More screenshots at the bottom.
Deployed Site on Heroku here
Original Github Repo: here
Ecomerce site for watches. This site is a full stack application that uses a Mongo database with a Mongoose schema and handles routes with Express. It also uses React components, and has a GraphQL API. It is deployed using Heroku with a MongoDB Atlas database. Modular design for the front end allows for easy expansion of the site. The site is responsive and works on mobile devices. The site is also accessible to screen readers. The site is also optimized for search engines. Modulization allows for easy redeployment for use in other ecomerce sites.
Coded with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, React, MongoDB, Mongoose, GraphQL, and Heroku.
Imports include: react-router-dom, react-bootstrap, react-icons, react-scroll, react-stripe-checkout, react-transition-group, graphql, graphql-tag, apollo-boost, react-apollo, react-dom, react-scripts, react, stripe, concurrently, nodemon, axios, bcrypt, express, jsonwebtoken, mongoose,validator, dotenv, cors, and path.
CSS handled by: Bootstrap, Font Awesome, and Google Fonts.
Download repo and run npm install in the root directory.
To install necessary dependencies, run the following command:
npm i
All dependencies are listed in the package.json file. The package-lock.json file is also included.
to run the application locally, run the following command:
npm run develop
You can also build the project for the client by running the following command:
npm run build
For testing of the stripe checkout process, use the following test credit card number:
CC# 4242 4242 4242 4242
EXP 04/24
CVC 242
Do not put in a legitimate credit card number. This is a test site.
Browse the watches by category and add the ones you want to purchase to the cart. Once you are ready to checkout your cart, make an account or log in. Use Stripe's simple checkout process to rest at ease knowing your information is secure and then wait for your new watch to arrive!
At this time owner is not accepting any contributions to this project.
Published under the MIT License.
Read more about the license by clicking this link: MIT.
Jerrod Linderman Github: nvmax
Logan Schoerner Github: Logan2391
MaKena Christiansen Github: makenachr
Alec Otterson Github: acotterson
If you have any questions, please contact us at our github pages.