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@AbhinavTuli AbhinavTuli released this 16 Feb 03:13
· 577 commits to master since this release

Release Notes

  1. Dataset copying has been added allowing you to copy your own and other users' datasets easily. Datasets can be copied across gcs, s3, aws, local storage and hub storage. #454 (@AbhinavTuli)
  2. Many improvements to the benchmarks #508 #512 #531 #545 #550 (@haiyangdeperci @DebadityaPal)
  3. Development Roadmap added #511 (@mynameisvinn)
  4. Improved message for Hub transforms by displaying shard size #523 (@DebadityaPal)
  5. All windows have now been fixed. #528 (@AbhinavTuli)
  6. Hub dataset filtering has been overhauled and a section has been added for the same in the documentation #539 (@AbhinavTuli)
  7. to_tensorflow issues with Datasets containing Sequences (such as coco) have been fixed #540 (@AbhinavTuli)
  8. Adds get_label parameter to .compute() and .numpy(), to directly retrieve string label from ClassLabel #489 (@DebadityaPal)
  9. Tutorial added for using Hub with Hugging Face transformers #536 (@DebadityaPal)
  10. Some unit tests have now been parameterized to cover multiple datatypes #527 (@drewpotter)
  11. From directory function has been implemented to directly ingest categorical image data #459 (@sparkingdark)
  12. Example use case added for creating a Hub dataset for Deep Learning prediction of crop yield #559 (@MargauxMasson)
  13. MPL Headers have been added to source files #494 (@KrishnaChaitanya1)