- 3dviewer.net - Online 3D Model Viewer.
- gcode-viewer - Web-based 3D viewer for GCode files.
- githubiverse - Template for Thingiverse like 3d-file hosting.
- JSModeler - JavaScript framework to create and visualize 3D models.
- thingiview.js - Javascript 3D Model Viewer (not updated since 2011).
- madeleine.js - 3D Model parser & renderer for STL files (ASCII and binary).
- va3c/viewer - 3D Model Viewer with Three.js (buggy).
- hmstl - Generate STL triangle meshes from grayscale height-map images.
- papercraft - Unfolding STL models to make laser cut patterns.
- plater.me - Auto-layout of STL files on print-bed.
- stltwalker - A scriptable interface for STL transformation and accumulation (written in C).
- CuraEngine - C++ console application for 3D printing GCode generation.
- LaserWeb - Self hosted web interface for your laser or cnc mill.
- octoprint.org - Self hosted web interface for your 3D printer.
- Printrun - Pure Python 3d printing host software.
- Repetier - All in one 3D-printing software.