#Agenda for the Zotero Workshop at Cornell, November 20–21, 2014#
This is a tentative agenda. The workshop is small and interactive and we can shorten or extend modules as corresponds to participants' interests and needs.
##Thursday November 20##
###9–9:20 Introduction and Expectations###
- Introduction and Overview
- Additional Agenda Reguest
- Installing Zotero
- The Zotero Client Interface
- Collecting
- Organizing
- Preferences etc.
- Syncing, Groups, and the Zotero Website
- The Word Processor plugins
###Lunch Break: 1:00–2:00###
###2:00–3:30 Teaching & Supporting Zotero###
- What should we teach?
- Tips, tricks, and experiences
- Basic DIY troubleshooting in Zotero
- Supporting Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
- What makes FOSS different?
- Using the Zotero Forum effectively
- Zotero and the Competition
- Zotero's main competitors
- Supporting Zotero alongside other Software
- Migrating to and from Zotero from other Software
###3:40–5:00 Working with unusual materials. Future of Zotero Data Model###
- General Philosophy of Zotero Data Model, relationship to CSL
- Some common issues (Archival Material, Datasets, legal sources, multilingual sources)
- Multilingual Zotero
- Future Plans for Zotero Data Model
##Friday November 21## ###9:00–11:00 Editing Styles###
- A brief introduction to the Citation Style Language (CSL)
- The structure of a CSL citation style
- Editing our own CSL styles with the Columbia University/Mendeley Visual Editor.
###11:00–13:00 Writing Zotero Web Translators###
- Understanding different translator types
- Xpaths and Website Structure
- Writing our own translator.
- Depending on interest this can be basic based on the framework or more generic and advanced.
###Lunch break 13:00–2:00###
###2:00–3:50 Zotero and (not just) Digital Humanities###
- Zotero's components and how they relate
- Beyond Zotero Central
- Using Zotero for analysis
- Papermachine
- CSV export and processing
- Using Zotero Groups to Collect and Display Information
- The First World War Studies Collaborative Bibliography
- ZotPress: Using Zotero and Wordpress
- The Zotero read API (very basic, low-tech introduction)
###4:00–4:50 Zotero, Its Competitors, and Outlook##
- Migrating to and from Zotero to other tools (RefWorks, Endnote, Mendeley)
- Using Zotero together with other tools
- Helping Users Decide
- What's Next for Zotero? Short and Medium-run Plans
- Institutional Subscriptions (if there's interest)
###4:50–5:00 Wrapping up, feedback, staying in touch###