this is a forge of gencolormap program by Martin Lambers
These tools generate color maps for visualization. A variety of methods for sequential, diverging, and qualitative maps is available.
The color map generation is contained in just two C++ files (colormap.hpp
) and requires no additional libraries. You can simply copy these
two files to your own project.
Two frontends are included:
- a GUI for interactive use, the GUI requires Qt.
- and a command line tool for scripting. The command line tool requires no libraries,
The following papers are implemented:
- M. Lambers. Interactive Creation of Perceptually Uniform Color Maps. Proc. EuroVis Short Papers, May 2020.
- M. Wijffelaars, R. Vliegen, J.J. van Wijk, E.-J. van der Linden. Generating color palettes using intuitive parameters. Computer Graphics Forum 27(3), May 2008.
- K. Moreland. Diverging Color Maps for Scientific Visualization. Proc. Int. Symp. Visual Computing, December 2009.
- D. A. Green. A colour scheme for the display of astronomical intensity. Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India 39(2), June 2011.
- J. McNames. An Effective Color Scale for Simultaneous Color and Gray-Scale Publications. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 23(1), January 2006.
Notes about the color spaces used internally:
- We use D65 white everywhere
- RGB means linear RGB; we also have sRGB
- RGB and sRGB values are in [0,1]
- XYZ, LUV, and similar values are in the original range (not normalized);
- often this is [0,100]
- All angles (for hue) are measured in radian
Generate color maps for scientific visualization purposes.
- Decide which type of color map you need and how many colors the map should contain.
- Allocate memory for you color map (3 * unsigned char for each color entry).
- Call the function that generates your color map.
- the return value is always the number of colors that had to be clipped to fit into sRGB; you want to keep that number low by adjusting parameters.
- All colors are represented as unsigned char sRGB triplets, with each value in [0,255] range
I have converted library and CLI program to the one file program and added some info functions
for all original versions
sudo apt-get install qt6-base-dev
cd gencolormap
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
My one file program
g++ g.cpp -Wall -Wextra -lm
./a.out --help
./a.out -H
./a.out -f ppm > a.ppm
./a.out -t brewer-qualitative -f ppm > b.ppm
Usage: ./a.out [option...]
Generates a color map and prints it to standard output.
Prints the number of colors that had to be clipped to standard error.
Common options:
[-f|--format=csv|json|ppm] Set output format
[-n|--n=N] Set number of colors in the map
Brewer-like color maps:
[-t|--type=brewer-sequential] Generate a sequential color map
[-t|--type=brewer-diverging] Generate a diverging color map
[-t|--type=brewer-qualitative] Generate a qualitative color map
[-h|--hue=H] Set default hue in [0,360] degrees
[-c|--contrast=C] Set contrast in [0,1]
[-s|--saturation=S] Set saturation in [0,1]
[-b|--brightness=B] Set brightness in [0,1]
[-w|--warmth=W] Set warmth in [0,1] for seq. and div. maps
[-d|--divergence=D] Set diverg. in deg for div. and qual. maps
Perceptually uniform color maps:
[-t|--type=pusequential-lightness] Sequential map, varying lightness
[-t|--type=pusequential-saturation] Sequential map, varying saturation
[-t|--type=pusequential-rainbow] Sequential map, varying hue (rainbow)
[-t|--type=pusequential-blackbody] Sequential map, varying hue (black body)
[-t|--type=pusequential-multihue] Sequential map, varying hue (custom)
[-t|--type=pudiverging-lightness] Diverging map, varying lightness
[-t|--type=pudiverging-saturation] Diverging map, varying saturation
[-t|--type=puqualitative-hue] Qualitative map, evenly distributed hue
[-l|--lightness=L] Set lightness in [0,1]
[-L|--lightness-range=LR] Set lightness range in [0.7,1]
[-s|--saturation=S] Set saturation in [0,1]
[-S|--saturation-range=SR] Set saturation range in [0.7,1]
[-h|--hue=H] Set default hue in [0,360] degrees
[-d|--divergence=D] Set diverg. in deg for div. and qual. maps
[-r|--rotations=R] Set number of rotations for rainbow maps
[-T|--temperature=T] Set start temp. in K for black body maps
[-R|--temperature-range=TR] Set range for temperature in K
[-V|--hue-values=H0,H1,...] Set hue values in [0,360] for multi-hue maps
[-P|--hue-positions=P0,P1,...] Set hue positions in [0,1] for multi-hue maps
CubeHelix color maps:
[-t|--type=cubehelix] Generate a CubeHelix color map
[-h|--hue=H] Set start hue in [0,180] degrees
[-r|--rotations=R] Set number of rotations, in (-infty,infty)
[-s|--saturation=S] Set saturation, in [0,1]
[-g|--gamma=G] Set gamma correction, in (0,infty)
Moreland diverging color maps:
[-t|--type=moreland] Generate a Moreland diverging color map
[-A|--color0=sr,sg,sb] Set the first color as sRGB in [0,255]
[-O|--color1=sr,sg,sb] Set the last color as sRGB in [0,255]
McNames sequential color maps:
[-t|--type=mcnames] Generate a McNames sequential color map
[-p|--periods=P] Set the number of periods in (0, infty)
Defaults: format=csv, n=256, type=brewer-sequential
./a.out -v
gencolormap version 2.3
Copyright (C) 2022 Computer Graphics Group, University of Siegen.
Written by Martin Lambers <>.
This is free software under the terms of the MIT/Expat License.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
- 1D-RGB-color-gradient
- 1D RGB gray gradients or wave forms
- hsluv-color-gradient
- 1D-pastel-color-gradient-HSV
- 2D-color-gradient-or-Procedural-texture
- Mandelbrot-set-with-blended-gradients
Git original repos ( the web frontend)
git clone
git clone
Init new repo and first commit
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main