou de la surdité.", "Our team has people with lived and living experiences of disability or being Deaf.": "Notre équipe compte des personnes en situation de handicap ou des personnes sourdes, ou des personnes ayant une expérience vécue du handicap ou de la surdité.", "Outcomes and reports": "Résultats et rapports", - "Outcomes and reports other": "", - "out of scope": "", + "Outcomes and reports other": "Outcomes and reports other", + "out of scope": "out of scope", "Pacific Standard or Daylight Time": "Heure normale ou avancée du Pacifique", "page": "page", "Page also available in:": "Page également disponible en :", @@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ "Page title": "Titre de la page", "Page translations": "Traductions de la page", "Paid": "Opportunité rémunérée", - "paid": "", + "paid": "paid", "Pain-related disabilities": "Incapacités liées à la douleur", "Parliamentary entities": "Entités parlementaires", "Participant": "Personne participante", @@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ "Please check all that apply.": "Veuillez cocher toutes les cases qui s’appliquent.", "Please choose a new password for The Accessibility Exchange": "Veuillez choisir un nouveau mot de passe pour le Connecteur pour l’accessibilité", "Please choose the language or languages you would like to use on this website.": "Veuillez choisir la ou les langues que vous souhaitez utiliser sur ce site Internet.", - "Please click the button below to verify your email address.": "", + "Please click the button below to verify your email address.": "Please click the button below to verify your email address.", "Please complete this section so that you can be set up to participate.": "Please complete this section so that you can be set up to participate.", "Please complete your engagement details.": "Veuillez compléter les détails de votre consultation.", "Please complete your engagement details so potential participants can know what they are signing up for.": "Veuillez compléter les détails de votre consultation afin que les personnes intéressées puissent savoir à quoi elles s’engagent.", @@ -1241,13 +1241,13 @@ "Prefer not to answer": "Préfère ne pas répondre", "preferred": "préféré", "Preferred contact method": "Méthode de contact privilégiée", - "preferred contact method": "", - "Preferred contact person": "", + "preferred contact method": "preferred contact method", + "Preferred contact person": "Preferred contact person", "Preferred notification method": "Méthode de notification privilégiée", "present": "présent", "Preview page": "Prévisualiser la page", - "previous project": "", - "previous project id": "", + "previous project": "previous project", + "previous project id": "previous project id", "Pricing": "Tarification", "Prince Edward Island": "Île-du-Prince-Édouard", "Printed version of engagement documents": "Version imprimée des documents de consultation", @@ -1256,32 +1256,32 @@ "Privacy Policy": "Politique de confidentialité", "Procurement": "Approvisionnement", "project": "projet", - "projectable id": "", - "projectable type": "", + "projectable id": "projectable id", + "projectable type": "projectable type", "Project by :projectable": "Projet par :projectable", - "project context": "", - "project created by organization type notification setting": "", + "project context": "project context", + "project created by organization type notification setting": "project created by organization type notification setting", "Project details": "Détails du projet", "Project duration": "Durée du projet", "Project end date": "Date de fin du projet", - "project engagement type notification setting": "", + "project engagement type notification setting": "project engagement type notification setting", "Project goals": "Objectifs du projet", "project goals": "objectifs du projet", - "Project goals (English)": "", - "Project goals (French)": "", + "Project goals (English)": "Project goals (English)", + "Project goals (French)": "Project goals (French)", "Project goals must be provided in at least one language.": "Les objectifs du projet doivent être fournis dans au moins une langue.", - "project id": "", + "project id": "project id", "Project impact": "Impact du projet", - "project languages": "", + "project languages": "project languages", "Project name": "Nom du projet", "project name": "nom du projet", - "project name (English)": "", - "Project name (English)": "", - "project name (French)": "", - "Project name (French)": "", + "project name (English)": "project name (English)", + "Project name (English)": "Project name (English)", + "project name (French)": "project name (French)", + "Project name (French)": "Project name (French)", "Project outcome": "Résultat du projet", - "Project outcome (English)": "", - "Project outcome (French)": "", + "Project outcome (English)": "Project outcome (English)", + "Project outcome (French)": "Project outcome (French)", "Project overview": "Aperçu du projet", "Project page incomplete": "Project page incomplete", "Project reports": "Rapports de projets", @@ -1289,8 +1289,8 @@ "Projects and engagements by other organizations": "Projets et consultations d’autres organisations", "Projects by organizations that I have saved on my notification list": "Projets des organisations que j’ai enregistrées dans ma liste de notification", "Project scope": "Portée du projet", - "Project scope (English)": "", - "Project scope (French)": "", + "Project scope (English)": "Project scope (English)", + "Project scope (French)": "Project scope (French)", "Project scope must be provided in at least one language.": "La portée du projet doit être fournie dans au moins une langue.", "Projects I am contracted for": "Projets pour lesquels je suis sous contrat", "Projects I am participating in": "Projets auxquels je participe", @@ -1298,14 +1298,14 @@ "Projects involved in as a Community Connector": "Projects involved in as a Community Connector", "Projects involved in as a Consultation Participant": "Projects involved in as a Consultation Participant", "Projects I’m running": "Projets que je dirige", - "projects notification setting": "", + "projects notification setting": "projects notification setting", "Project start date": "Date de début du projet", "Projects that are looking for people that my organization represents or supports": "Projets cherchant des personnes que mon organisation représente ou soutient", "Projects that are looking for someone with my lived experience": "Projets cherchant une personne ayant une expérience vécue similaire à la mienne", "Project team": "Équipe du projet", "Project timeframe": "Echéancier du projet", "Project Translations": "Traductions du projet", - "project type notification setting": "", + "project type notification setting": "project type notification setting", "Pronouns": "Pronons", "pronouns": "pronons", "Provides Guidance and Resources": "Un lieu pour trouver des conseils et des ressources", @@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ "Providing this information will help us match you to projects that are working on areas of interest to you.": "Fournir ces informations nous aidera à vous jumeler à des projets qui portent sur des domaines qui vous intéressent.", "Province or territory": "Province ou territoire", "province or territory": "province ou territoire", - "public outcomes": "", + "public outcomes": "public outcomes", "Public profile": "Profil public", "Publish": "Publier", "Published": "Publiée", @@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ "Published on :date": "Publié le :date", "Publish page": "Publier la page", "Quebec": "Québec", - "questions": "", + "questions": "questions", "Questions are sent to participants by:": "Les questions sont envoyées aux personnes participantes par :", "Quick exit": "Sortie rapide", "Quick links": "Liens rapides", @@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ "Recruit individuals who are Deaf or have disabilities to give input on your own projects.": "Recrutez des personnes sourdes ou en situation de handicap pour qu’elles donnent leur avis sur vos projets.", "Recruitment": "Recrutement", "Recruitment method": "Méthode de recrutement", - "recruitment method": "", + "recruitment method": "recruitment method", "Refugees": "Refugees", "Refugees and\/or immigrants": "Personnes réfugiées ou migrantes", "Regions": "Régions", @@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ "Regulated organizations": "Organisations sous réglementation fédérale", "Regulated Organizations": "Organisations sous réglementation fédérale", "Regulated organizations hire a Community Connector to connect to certain communities that they may otherwise find difficult to reach. Providing the information about the communities that you have connections to, lets the government and business groups know how you could help them.": "Les organismes réglementés font appel à une personne facilitatrice communautaire afin d’établir des liens avec certaines communautés qu’ils pourraient autrement avoir du mal à rejoindre. En fournissant les informations sur les communautés avec lesquelles vous avez des liens, vous permettez au gouvernement et aux entreprises de savoir comment vous pourriez les aider.", - "Regulated Organization type": "", + "Regulated Organization type": "Regulated Organization type", "Relevant experience": "Expérience pertinente", "Relevant experiences": "Expériences pertinentes", "Relevant experiences (including any volunteer or paid experience)": "Expériences pertinentes (y compris toute expérience bénévole ou rémunérée)", @@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ "Remove this link": "Retirer ce lien", "Remove this location": "Retirer cet emplacement", "Remove this training": "Retirer cette formation", - "report notification setting": "", + "report notification setting": "report notification setting", "represent": "représenter", "Representative organization": "Organisation représentative", "Representative organizations": "Organisation de personnes en situation de handicap ou de personnes sourdes", @@ -1400,18 +1400,18 @@ "Results": "Résultats", "Returned": "Retourné", "Return to dashboard": "Retour au tableau de bord", - "return to engagement": "", + "return to engagement": "return to engagement", "Review and publish engagement details": "Réviser et publier les détails de la consultation", "Review and publish your organization’s public page": "Révisez et publiez la page publique de votre organisation", "Review and publish your public page": "Révisez et publiez votre page publique", - "review and updates notification settings": "", + "review and updates notification settings": "review and updates notification settings", "Review engagement details": "Réviser les détails de la consultation", "Review project": "Réviser le projet", "Review project details": "Vérifier les détails du projet", "Role": "Rôle", - "role": "", + "role": "role", "Roles": "Rôles", - "roles": "", + "roles": "roles", "Roles:": "Rôles :", "Roles and permissions": "Rôles et permissions", "Run by": "Dirigé par", @@ -1471,7 +1471,7 @@ "Show that you are looking for a Community Connector": "Indiquer que vous êtes à la recherche d’une personne facilitatrice communautaire", "show up on search results for them": "apparaître dans les résultats de recherche", "Signed language for interpretation": "Langue signée pour l’interprétation", - "signed language for translation": "", + "signed language for translation": "signed language for translation", "Sign in": "S’identifier", "Sign language interpretation": "Interprétation en langue des signes", "Sign language interpretations": "Interprétation en langue des signes", @@ -1545,10 +1545,10 @@ "Support organization": "Organisation de soutien", "Support organizations": "Organisation de soutien", "Support person, :name": "Nom de la personne accompagnatrice, :name", - "support person requires Video Relay Service (VRS) for phone calls": "", - "support person’s email": "", - "support person’s name": "", - "support person’s phone number": "", + "support person requires Video Relay Service (VRS) for phone calls": "support person requires Video Relay Service (VRS) for phone calls", + "support person’s email": "support person’s email", + "support person’s name": "support person’s name", + "support person’s phone number": "support person’s phone number", "Support phone": "Support phone", "Survey": "Sondage", "Survey materials": "Documents du sondage", @@ -1562,14 +1562,14 @@ "Tap into our support network": "Profitez de notre réseau de soutien", "Team contact": "Contact de l’équipe", "Team Invitation": "Invitation à rejoindre une équipe", - "team size": "", + "team size": "team size", "Tell us about who you are.": "Dites-nous en plus à propos de vous.", "Tell us about your organization, its mission, and what you offer.": "Parlez-nous de votre organisation, de sa mission et de ce que vous offrez.", "Tell us your business name": "Tell us your business name", "Tell us your organization’s name": "Indiquez-nous le nom de votre organisation", "Templates and forms": "Modèles et formulaires", "Temporary disabilities": "Incapacités temporaires", - "term": "", + "term": "term", "terms of service": "conditions d’utilisation", "Terms of Service": "Conditions d’utilisation", "Text": "Texte", @@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ "Time and date": "Heure et date", "Times during the day interviews will be happening": "Heures auxquelles les entrevues auront lieu durant la journée", "Time zone": "Fuseau horaire", - "timezone": "", + "timezone": "timezone", "Title of meeting": "Titre de la réunion", "Title of role": "Titre du rôle ou du poste", "Title of Role": "Titre du rôle ou du poste", @@ -1711,7 +1711,7 @@ "To request an estimate, you must have filled out your project’s engagement details (and meeting information for workshops and focus groups).": "Pour demander un devis, vous devez avoir rempli les détails de la consultation en lien avec votre projet ( ainsi que les informations relatives aux réunions pour les ateliers et les groupes de discussion).", "Trainer": "Personne fomatrice", "Training": "Formation", - "training": "", + "training": "training", "Training by: :author": "Training by: :author", "training date": "training date", "training name": "training name", @@ -1720,15 +1720,15 @@ "training organization or trainer website address": "training organization or trainer website address", "Training Participant": "Personne cherchant à se former", "Training your team has received": "Formation que votre équipe a suivie", - "translatable id": "", - "translatable type": "", + "translatable id": "translatable id", + "translatable type": "translatable type", "Translations": "Traductions", "Trans people": "Personnes transgenres", "Tuesday": "Mardi", "Twitter page": "Page Twitter", "Two-factor authentication": "Authentification à deux facteurs", "Type of organization": "Type d’organisation", - "type of Regulated Organization": "", + "type of Regulated Organization": "type of Regulated Organization", "Types of experiences or identities": "Types d’expériences ou d’identités", "Types of meetings offered": "Types de réunions proposées", "Types of regulated organizations": "Types of regulated organizations", @@ -1749,7 +1749,7 @@ "Urban, rural, or remote": "Urbain, rural ou éloigné", "Urban areas": "Zones urbaines", "using the matching service to match the regulated organization with a group of people who meet the criteria.": "en utilisant le service de jumelage afin de mettre en relation l’organisme réglementé avec un groupe de personnes qui répondent à ses critères.", - "Verify Email Address": "", + "Verify Email Address": "Verify Email Address", "Verify your email": "Vérifiez votre adresse courriel", "Video": "Vidéo", "Video recording": "Enregistrement vidéo", @@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@ "Volunteer": "Bénévole", "VRS": "SRV", "Ways to attend": "Façons de participer", - "ways to attend": "", + "ways to attend": "ways to attend", "Ways to participate": "Façons de participer", "We ask Accessibility Consultants for the following information:": "Nous demandons aux personnes consultantes en matière d’accessibilité de fournir les informations suivantes :", "We ask Community Connectors for the following information:": "Nous demandons aux personnes facilitatrices communautaires de fournir les informations suivantes :", @@ -1852,7 +1852,7 @@ "Which of these areas can you help a regulated organization with?": "Dans lesquels de ces domaines pouvez-vous aider une organisation réglementée ?", "White": "Blanc", "White on black": "Blanc sur noir", - "who": "", + "who": "who", "Who can be a :role?": "Qui peut être une :role?", "Who do you want to engage?": "Qui voulez-vous consulter ?", "who is going through the results": "qui passe en revue les résultats", @@ -1862,7 +1862,7 @@ "Who you’re joining as": "Quel type de compte voulez-vous créer?", "Who’s responsible for going through results and producing an outcome": "Who’s responsible for going through results and producing an outcome", "Why do we ask for this information?": "Pourquoi demandons-nous ces informations ?", - "window flexibility": "", + "window flexibility": "window flexibility", "Women": "Femmes", "Word document": "Document Word", "Working age adults (15–64)": "Adultes en âge de travailler (15-64)", @@ -1873,7 +1873,7 @@ "Would you like to be notified directly when you are added to an engagement as a Community Connector?": "Aimeriez vous recevoir une notification lorsque vous êtes ajouté à une consultation en tant que personne facilitatrice communautaire ?", "Writing": "Réponse écrite", "Writing accessibility reports": "Rédaction de rapports relatifs à l’accessibilité", - "written language for translation": "", + "written language for translation": "written language for translation", "Written language translation": "Traduction en langue écrite", "Written or recorded responses": "Réponses écrites ou enregistrées", "Wrong answer": "Mauvaise réponse",