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Antonio (Damião) Rodrigues edited this page Feb 24, 2016 · 10 revisions


Tool to perform simple analytical evaluations on a network using RIDs (i.e. Bloom Filters) for packet forwarding.


Tool to perform simple analytical evaluations on a network using RIDs (i.e. Bloom Filters) for packet forwarding.


Test rid-analytics quickly by running a simple example (tested on OS X El Capitan 10.11.2, Darwin Kernel Version 15.2.0).

Hopefully, the complaints from the command line will be enough to tell you if you need to install anything :P

Example scenario

We will be testing the scenario depicted below

Here we consider a requester R1 requesting name N from the network. Content reachable via name N can be stored by producers C1,2 or 3 at different points in the network.

The network is hierarchically organized in tiers. Endpoints (e.g. R1 and C1,2 or 3) connect to the network via the lowest tier (t1 or 'tier 1'). The request is first looked up in a router @t1. If no positive matches happen (either false or true), the request is sent up to tier 2 and so on.

A few more characteristics for our scenario:

  • 3 tiers
  • 4(4-t) domains per tier
  • We consider 4 FP rate distributions per tier:
    • H(igh) FP: All tiers 10-1
    • L(ow) FP: All tiers 10-6
    • I(ncreasing) FP (from t1 to t3): {10-6, 10-3, 10-1}
    • D(ecreasing) FP: {10-1, 10-3, 10-6}
  • 2 ALPHA distributions per tier:
    • H(igh)A: 10-1
    • L(ow)A: 10-3
  • 3 cases for cache locations {# of content sources @t1,@t2,@t3}:
    • {1,1,1}
    • {0,1,1}
    • {0,0,1}

Running the example

Open Terminal and run the following list of commands:

$ git clone

$ cd rid-analytics

$ git checkout present

$ make

$ bash --config-dir test/configs/example --data-dir test/data/example --graph-dir test/graphs/example


After running run-example you should have some .png and pdf files on test/graphs/example/. Look down for a description.


This chart shows the relative frequency (in %) of each possible outcome on the network shown above, for the {0,0,1} cache configuration (i.e. a request has to go up to tier 3 to get to the content, at C3). The x axis shows all possible FP & ALPHA combinations.

By the way, the possible outcomes are:

  • Correct: Request is delivered to the correct cache, i.e. C3.
  • Incorrect: Request is delivered to an incorrect destination (due to the occurrence FPs). In this case, this never happens.
  • Feedback/Fallback: Request is relayed to the origin server (which in this case coincides with C3). There are two strategies for relays:
    • Feedback: Say that a FP is detected at router in t2. The request is sent back to the source, which then sends it towards C3.
    • Fallback: If a FP is detected at a router, it is immediately sent towards C3 and not sent back to the requester. This results in lower latencies (more on latencies here).
  • Dropped: If a router doesn't know what to do with a request, it simply drops the packet.

Avg. Latencies

This one shows how avg. latencies vary for each FP & ALPHA combination. This is for the case in which both C2 and C3 can correctly serve the request. Therefore, the minimum latency is 5 hops (green line): 2 hops to get up to t2, 1 hop to peer to another domain in t2, 2 more hops down to C2. The origin server is considered to be at C3: by the same reasoning, its latency can be easily derived to be 7 hops (red line). Obviously, the 'feedback' (pink) relaying method takes more time than 'fallback' (light green).

How do we calculate this avg. value? Each outcome can happen with a certain probability. Our model calculates the probability for each possible outcome, given a particular <FP per tier, ALPHA per tier, cache distance> configuration (editable via .scn files in test/configs/example/. Also, each one of these outcomes will have an associated latency (in nr. of hops). All we have to do in the end is:

$\text{avg. latency}=\sum^{\forall O_i} P_i,L_i$

, in which:

  • $O_i$: Some outcome $i$, e.g. 'request packet delivered to a particular incorrect destination through t2'.
  • $P_i$: Probability of $O_i$ happening. $\sum^{\forall i} P_i = 1$.
  • $L_i$: Latency for outcome $O_i$ (in nr. of hops).

Probability DAGs

If you want, you can visualize what the possible outcomes are, along with their associated probabilities, in the form of a probability Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). We use a tool called Graphviz for that.

E.g. to do so for the case of high FP rates (hfp) and low ALPHA (la), you have to run:

$ cd test/data/example/cache.2/

$ dot -Tpdf -o ../../../graphs/example/

$ open ../../../graphs/example/

This will yield the following DAG:

Here's how you roughly read it:

  • Each node in the DAG corresponds to a particular lookup outcome, i.e. the outcome of an RID lookup at some router lying in one of the possible paths of an RID packet. An RID lookup can yield the following outcomes:
    • TPO: Lookup Only returns TRUE positive entries. The packet is correctly forwarded.
    • SFP: Lookup yields a Single match, and it's a FALSE positive. The packet is incorrectly forwarded.
    • MHS: Lookup yields multiple matches (or Hits), all pointing to the Same interface. This could include both TRUE and FALSE positives. If there are TRUE positives in the table, the packet is correctly forwarded; if not, the packet is incorrectly forwarded.
    • MHD: Lookup yields multiple matches, pointing to Different interface. A FP is detected mid-way. The packet is immediately relayed.
    • DEF: Lookup cannot find a positive entry in the RID table, either FALSE or TRUE. Packet is either sent to the tier above OR dropped (if we're already at the top tier).
  • ORI00: Root of the DAG, the initial outcome (i.e. 'the request is issued by R1').
  • <outcome>(<curr. level>:<to level>): A possible router lookup outcome (intermediate).
  • <outcome>(<curr. level>:EOP): Similar to the above, but in this case, the packet reaches reaches the end of its life as an RID packet ('End Of Path'). This can happen if the packet is delivered to a correct/incorrect destination, or if it is relayed upon the occurrence of an MHD lookup outcome at some router.
  • Each edge has the associated probability of jumping between 2 particular lookup outcomes.
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