Adastack is an open-source Cardano explorer with 130+ pages of resources and tools.
The website displays projects building in the Cardano ecosystem.
Project Links
Contributions are welcome.
Here's where to go:
- Contribute content or code: Contribute to the open-source Github code here. Feel free to add resources, write descriptions, improve written guides, remove broken links, fix bugs, modify code, or make any other improvements. If you are non-technical, the easiest way to suggest changes is using the "Edit this Page" button on the right side of nearly all pages, though not available on mobile.
- Suggest Features or Report Bugs: Submit an issue to suggest features or report bugs. Please provide as many details as possible.
- Ask a Question: Use the discussion area to ask a question and get answers from the developers and community.
Clone the repository onto your local machine
git clone
Navigate to the top level of the directory and install the site's dependencies
pnpm i
Start the development server
pnpm dev
and visit localhost:3000.
The site's tech stack includes Tailwind, React, Next, and Nextra.
The site's content is composed in markdown.
The website's code is open-source, released under the MIT license for the benefit of the Cardano community.