NOTE: This repo isn't ready for use yet. It's currently being refactored from
This is a library for building Svelte web apps to edit GeoJSON files with MapLibre. It includes:
- a toolbox for drawing points, linestrings, and polygons, optionally snapping to a network
- state management -- GeoJSON is autosaved to local storage, with filesystem download and upload. General undo support is planned.
- layers -- objects can be grouped into distinct layers, moved around, hidden, etc
This library is higher-level than collections of drawing tools, such as mapbox-gl-draw and terra-draw. If you want individual tools, see route_snapper and maplibre-draw-polygon. If you don't want opinionated state management and layers, then don't use this.
- There are assumptions about how this library is used -- like there's only one set of controls instantiated per page, so singletons in Svelte stores are fine.
- Controls are styled using the GOV.UK Design System. This isn't planned to be configurable yet.
- Map styling is also hardcoded here.
- Improvements to components should be made here and compatible with the few planned users. When users need more control, we'll explore tradeoffs between copying a bit of code and making things configurabl here. Making everything configurable adds lots of complexity, so won't be a first choice.
TODO: Document all of these
- setting things in config
- map store
- ownership of gjSchemeCollection and initialization gotchas
- govuk
- static assets
- z-order
- making forms and designing a schema
- mapStyle
- maybe change UserSettings local storage sync / key
- upgrade packages
- consider renaming "intervention" and "scheme"
This is a fairly standard Sveltekit project. src/lib
is the library meant for use by others, and src/routes
is a demo site using it. npm i
, then npm run dev
to develop locally.