A simple app for a direct comparison between Objective-C/Xcode and RubyMotion
Sample app built for my presentation on RubyMotion on 21 May 2013 for bentonville.rb in Bentonville, AR.
Slidedeck: https://speakerdeck.com/addamh/introduction-to-rubymotion
I set out to give a talk on RubyMotion to our local Ruby developer group (bentonville.rb) and decided to build an app in Objective-C, the usual iOS way, and have a direct translation of it in RubyMotion. I built the app first in RubyMotion. It was my first attempt at a RubyMotion yet it only took around 10 minutes to complete. Needless to say I was pretty surprised how easy it was! After building it in RubyMotion, I started building the exact same app in Objective-C. It took over an hour.
[I'll build out this README more later. Hopefully will have a blog post up in the next day or so also!]