This project is a remake of the classic no-WiFi Dino game found in Google Chrome, implemented in Python using the Pygame library. It features an infinite scrolling background (parallax effect) and replicates the gameplay experience of the original game. It is also a work in progress as of right now.
- Gameplay: The dinosaur will start running automatically. Press SPACE to make the dinosaur jump over the obstacles.
- Scoring: Your score increases as you successfully avoid obstacles. Try to achieve the highest score possible.
- Game Over: If the dinosaur collides with an obstacle, the game ends. You can restart the game by pressing R.
- High Score: Your highest score is recorded and displayed on the game over screen. Try to beat your high score with each playthrough.
SPACE - Jump
R - restart
Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas for improvements or bug fixes, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
4/27/24 - Implemented Parralax infinte scrolling background. Added textures, basic setup etc.
5/1/24 - Added ability to make dino jump, physics etc. Added randomly spawning cactus obstacles.
5/4/24 - Added collisions, death screen, high score, restarting, completed game!