In this tutorial we analyze casino.evm. This is creation bytecode and we will demonstrate how to find the methods of the smart contract.
First, we load casino.evm in Ghidra:
And load the ghidra_bridge server in the background as we did in the first tutorial:
When we launch, only one function, the _dispatcher is found:
$ python3 helper/ casino.evm
_ _ _
__ _| |__ (_) __| |_ __ __ _ _____ ___ __ ___
/ _` | '_ \| |/ _` | '__/ _` |_____ / _ \ \ / / '_ ` _ \
| (_| | | | | | (_| | | | (_| |_____| __/\ V /| | | | | |
\__, |_| |_|_|\__,_|_| \__,_| \___| \_/ |_| |_| |_| v.0.1
[*] Parsing bytecode...
[*] Setting analysis options....
[*] Creating CFG...
[*] Resolving jumps...
<cfg BasicBlock@83-89>
Finishes at: 0x89
JUMP to: 0x8a
<cfg BasicBlock@0-10>
Finishes at: 0x10
JUMPI to: 0x15
<cfg BasicBlock@15-82>
Finishes at: 0x82
JUMPI to: 0x8a
[*] Exploring functions...
Found function _dispatcher
[*] Analyzing....
[*] Disassemble all....
This functions calls CODECOPY from 0x9a with a size of 0x967 bytes. We can try to load this code, extract its CFG and try to find functions using scripts/search_codecopy:
_ _ _
__ _| |__ (_) __| |_ __ __ _ _____ ___ __ ___
/ _` | '_ \| |/ _` | '__/ _` |_____ / _ \ \ / / '_ ` _ \
| (_| | | | | | (_| | | | (_| |_____| __/\ V /| | | | | |
\__, |_| |_|_|\__,_|_| \__,_| \___| \_/ |_| |_| |_| v.0.1
[*] Looking for _dispatcher...
[*] Searching for CODECOPY operands...
CODECOPY found at ram:00000021
CODECOPY found at ram:00000095
CODECOPY found at ram:00000978
[*] Reading RAM: 0x967 bytes at 0x9a
We see that up to 3 CODECOPY instructions are found. The last one corresponds to a byte of the metadata hash and we ignore it. The first one contains a subset of the bytes of the second one, at 0x95 that we use to analyze its CFG further on:
[*] Exploring functions...
Found function: _dispatcher at: ram:0000009a
Found function: _fallback at: ram:0000013e
Found function: numberOfBets() at: ram:00000140
Found function: checkPlayerExists(address) at: ram:0000016b
Found function: kill() at: ram:000001c6
Found function: playerInfo(address) at: ram:000001dd
Found function: bet(uint256) at: ram:0000023b
Found function: owner() at: ram:0000025b
Found function: 0xab62a0a0 at: ram:000002b2
Found function: minimumBet() at: ram:000002dd
Found function: players(uint256) at: ram:00000308
Found function: totalBet() at: ram:00000375
[*] Analyzing....
[*] Disassemble all....
We can now see the function selector and the different JUMPS where the method chosen to be executed by the contract is sent:
As well as a list of new functions detected by cfg_evm_builder: