Serverless telegram bot running on Cloudflare Workers
After the bot is deployed you need to set the telegram webhook. You can do so with any of the following
- sha256sum(YourTelegramSecretKey) is the path to your webhook commands and should be put at the end of your worker URL to access commands such as setting your webhook
- Use
echo -n yoursecretkey | sha256sum
to get the path - Open the Cloudflare Worker Logs under Workers > cf-workers-telegram-bot > Logs > Begin log stream and make a GET request (open it in your browser) to your Worker URL and look at the logs to see your Access URL
- Run
wrangler tail --format pretty
from inside your git repository and make a GET request to your Worker URL
Example URL for setting the Webhook and dropping pending updates:
Commands are
set the webookget
get information on the webhookdelete
delete the webhook