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MIPS and Assembly Programming

Readings: Chapter 2.1-2.3, 2.5-2.10 and 2.12

These unit notes are not designed to replace readings from the book! They are to provide structure to material covered in class and provide you an outline for using the book. You are still required to do the course readings in which you will find much more detail, and those details will be evaluated in quizzes, homework, and exams.

What are assembly languages? And why MIPS?

Assembly languages are called assembly languages because they are assembled into the binary machine code that directly runs on your processor. For example, in the compilation process with C++, when we use g++ to compile a program it goes through a multi-step process. First, compilation, converting the C++ code into assembly, and then that assembly is assembled into a binary program containing the machine instructions. Assembly language forms a human readable, intermediary language that we can use to do basic programming that has a one-to-one mapping to machine instructions.

There are many kinds of assembly languages and variations thereof. Some include, x86, nasm, gas, spark, etc. We will be using MIPS in this class because it contains an expressive but restrictive set of operations that lends itself to teaching. More modern assembly languages/machine instructions such as ARM are based on the same principles as MIPS, and once you understand the basics of one such language, you can learn more.

Instruction Format

All instructions in MIPS have three operands. For example, the C code

A =  B + C

Can be translated to the MIPS instruction

add $s0, $s1, $s2

Here the register $s0 gets the result of adding the values stored in register $s1 and $s2, which in this example have the values preloaded for variables B and C.

Design Principle 1: Simplicity favors regularity

The rigidity of MIPS is a benefit --- it's natural that the sum of two numbers requires three registers, two for the inputs and one to store the result. It makes for more simple instructions, and this will have big consequences when we cover how instructions are loaded and executed on the computer processing unit.

However, rigidity means that there is not a one-to-one mapping between MIPS instructions and lines of a program. For example, the C code

A = B + C + D
E = F - A

Would be translated to multiple lines of MIPS, including the use of temporary storage in registers. For example (assuming the values of B, C, D, and F are preloaded into $s1, $s2, $s3, and $s5):

add $t0, $s1, $s2
add $s0, $t0, $s3
sub $s4, $s5, $s0

We could avoid the temporary variable/register ($t0) here (how might we do that?), but the increased complexity of multiple instructions is unavoidable.

Registers and Memory and Disk

Registers are special storage units that live very close to the processing unit data path.


Registers are typically 32 or 64 bits in size, depending on the architecture of the computer, e.g., 64-bit machines. Performing operations on registers is very fast, and so it is natural that this is favored. This leads to the second principle

Design Principle 2: Smaller is Faster

Performing operations with the smallest set of registers tends to produce faster code, but this is not a hard-and-fast rule. The number of registers is architecture specific. MIPS uses 32 registers. x86/x86_64 has 8 (plus some flags). LLVM has an infinite number of registers! But, the core idea of keeping the complexity of registers and operations low is a key to efficient design.

So then, how does data get into these registers? It is loaded from memory. This is one step further away from the processing unit, so memory loads are slower, but once loaded into a register, operations become fast.

But memory is still faster than the next level data, because even data in memory must be loaded from somewhere. This is disk. So a program executing, must first be loaded from disk into memory, where data is loaded into registers for operations. We will not focus much on disk in this class -- that's for OS and systems.

Memory Addressing

To make memory manageable, we have to apply an abstraction to its organization. Nominally, we consider memory as an array of bytes.

<addr>  <data>
0    | 8-bits |
1    | 8-bits |
2    | 8-bits |
3    | 8-bits |
.      ...

While bytes are nice, words are better. A word is a grouping of bytes that is architecture dependent. In MIPS a word is 4-bytes. So we typically think of an address in memory referencing both the byte or the word of data, depending on the context.

<addr>  <data>
0    | 32-bits/word |
4    | 32-bits/word |
8    | 32-bits/word |
12   | 32-bits/word |
.      ...

There is also this funky thing about addressing for memory layout. We typically draw higher addresses at the top and lower addresses at the bottom. Sometimes this is referred to as a stack diagram. For example, if the array A begins at address 196, we may line it out in memory like below:

C/C++ Code
  int A[4] = {42,68,7,22}

<higher addresses>
 :    :          :
208   |    22    |  A[3] 
204   |    7     |  A[2]
200   |    68    |  A[1]
196   |    42    |  A[0]
 :    :          :
<lower adddresses>

Loading and Storing

Moving data between memory and registers is called loading; placing data back in memory from a register is called storing. This is best seen through example. Consider the following C code.

A[8] = h + A[8]

This is translated with a load-word (lw) and a store-word (sw) in MIPS, assuming the address of the first element in the array is stored in s3.

lw $t0, 32($s3)
add $t0, $s2, $t0
sw $t0, 32($s3)

You may wonder, aren't lw and sw taking 2 arguments? I thought everything takes 3 arguments. It does, we just formatted it differently to make it more readable. The middle argument is an offset.

        |   .--offset
        v   v
    lw $t0, 32($s3) <-- address

Why 32 for the offset? If A stores words, 4-byte values, then index 8 of the array A is at address s3+32 where 32=8*4.

For sw, note that that the storage location (or the destination of the operation) is the second (and third) operand, while the first operand is the value to be stored.

Finally, you might wonder why can't we just do

add $t0, 32($s3), $t0

The answer is that this is actually two operations. It violates the simplicity principality that add/sub should occur only on registers. And moreover the loading/storing of memory should be separated from adding.

Assembly to Machine Code

The human readable assembly language needs to be stored in a format that a machine can read. That means bits. There must be some organization of this data.

In MIPS all instructions, like registers and words of data, are 32-bits long, broken into 6 fields of either 6- or 5-bits wide. For example we can translate the following MIPS code

add $t0, $s1, $s2

into the following layout

 <6-bits> <5-bits><5-bits><5-bits><5-bits><6-bits>
| 000000 | 10001 | 10010 | 01000 | 00000 | 100000 |
  opcode     rs      rt     rd     shamt   funct

Note that we are storing bits and represent this in binary. Each fields is described as

  • op : the basic operation
  • rs : first register source operand
  • rt : second register source operation
  • rd : register destination operand
  • shamt : amount to shift data in register (cover this later)
  • funct : variant of the operand since some operations come in different flavors

In the above example opcode of add is 0 and it's funct is 32=100000 (binary). The registers are numbered for reference in the machine code. $t0 is 8=01000 (binary), $s1 is 17= 10001 (binary), and $s3 is 18=10010 (binary). Here is the mapping of registers to their numeric labeling.


This is all well and fine, but we run into a problem with loading and storing. Recall these operations look like the following.

lw $t0, 16($s3)

Surely, we can map this into the field layout above, but what about this instruction?

lw $t0, 128($s3)

Then, the bits to represent the offset 128 is 10000000 (binary). That's 8 bits long, longer than the 5-bits reserved for register/operand values. Moreover, the offset 128 is not from a register! This is still simple and valid MIPS, leading to another design principle.

Design Principle 3: Good design demands good compromises

We have to a few places where we buck the rules for the purpose of supporting our operations. For loading and storing offset, since they are very specific we can realign our fields to the following:

| opcode |  rs   |   rt  |    const or addr       |
  op.      source  dest   offset

We call this an I-format or "immediate format" while the prior format is an R-format or a register format. In the immediate format, we can use the 16-bit field to represent the value. The op-code for lw is 35 or 100011, $t0 is register 8, and $s3 is register 18. Leading to the following bit layout for I-type

   lw       $s3     $t0        128
| 100011 | 10010 | 01000 | 0000000010000000 |
   op      src      dest      offset

More information on this conversation and other op-codes are found in the book.

Other Immediate Instructions

It's not just loads and stores that use the immediate formats, but also our more common operations, like add and sub, have an immediate version. For these operations, what make them immediate is that they use constants. For example,

I = J + 10

The constant 10 should able to be immediately applied rather than first loaded into the register.

addi $s0,$s1,10

See the green sheet or the book for more examples.

Immediate Large Constants

Our immediate format only handles 16-bit numbered constants, but what if we want larger constants, say up to 32-bits? If we had the address of that constant, say stored in memory, we can issue a lw, but if not, we would like to immediately place that value in memory.

This requires two steps, and we need to break the value into two 16-bit segments. For example, to store the 32-bit sequence 10101010101010100000000000111111 in a register immediately, we need to break it into two 16-bit segments and load/set them into a register in two instructions

lui $t0 1010101010101010
ori $t0 $t0 0000000000111111

The lui instructions places the 16-bits into the upper half of the 32-bit register, zeroing out the remaining lower half bits.

<upper-16-bits>  <lower-16-bits>
1010101010101010 0000000000000000

We can then or immediately with the lower half bits, whose upper half is considered zeros

   1010101010101010 0000000000000000
or 0000000000000000 0000000000111111
   1010101010101010 0000000000111111 -> $t0

Note that or of 0 is the identify, so 1 or 0 is 1 and 0 or 0 is 0.

Big vs. Little Endian

Continuing with the constant above, what decimal number is it?


That might depend on the byte ordering. Each machine does this differently, and there are two standards:

  • Big Endian: Most significant byte first
  • Little Endian: Least significant byte first

Dividing the bits here into 4 bytes

  0-byte  1-byte   2-byte   3-byte
10101010 10101010 00000000 00111111

With Big Endian, this is how we natural read numbers, like 526, is five hundred, and twenty, and six. Then this number would be interpreted as 2863267903 or (-1431699393 ... more on that later!).

In Little Endian, the 0-byte is the least significant byte and the 3-byte is the most significant, leading to the following decimal number 1057008298. Most computers use Little Endian because it is more efficient for most operations since they occur on the least significant bytes.

Conditionals and Branching

A program needs to also be able to execute different code dependent on state information. For example, while-loops and if/else statements. The machine instructions that do this are called conditional branching instructions and when combined with jumping, you can get all the control flow features of higher level programming.

For example, the following C/C++ code

if(i == j)
    h = i + j
//remainder of code

is written in MIPS like

bne $s0, $s1, L1
add $s3, $s0, $s1
L1: //remainder of code

The bne instruction stands for "branch if not equal", and so it performs a test on its two operands $s1 and $s2 to determine equivalence. If they are equal, it does not branch, or jump to the label, and the add instruction executes. Otherwise, it jumps to the label L1 and executes the remainder of the code.

Check out the book for other branching instructions!

To do more complex branching, say for a if/else we need a new instruction called the jump instruction. For example, the following C code

if ( i != j)
    h = i + j
    h = i - j
//remainder of code

to the following MIPS where beq stands for branch when equal.

beq $s4, $s5, L1
add $s3, $s4, $s5
j L2
L1: sub $s3, $s4, $s5
L2: //remainder of code

The jump instruction j will jump-over the instruction sub to label L2, essentially avoiding the else-branch of the code. Also note, that a labeled instructions, like L2, is executed in sequence with the one above it. If the else-branch is taken, then we execute the sub instruction followed by the remainder of the code. Labels do not affect control, but are rather points by which we can jump from other instructions. Labeled instructions still execute in sequence.

Another item to notice with a jump instruction is that it is yet another machine code format, this time with only one operand. The machine layout of this instruction is called a j-type.

< 6-bits><------------26-bits--------------->
| opcode |            address                | 

The address is the address of an instruction, as stored in memory. The labels are the human readable portion we use when we write the code. When the MIPS is assembled, and the addresses are known, then they get filled in with the true values.


The last control flow instructions we need are loops. But, we actually already have that embedded within branching instructions we already have. For example, consider the C/C++ code

do {
    g = g + A[i]
    i = i+j;
}while( i != h );

We can use a branch instruction to jump backwards in the instructions, forming a loop

L1: add $t1, $s3, $s3  # t1 = i+i = 2i
add $t1, $t1, $t1      # t1 = 2i + 2i = 4i
add $t1, $t1, $s5      # t1 = &A[i] (& <- address of operator in C/C++)
lw $t0, 0($t1)         # t0 = A[i] (dereference pointer of t1 toget the value)
add $s1, $s1, $t0      # g = g + A[i]
add $s3, $s3, $s4      # i = i + j
bne $s3, $s2, L1       # go to L1 if i != h (h stored in $s2)


There are some instructions which are easier for us to write, but actually should be translated into multiple machine instructions. As such, they are not actually part of the core MIPS, but we might write the down anyway, where at compilation/assembly they get converted.

A good example is the blt instruction, or "branch less than". We can write this down, but in reality, we actually use slt instruction, or "set less than". For example

blt $s1, $s2, L2

Can be written like

slt $t0, $s1, $s2
bne $t0, $zero, L2

The slt instruction sets the register $t0 to 0 or 1 depending on the comarison of $s1 and $s2 -- 1 if less than. So we can use the the bne instruction to see if the result is not zero (using the special $zero register).

We can similarly do the same of a "move" instruction which historically moves one register to another, like in C.

A = B
mov $s2, $s1

But we don't have a move instruction. Instead we can use an add to do the same

add $s2, $s1, $zero

Why not have all of these instructions? They would add complexity to the language, especially for encoding, and so we choose to simplify. However, we may refer to the pseudo-instructions to help clarify some of our discussion, and you could even program using pseudo-instructions in our MIPS simulator.

Procedures and Functions

To do function calls, these are a lot like jumps, but there will be additional state, such as arguments, variables, and return values that must also be maintained, not to mention, keeping track of which prior instruction to return to following this one. In MIPS we use the term procedure and function interchangeably, but both refer to the same general thing you'd be familiar with in C/C++.

For the purpose of examples, we will refer to the following functions

void func1(){
    int a,b,c,d;
    a = func2(b,c,d);

int func2(int b, int c, int d){
    int x,y,z;
    return x;

To execute these procedures, a few things have to happen between the caller procedure (func1) and the callee (func2).

  • (STEP 1) Caller must place parameters where the callee procedure can access them

  • (STEP 2) Caller transfer control to the callee

  • (STEP 3) Callee allocates memory for its procedures

  • (STEP 4) Callee does the tasks (body of function)

  • (STEP 5) Callee places the results somewhere for the caller procedure can access the return value

  • (STEP 6) Return control back to the caller

STEP 1: Parameter passing

The caller is responsible for passing parameters to the callee procedures, i.e., the function arguments. This is done by setting the $a0, $a1, $a2 and $a3 registers, or the argument registers.

What happens if there are more than 4 arguments? Well, we can use the stack ... but more on that later.

What happens if the callee changes the registers? Well, that can happen, so if the caller needs those values later, it is the responsibility of the caller to preserve that information.

STEP 2: Transferring Control

Consider a function call in abstraction. When you make such a call, once the called function finishes, control of the program returns the point in which the call occurred. We need to do the same thing, but in assembly. We will need to not only jump to the procedure but also remember where we jumped from.

The jal instruction, jump and link, does just that. It will jump to an address and save the return address (the place to jump after the procedure finishes on return) in the special register $ra (return address registers).

How is the return address calculated? This is actually quite easy, consider the following snippet of MIPS

jal Func1     # <- PC
add $s1,$s2,$s3 # <- PC+4

Clearly, after the Func1 finishes, we want to execute the add instruction. At the jal instruction, the program counter or PC references the jal instruction. A jump just changes the PC to point somewhere else in the code, but since every instruction is exactly 4 bytes wide, we know the return address is exactly 4-bytes more than the current program counter.

Where is the program counter stored? Well, of course, it's in another register! It's not a register you can set directly, but instead, its value changes after each instruction completes, e.g., by adding 4, or via branching or jumping instructions, based on the provided label or address.

However, as we will see, just having the return address stored in a register is not going to be enough because we can have nested procedures, so we'll need to also eventually save it lest it get overwritten by another jal instruction.

STEP 3: Storage for the Callee on the Stack

The local storage for a function, as you might recall from C/C++, is scoped for just that function. Operations that occur on those local variables should have no impact on variables outside of that function.

There is a similar notion for procedures in MIPS where if a procedure wants to use stable registers, e.g., registers that begin $s* like $s0-$s9, it is the responsibility of the callee procedures to preserve the previous values of those registers and restore them before return.

To do this, we use something called the stack which is used for runtime storage and procedure/function management. The current address of the bottom of the stack is stored in a special register called $sp.

We can think of this memory like an array, but a bit counter-intuitive, from the address of $sp moving upwards towards higher addresses is already used memory, maybe from other procedures. Moving towards lower address, subtracting from the stack pointer, is unallocated memory

:              :  (higher addresses)
|  other       |
|   funcs      |  <- $sp+12
|    data      |  <- $sp+8
|     ...      |  <- $sp+4
'--------------'  <- $sp (bottom of the stack)          
       |          <- $sp-4
       v          <- $sp-8
                  <- $sp-12
                  (lower addresses)

So we can subtract from the stack pointer to allocate more memory, and then use that newly allocated memory to store the stable registers before use.

addi $sp, $sp, -12   #allocated 12/4= 3 4-byte values on the stack
sw   $s1, 8($sp)
sw   $s2, 4($sp)
sw   $s3, 0($sp)

So after this, we have the following picture of our stack

:              :  (higher addresses)
|  other       |
|   funcs      |  <- $sp+20
|    data      |  <- $sp+16
|     ...      |  <- $sp+12 (old bottom of the stack)
|     $s3      |  <- $sp+8
|     $s2      |  <- $sp+4
|     $s1      |  <- $sp    (new bottom of the stack
'--------------'  <- $sp-4 
                  (lower addresses)

STEP 4: Callee Execution/Function Body

At this point, the PC references the callee's instructions. The callee can access the arguments in $a0-$a3 and/or any additional information that the caller set on the stack. During the execution procedure, the callee can use all the registers available to it, including stable ones if they were saved.

What if the callee needs more local variables, perhaps more than the number of registers? Well then it can use the stack. Assembly languages that do not have as many registers as MIPS --- x86/x86_64 make due with 6! --- allocate space on the stack by subtracting from the stack pointer and then load/store data back and forth from the registers and the stack. We won't do that too much here, but you should know it is possible.

STEP 5: Return Values

Just as most arguments are going to be passed via registers, so will return values. The registers $v0 and $v1 are used to return a value from a procedure. If it is a 32-bit value, then only $v0 is used, otherwise if it is a 64-bit value, then $v1 stores the higher order bits while $v0 stores the lower order bits.

You should also know that you can return values via the stack, but this is not standard on MIPS. Other assembly languages use this design decision.

STEP 6: Returning Control to Caller

With the return value set in the $v0-$v1 registers, the last step is to reload the stable registers, de-allocate on the stack, and jump back to the caller.

Returning to the example from above, where we stored stable registers $s1-$s3 we can reload them prior to return, as well as de-allocate the stack space by adding to the stack pointer.

lw $s3, 0($sp)     #restore register $s3
lw $s2, 4($sp)     #restore register $s2
lw $s1, 8($sp)     #restore register $s1
addi $sp, $sp, 12  #de-allocate 12/4=3 4-byte memory from stack

With that done, we can now jr (jump-register) to the caller based on the return address saved in $ra

jr $ra

Nested Procedures

What happens when one function calls another function and another function and so on. There are a few things that might get clobbered that we would need to be careful about.

  • Return Address: $ra would be set to a new return address and so the calling function will need to save and restore the $rabefore calling the next function.

  • Temporary Registers: $t0-$t7 could be changed by the callee but contain relevant data for the caller, and so would need to be saved and restored once the callee returns.

  • Argument Registers: $a0-$a3 would need to be changed so the caller function can pass arguments to the callee, but maybe the caller is using them?

All of this can be preserved easily by using the stack. So the caller would need to allocate and store all registers that would need to persist onto the stack and then restore them when the callee returns.

In MIPS that we describe this region of stack space as the activation record of the function frame. The function frame is all the stack data associated with the current executing function, and the activation record of the frame is the portion used to restore the stack and registers back to the state prior to calling this function so that control can be returned to the caller.

We use another special registers $fp, the frame pointer, to track function- or stack-frames. While the stack pointer points to the bottom of the stack, the frame pointer indicates the top of the frame pointer. By adjusting the stack and frame pointers, you can track function calls, saving and restoring state as functions are called and returned.

For example, visually, the caller function's frame might look like this.

:             :
|             |
|-------------| <-- $fp
|  caller     |
|    stack    |
|      frame  |
|-------------| <-- $sp 

Following, the function call:

:             :
|             |
|  caller     | 
|    stack    | 
|      frame  | 
|-------------| <-- $fp
|  saved regs |
| saved ret   |
|    address  |
|.............|    (callee's stack frame)
| saved       |
|   registers |
| local func  |
|    data     | 
|-------------| <-- $sp

Once the procedure ends, we can reset the register state, including $sp and $fp, which would give us the original state prior to the call.

Nested Function Example

To see this in action, let's convert the following function procedure into assembly:

int cloak(int n){
    if( n < 1 ) return 1;
    else return n * dagger(n-1);

Note first that cloak takes one argument, an int, and returns an argument. Additionally, we have a conditional branch with the if/else, and a procedure call to dagger. Further, there are two return points. There's more than a few things happening here that we need to track.

To start, let's establish the stack frame for cloak. I'm not going to use the frame pointer as a reference for the stack frame, but some examples in MIPS may do so. This one is simple enough we won't need that.

    addi $sp, $sp -8    #allocate 2 words of stack space
    sw $ra, 4($sp)      #save old return address
    sw $s0, 0($sp)      #save caller's $s0 

    move $s0, $a0       #from now on, use $s0 for variable n

    li  $t0, 1
    bge $s0, $t0, ELSE  # if n>=1 go to ELSE  
    addi $v0, $zero, 1  # return value to 1
    lw $ra, 4($sp)      # restore the return address
    lw $s0, 0($sp)      # restore caller's $s0
    addi $sp, $sp, 8    # deallocate memory
    jr $ra              # jump back to the return address

    addi $a0, $s0, -1   # set $a0 = n-1  
    jal dagger          # call dagger procedure
    mul $v0, $s0, $v0   # n * dagger(n-1)  
                        # n is stored in $s0, dagger(n-1) is stored in $v0  
                        # set $v0 = n* dagger(n-1) [return value in $v0]
    lw $ra, 4($sp)      # restore the return address
    lw $s0, 0($sp)      # restore caller's $s0
    addi $sp, $sp, 8    # deallocate memory
    jr $ra              # jump back to the return address

Notice that there are two different return points! A smart compiler may simplify this further by jumping to a return point, labeled cloack_return below.

    addi $sp, $sp -8    #allocate 2 words of stack space
    sw $ra, 4($sp)      #save old return address
    sw $s0, 0($sp)      #save caller's $s0 

    move $s0, $a0       #from now on, use $s0 for variable n

    li  $t0, 1
    bge $s0, $t0, ELSE  # if n>=1 go to ELSE  
    addi $v0, $zero, 1  # return value to 1
    j clock_return
    addi $a0, $s0, -1   # set $a0 = n-1  
    jal dagger          # call dagger procedure
    mul $v0, $s0, $v0   # n * dagger(n-1)  
                        # n is stored in $s0, dagger(n-1) is stored in $v0  
                        # set $v0 = n* dagger(n-1) [return value should be in $v0]
    lw $ra, 4($sp)      # restore the return address
    lw $s0, 0($sp)      # restore caller's $s0
    addi $sp, $sp, 8    # deallocate memory
    jr $ra              # jump back to the return address

Now let's consider dagger. What if we were to replace dagger with cloak, like in C:

int cloak(int n){
    if( n < 1 ) return 1;
    else return n * cloack(n-1); //the dagger is the cloak!

This results in the factorial function! If were to modify our code above to call cloak

    addi $sp, $sp -8    #allocate 2 words of stack space
    sw $ra, 4($sp)      #save old return address
    sw $s0, 0($sp)      #save caller's $s0 

    move $s0, $a0       #from now on, use $s0 for variable n

    li  $t0, 1
    bge $s0, $t0, ELSE  # if n>=1 go to ELSE  
    addi $v0, $zero, 1  # return value to 1
    j clock_return
    addi $a0, $s0, -1   # set $a0 = n-1  
    jal clock           # **** call clock!!! 
    mul $v0, $s0, $v0   # n * clock(n-1)  
                        # n is stored in $s0, clock(n-1) is stored in $v0  
                        # set $v0 = n* clock(n-1) [return value in $v0]
    lw $ra, 4($sp)      # restore the return address
    lw $s0, 0($sp)      # restore caller's $s0
    addi $sp, $sp, 8    # deallocate memory
    jr $ra              # jump back to the return address

Everything would be fine, even if the procedure is calling itself. That's because we used good practice to preserve and restore registers through procedure calls.

Alternative Architectures

MIPS is far from the single architecture nor is it a dominant architecture. Some you may have heard of are Intel, ARM, AMD, SPARC.

One defining characteristic of architectures is if there are RISC or CISC: Regular or Complex instruction sets. MIPS is a regular instruction set (all instructions are 32-bits wide), as well as ARM, but Intel instructions set tend to be complex, the width of instructions can vary.

The most dominant architecture is Intel's 80x86 (or x86) and the AMD 64-bit extension. This architecture is CISC, and instructions can be from 1-byte to 17-bytes wide. However, at the PC, they are translated into RISC instructions using proprietary micro-instructions. x86 is dominant in laptops/desktops/servers, but on mobile devices and IoT ARM is dominant. ARM is a RISC ISA, and due to its simplicity and plethora of chips that support it, it has proliferated on mobile and embedded devices. It is not as fast as x86 variants, but it's fast enough for nearly all settings.

Here, we only covered a subset of the MIPs ISA, and you will need to refer to the book and the green card to understand the fuller picture. Additionally, more info on other ISA's is found in the book.