Changelogs: 2023.03.18
- Include Ih8sn for safetynet rather than using commits in source
- removed " show more stats about kernel " as it looked ugly and wasn't quite functional
- overlay: Fix status bar padding & set keyguard_carrier_text_margin to 5dp
- Allow more cached apps in the background
- Compact cached app heaps in the background
- Add device-specific ACDB Loader
- Unlock additional camera framerates
- Configure aux camera for Aperture
- Enable burnin protection in status bar
- Push 120 FPS for ScreenRecorder
- Update deprecated screen power items
- provide support for callscreening
- Enable QPower and Deep sleep at the same time
- Update to Boot Control HAL v1.2
- Smarter decisions on whether to use 2/5Ghz AP
- Increase max bss count
- Remove entry for gEnableNUDTracking
- Disable TDLS offchannel
- Enable support for IEEE80211AX & IEEE80211AC
- Enable automatic channel selection
- Disable RX wakelock feature
- Add support for Jio 5G
- Disable AAudio MMAP
- Removed libdisplayconfig.qti.vendor
- Made Kernel OpenSource
- relax wakeup events and optimize
- move everything to power efficient workqueues
- Kill wakelocks after 30s has elapsed
- Fixed Display flickering
- Switched back to commonized trees as there's no point of it as i'm not going for official