Web application to see if your PC can play the games you want. Compares your current pc specs to game requirements and gives you a pass check if your system meets the requirements before you buy the game.
Clone repo, install node, run npm i, and then launch application using node server. Navigate to localhost:3001 and browse. Aternatively, visit the live webpage at unplayable.herokuapp.com.
Register an account and update your profile with your computer's specs, cpu, gpu and ram. These values will be taken into account and compared to game descriptions on Steam and let you know if your computer can run them. Search for a game and click the card of the game you wish to play and it will compare your computer's specs to the game's recommended and minimum specs. Currently popular games are shown by default.
Published under the MIT License.
Read more about the license by clicking this link: MIT.
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If you have any questions, please contact us at our github pages.