Sweetect is an application that could classify food images with their Sugar and Calorie level. Sweetect is built using a machine learning model that is trained with the Food101 Dataset (https://www.kaggle.com/dansbecker/food-101). Sweetect Website is written in html, css, javascript, and the ML model is wrapped using Python Flask web service. Sweetect Android is written in Kotlin and developed using Android Studio. The website app is containerize using Docker and deployed onto Google Cloud Platform (GCP)'s service Google Cloud Run (GCR). Sweetect is available on Website and Android App:
According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), In 2019 Indonesia is 7th in the world with 10.7 million people suffering from diabetes. Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, SpPD-KEMD said on World Diabetes Day 2020: "Indonesians suffer most from diabetes type 2 which is caused by unhealthy lifestyle." Unhealthy lifestyles, such as consuming food or drink with high calories, and sugar may lead to diabetes. Our research questions consist of: How to monitor our daily sugar and calorie intake from food, how to create a machine learning model to detect sugar and calorie from food, how to evaluate the machine learning model, how to implement the machine learning model to an Android app or a Web app. We want to create a platform to help people monitor their sugar and calorie intake so they can have a healthier lifestyle.
Ferdy Rahmaesa Suarial (A2292216) - Mobile Programming (Android) - Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Ayuk Hidayanti (A3142803) - Mobile Programming (Android) - Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Cut Aisyah Yunan (C3353001) - Cloud Computing - Universitas Yarsi
Pashadidan Fadhillah (C0050394) - Cloud Computing - Universitas Bina Nusantara
Adhi Setiawan (M0060603) - Machine Learning - Universitas Brawijaya
Ahimsa Imananda (M3352994) - Machine Learning - Universitas Yarsi