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An approach to provide a source of light to the needy people during any pandemic situation. Basically, Aashray is a sanskrit word which means a shelter. As the name suggests, our app aims to provide shelter and food for the needy people stucked in any pandemic situation. By getting real-time location of the user, the app locates a self offered Aashray or shelter or a food source provided by the volunteer who offered by their consent.

Download direct Apk from here

Steps to Run the App

  1. As we assume that flutter is properly installed on the machine, please do follow the below steps to test the App.
Note: The App is currently built for Android only.
  1. Git clone the project into the directory of your choice.
git clone
  1. Change directory to Aashray
cd ./Aashray
  1. We need to add the required Directions API key and Maps API key at the specified locations.
Read here:
  1. Add the Google Map API key in the AndriodManifest.xml file in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml directory on line 42
<meta-data android:name=""
            android:value="Google API key"/>
  1. Add the Directions API key in the locate_aashray.dart file in lib/Classes/locate_aashray/locate_aashray.dart on line 32
final String googleAPiKey = "Directions API key";
  1. Run the following commands to download all required dependancies.
flutter clean
flutter pub get
  1. Now after doing all the necessary steps, we are ready to run the App.
flutter run

Feature tour:

Basic 4 Functionalities are available in case of any non emergency or an emergency situation.
Default Screen Aashray Screen
In this default page, you can volunteer for Aashray
or Food
Here you can see and edit your entered aashray
One Two
Food Provider Screen Emergency Screen
Here you can see and edit your entered details for
providing a meal
This screen will let you know the emergency and
provide aashray or food provider's details
Three Four

Features to be implemented:

Two features are in development and are to be rolled in the next update. Here are some glimpses

Latest News ChatBot Help
Here you can see the latest global News. It will
make you aware of the current situation
about any mishap.
This unique feature will provide an extra
help in any situation.
One Two

Steps to Test the App

You need to create a testing location in Firebase Firestore database for emergency screen

  1. We assume that firebase project is already created for the app and google-services.json is added to android/app. Follow the below steps to test.
i. Setup Firebase Auth.
ii. Add SHA Keys in the project.
iii. Create Firebase Firestore Database. 
  1. Create a Collection named Disaster Locations


  1. Create a Document named Your area Pincode e.g 440001 (In)

  2. Add field Type and value with any type of disaster as shown.


  1. Good to go!
Your location is added in emergency locations. You can test the Emergency Screen now.


1. Thankyou Flaticon for the required vector images. Visit here to know more
2. Thankyou Freepik for the required images and graphics. Visit here to know more
3. Thankyou Lottiefiles for the required animation files. Visit here to know more
4. Thankyou Flutter team for making app development easier and faster. Visit here to know more

A Team work by

1. Adarsh Nagrikar



2. Harshita Soni



3. Advika Metre




Aashray Project.






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