To set up the extension and start using these APIs, see the Getting Started Guide.
APIs |
trackSessionStart |
trackPlay |
trackPause |
trackComplete |
trackSessionEnd |
trackError |
trackEvent |
updateCurrentPlayhead |
updateQoEObject |
The extensionVersion API returns the version of the Media for Edge Network extension.
static var extensionVersion: String
let extensionVersion = EdgeMedia.extensionVersion
+ (nonnull NSString*) extensionVersion;
NSString *extensionVersion = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia extensionVersion];
Registers the Media for Edge Network extension with the Mobile Core extension.
The extension registration occurs by passing the Media for Edge Network extension to the MobileCore.registerExtensions API.
static func registerExtensions(_ extensions: [NSObject.Type],
_ completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)
import AEPEdgeMedia
+ (void) registerExtensions: (NSArray<Class*>* _Nonnull) extensions
completion: (void (^ _Nullable)(void)) completion;
@import AEPEdgeMedia;
[AEPMobileCore registerExtensions:@[AEPMobileEdgeMedia.class] completion:nil];
Creates a media tracker instance that tracks the playback session. The created tracker should be used to track the streaming content and it sends periodic pings to the Media Collection Service.
static func createTracker()
let tracker = Media.createTracker() // Use the instance for tracking media playback session.
+ (void) createTracker
id<AEPEdgeMediaTracker> tracker;
_tracker = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createTracker]; // Use the instance for tracking media playback session.
Creates a media tracker instance based on the provided configuration to track the playback session.
Key | Description | Value | Required |
"" | The channel name for media. Set this to overwrite the channel name configured in the Data Collection UI for media tracked with this tracker instance. | String | No |
"config.mainpinginterval" | Overwrites the default main content tracking interval (in seconds) . The value should be in the allowed range [10-50] seconds . The default value is 10 seconds. |
Int | No |
"config.adpinginterval" | Overwrites the default ad content tracking interval (in seconds) . The value should be in the allowed range [1-10] seconds . The default value is 10 seconds. |
Int | No |
static func createTrackerWith(config: [String: Any]?)
var config: [String: Any] = [:]
config[MediaConstants.TrackerConfig.CHANNEL] = "custom-channel" // Overwrites channel configured in the Data Collection UI.
config[MediaConstants.TrackerConfig.AD_PING_INTERVAL] = 1 // Overwrites ad content ping interval to 1 second.
config[MediaConstants.TrackerConfig.MAIN_PING_INTERVAL] = 30 // Overwrites main content ping interval to 30 seconds.
let tracker = Media.createTrackerWith(config: config) // Use the instance for tracking media playback session.
+(id<AEPEdgeMediaTracker> _Nonnull) createTrackerWithConfig:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable)
id<AEPEdgeMediaTracker> _tracker;
NSMutableDictionary* config = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
config[AEPEdgeMediaTrackerConfig.CHANNEL] = @"custom-channel"; // Overrides channel configured in the Data Collection UI
_tracker = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createTrackerWithConfig:config]; // Use the instance for tracking media playback session.
Creates an instance of the Media object which is a dictionary that contains information about the media.
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | The friendly name of the media | Yes |
id | The unique identifier for the media | Yes |
length | The length of the media in seconds | Yes |
streamType | StreamType | Yes |
mediaType | MediaType | Yes |
static func createMediaObjectWith(name: String,
id: String,
length: Int,
streamType: String,
mediaType: MediaType) -> [String: Any]?
let mediaObject = Media.createMediaObjectWith(name: "video-name",
id: "videoId",
length: 60,
streamType: MediaConstants.StreamType.VOD,
mediaType: MediaType.Video)
+ (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable) createMediaObjectWith:(NSString * _Nonnull) id:(NSString * _Nonnull) length:(NSInteger) streamType:(NSString * _Nonnull) mediaType:(enum AEPEdgeMediaType)
NSDictionary *mediaObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createMediaObjectWith:@"video-name"
Creates an instance of the AdBreak object which is a dictionary that contains information about the ad break.
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | The friendly name of ad break such as pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll | Yes |
position | The numeric position of the ad break within the content, starting with 1 | Yes |
startTime | The playhead value in seconds at the start of the ad break | Yes |
static func createAdBreakObjectWith(name: String,
position: Int,
startTime: Int) -> [String: Any]?
let adBreakObject = Media.createAdBreakObjectWith(name: "adbreak-name",
position: 1,
startTime: 0)
+ (NSDictionary <NSString *, id> * _Nullable) createAdBreakObjectWith:(NSString * _Nonnull)position:(NSInteger) startTime:(NSInteger)
NSDictionary *adBreakObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createAdBreakObjectWith:@"adbreak-name"
Creates an instance of the Ad object which is a dictionary that contains information about the ad.
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | The friendly name of the Ad | Yes |
id | The unique identifier for the Ad | Yes |
position | The numeric position of the Ad within the ad break, starting with 1 | Yes |
length | The length of Ad in seconds | Yes |
static func createAdObjectWith(name: String,
id: String,
position: Int,
length: Int) -> [String: Any]?
let adObject = Media.createObjectWith(name: "ad-name",
id: "ad-id",
position: 0,
length: 30)
+ (NSDictionary <NSString *, id> * _Nullable) createAdObjectWith: (NSString * _Nonnull
id:(NSString * _Nonnull)
NSDictionary *adObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createAdObjectWith:@"ad-name"
Creates an instance of the Chapter object which is a dictionary that contains information about the chapter.
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | The friendly name of the Chapter | Yes |
position | The numeric position of the Chapter within the content, starting with 1 | Yes |
length | The length of Chapter in seconds | Yes |
startTime | The playhead value at the start of the chapter | Yes |
static func createChapterObjectWith(name: String,
position: Int,
length: Int,
startTime: Int) -> [String: Any]?
let chapterObject = Media.createChapterObjectWith(name: "chapter_name",
position: 1,
length: 60,
startTime: 0)
+ (NSDictionary <NSString *, id> * _Nullable) createChapterObjectWith:(NSString * _Nonnull)
NSDictionary *chapterObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createChapterObjectWith:@"chapter_name"
Creates an instance of the QoE (Quality of Experience) object which is a dictionary that contains information about the quality of experience.
Parameter | Description | Required |
bitrate | The bitrate of media in bits per second | Yes |
startupTime | The start up time of media in seconds | Yes |
fps | The current frames per second | Yes |
droppedFrames | The number of dropped frames so far | Yes |
All the QoE values bitrate, startupTime, fps, droppedFrames would be converted to Int64 for reporting purposes.
static func createQoEObjectWith(bitrate: Int,
startupTime: Int,
fps: Int,
droppedFrames: Int) -> [String: Any]?
let qoeObject = Media.createQoEObjectWith(bitrate: 500000,
startupTime: 2,
fps: 24,
droppedFrames: 10)
+ (NSDictionary <NSString *, id> * _Nullable) createQoEObjectWith:(NSInteger)
NSDictionary *qoeObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createQoEObjectWith:500000
Creates an instance of the Player State object which is a dictionary that contains information about the player state.
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | The player state name. Use Player State constants to track standard player states | Yes |
static func createStateObjectWith(stateName: String) -> [String: Any]
let fullScreenState = Media.createStateObjectWith(stateName: "fullscreen")
+ (NSDictionary <NSString *, id> * _Nullable) createStateObjectWith:(NSString * _Nonnull)
NSDictionary* fullScreenState = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createStateObjectWith:AEPEdgeMediaPlayerState.FULLSCREEN]
The following APIs are tracker instance dependent. Please create tracker instance usingcreateTracker
and call the following APIs.
Tracks the intention to start playback. This starts a tracking session on the media tracker instance. To resume a previously closed session, see the media resume guide.
Parameter | Description | Required |
mediaInfo | Media information created using the createMediaObjectWith method |
Yes |
contextData | Optional Media context data. For standard metadata keys, use standard video constants or standard audio constants. | No |
public func trackSessionStart(info: [String: Any], metadata: [String: String]? = nil)
let mediaObject = Media.createMediaObjectWith(name: "video-name", id: "videoId", length: 60, streamType: MediaConstants.StreamType.VOD, mediaType: MediaType.Video)
var videoMetadata: [String: String] = [:]
// Sample implementation for using video standard metadata keys
videoMetadata[MediaConstants.VideoMetadataKeys.SHOW] = "Sample show"
videoMetadata[MediaConstants.VideoMetadataKeys.SEASON] = "Sample season"
// Sample implementation for using custom metadata keys
videoMetadata["isUserLoggedIn"] = "false"
videoMetadata["tvStation"] = "Sample TV station"
tracker.trackSessionStart(info: mediaObject, metadata: videoMetadata)
+ (void) trackSessionStart:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nonnull) metadata:(NSDictionary<NSString *,NSString *> * _Nullable)
NSDictionary *mediaObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createMediaObjectWith:@"video-name" id:@"video-id" length:60 streamType:AEPEdgeMediaStreamType.VOD mediaType:AEPEdgeMediaTypeVideo];
NSMutableDictionary *videoMetadata = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// Sample implementation for using standard video metadata keys
[videoMetadata setObject:@"Sample show" forKey:AEPEdgeMediaVideoMetadataKeys.SHOW];
[videoMetadata setObject:@"Sample Season" forKey:AEPEdgeMediaVideoMetadataKeys.SEASON];
// Sample implementation for using custom metadata keys
[videoMetadata setObject:@"false" forKey:@"isUserLoggedIn"];
[videoMetadata setObject:@"Sample TV station" forKey:@"tvStation"];
[_tracker trackSessionStart:mediaObject metadata:videoMetadata];
Tracks the media play, or resume, after a previous pause.
func trackPlay()
- (void) trackPlay;
[_tracker trackPlay];
Tracks the media pause.
func trackPause()
- (void) trackPause
[_tracker trackPause];
Tracks the completion of the media playback session. Call this method only when the media has been completely viewed. If the viewing session is ended before the media is completely viewed, use trackSessionEnd
func trackComplete()
- (void) trackComplete
[_tracker trackComplete];
Tracks the end of a media playback session. Call this method when the viewing session ends, even if the user has not viewed the media to completion. If the media is viewed to completion, use trackComplete
func trackSessionEnd()
- (void) trackSessionEnd
[_tracker trackSessionEnd];
Tracks an error in media playback.
Parameter | Description | Required |
errorID | The custom error Identifier | Yes |
func trackError(errorId: String)
tracker.trackError(errorId: "errorId")
- (void) trackError:(NSString * _Nonnull)
[_tracker trackError:@"errorId"];
Tracks media events.
Parameter | Description | Required |
event | The media event being tracked, use Media event constants | Yes |
info | For an AdBreakStart event, the AdBreak information is created by using the createAdBreakObjectWith method.For an AdStart event, the Ad information is created by using the createAdObjectWith method.For a ChapterStart event, the Chapter information is created by using the createChapterObjectWith method.For a StateStart and StateEnd event, the State information is created by using the createStateObjectWith method. |
Yes/No* |
metadata | Optional context data can be provided for AdStart and ChapterStart events. This is not required for other events. |
No |
- info is a required parameter for
events. Not set for any other event types.
func trackEvent(event: MediaEvent, info: [String: Any]?, metadata: [String: String]?)
Tracking ad breaks
// AdBreakStart
let adBreakObject = Media.createAdBreakObjectWith(name: "adbreak-name", position: 1, startTime: 0)
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.AdBreakStart, info: adBreakObject, metadata: nil)
// AdBreakComplete
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.AdBreakComplete, info: nil, metadata: nil)
Tracking ads
// AdStart
let adObject = Media.createObjectWith(name: "adbreak-name", id: "ad-id", position: 0, length: 30)
// Standard metadata keys provided by adobe.
var adMetadata: [String: String] = [:]
adMetadata[MediaConstants.AdMetadataKeys.ADVERTISER] = "Sample Advertiser"
adMetadata[MediaConstants.AdMetadataKeys.CAMPAIGN_ID] = "Sample Campaign"
// Custom metadata keys
adMetadata["affiliate"] = "Sample affiliate"
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.AdStart, info: adObject, metadata: adMetadata)
// AdComplete
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.AdComplete, info: nil, metadata: nil)
// AdSkip
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.AdSkip, info: nil, metadata: nil)
Tracking chapters
// ChapterStart
let chapterObject = Media.createChapterObjectWith(name: "chapter_name", position: 1, length: 60, startTime: 0)
let chapterDictionary = ["segmentType": "Sample segment type"]
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.ChapterStart, info: chapterObject, metadata: chapterDictionary)
// ChapterComplete
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.ChapterComplete, info: nil, metadata: nil)
// ChapterSkip
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.ChapterSkip, info: nil, metadata: nil)
Tracking player states
// StateStart
let fullScreenState = Media.createStateObjectWith(stateName: MediaConstants.PlayerState.FULLSCREEN)
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.StateStart, info: fullScreenState, metadata: nil)
// StateEnd
let fullScreenState = Media.createStateObjectWith(stateName: MediaConstants.PlayerState.FULLSCREEN)
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.StateEnd, info: fullScreenState, metadata: nil)
Tracking playback events
// BufferStart
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.BufferStart, info: nil, metadata: nil)
// BufferComplete
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.BufferComplete, info: nil, metadata: nil)
// SeekStart
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.SeekStart, info: nil, metadata: nil)
// SeekComplete
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.SeekComplete, info: nil, metadata: nil)
Tracking bitrate change
// If the new bitrate value is available provide it to the tracker.
let qoeObject = Media.createQoEObjectWith(bitrate: 500000, startupTime: 2, fps: 24, droppedFrames: 10)
// Bitrate change
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.BitrateChange, info: nil, metadata: nil)
- (void) trackEvent:(enum AEPEdgeMediaEvent) info:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nullable) metadata:(NSDictionary<NSString *,NSString *> * _Nullable)
Tracking ad breaks
// AdBreakStart
NSDictionary *adBreakObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createAdBreakObjectWith:@"adbreak-name" position:1 startTime:0];
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventAdBreakStart info:adBreakObject metadata:nil];
// AdBreakComplete
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventAdBreakComplete info:nil metadata:nil];
Tracking ads
// AdStart
NSDictionary *adObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createAdObjectWith:@"ad-name" id:@"ad-id" position:0 length:30];
NSMutableDictionary* adMetadata = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// Standard metadata keys provided by adobe.
[adMetadata setObject:@"Sample Advertiser" forKey:AEPEdgeMediaAdMetadataKeys.ADVERTISER];
[adMetadata setObject:@"Sample Campaign" forKey:AEPEdgeMediaAdMetadataKeys.CAMPAIGN_ID];
// Custom metadata keys
[adMetadata setObject:@"Sample affiliate" forKey:@"affiliate"];
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventAdStart info:adObject metadata:adMetadata];
// AdComplete
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventAdComplete info:nil metadata:nil];
// AdSkip
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventAdSkip info:nil metadata:nil];
Tracking chapters
// ChapterStart
NSDictionary *chapterObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createChapterObjectWith:@"chapter_name" position:1 length:60 startTime:0];
NSMutableDictionary *chapterMetadata = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[chapterMetadata setObject:@"Sample segment type" forKey:@"segmentType"];
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventChapterStart info:chapterObject metadata:chapterMetadata];
// ChapterComplete
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventChapterComplete info:nil metadata:nil];
// ChapterSkip
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventChapterSkip info:nil metadata:nil];
Tracking player states
// StateStart
NSDictionary* fullScreenState = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createStateObjectWith:AEPEdgeMediaPlayerState.FULLSCREEN];
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventStateStart info:fullScreenState metadata:nil];
// StateEnd
NSDictionary* fullScreenState = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createStateObjectWith:AEPEdgeMediaPlayerState.FULLSCREEN];
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventStateEnd info:fullScreenState metadata:nil];
Tracking playback events
// BufferStart
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventBufferStart info:nil metadata:nil];
// BufferComplete
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventBufferComplete info:nil metadata:nil];
// SeekStart
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventSeekStart info:nil metadata:nil];
// SeekComplete
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventSeekComplete info:nil metadata:nil];
Tracking bitrate change
// If the new bitrate value is available provide it to the tracker.
NSDictionary *qoeObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createQoEObjectWith:50000 startTime:2 fps:24 droppedFrames:10];
// Bitrate change
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventBitrateChange info:nil metadata:nil];
Provides the current media playhead value to the media tracker instance. For accurate tracking, call this method every time the playhead value changes. If the player does not notify playhead value changes, call this method once every second with the most recent playhead value.
Parameter | Description | Required |
time | Current playhead value in seconds. For video-on-demand (VOD), the value is specified in seconds from the beginning of the media item. For live streaming, if the player does not provide information about the content duration, the value can be specified as the number of seconds since midnight UTC of that day. |
Yes |
When using progress markers, the content duration is required and the playhead value needs to be updated as the number of seconds from the beginning of the media item, starting with 0.
func updateCurrentPlayhead(time: Int)
Live streaming example
//Calculation for number of seconds since midnight UTC of the day
let secondsSince1970: TimeInterval = (Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
let timeFromMidnightInSecond = secondsSince1970.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 86400)
tracker.updateCurrentPlayhead(time: timeFromMidnightInSecond)
- (void) updateCurrentPlayhead:(NSInteger)
[_tracker updateCurrentPlayhead:1];
Provides the media tracker with the current Quality of Experience (QoE) information. For accurate tracking, call this method every time the media player provides the updated QoE information.
Parameter | Description | Required |
qoeObject | Current QoE information that was created by using the createQoEObjectWith method. |
Yes |
func updateQoEObject(qoe: [String: Any])
let qoeObject = Media.createQoEObjectWith(bitrate: 500000, startupTime: 2, fps: 24, droppedFrames: 10)
tracker.updateQoEObject(qoe: qoeObject)
- (void) updateQoEObject:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> * _Nonnull)
NSDictionary *qoeObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createQoEObjectWith:50000 startTime:2 fps:24 droppedFrames:10]
[_tracker updateQoEObject:qoeObject];
Defines the type of media that is currently being tracked. It can be either MediaType.Video
or MediaType.Audio
public enum MediaType: Int, RawRepresentable {
//Constant defining media type for Video streams
case Audio
//Constant defining media type for Audio streams
case Video
var mediaObject = Media.createMediaObjectWith(name: "video-name",
id: "videoId",
length: "60",
streamType: MediaConstants.StreamType.VOD,
mediaType: MediaType.Video)
NSDictionary *mediaObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createMediaObjectWith:@"video-name"
Defines the type of streamed content that is currently being tracked. Use the available constants or custom defined stream type values.
public class MediaConstants: NSObject {
public class StreamType: NSObject {
// Constant defining stream type for VOD streams.
public static let VOD = "vod"
// Constant defining stream type for Live streams.
public static let LIVE = "live"
// Constant defining stream type for Linear streams.
public static let LINEAR = "linear"
// Constant defining stream type for Podcast streams.
public static let PODCAST = "podcast"
// Constant defining stream type for Audiobook streams.
public static let AUDIOBOOK = "audiobook"
// Constant defining stream type for AOD streams.
public static let AOD = "aod"
var mediaObject = Media.createMediaObjectWith(name: "video-name",
id: "videoId",
length: "60",
streamType: MediaConstants.StreamType.VOD,
mediaType: MediaType.Video)
NSDictionary *mediaObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createMediaObjectWith:@"video-name"
Defines the state of the media player that is currently being tracked. Use the available constant values or custom defined player state values.
public class MediaConstants: NSObject {
public class PlayerState: NSObject {
public static let FULLSCREEN = "fullscreen"
public static let PICTURE_IN_PICTURE = "pictureInPicture"
public static let CLOSED_CAPTION = "closeCaption"
public static let IN_FOCUS = "inFocus"
public static let MUTE = "mute"
let inFocusState = Media.createStateObjectWith(stateName: MediaConstants.PlayerState.IN_FOCUS)
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.StateStart, info: inFocusState, metadata: nil)
NSDictionary* inFocusState = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createStateObjectWith:AEPEdgeMediaPlayerState.IN_FOCUS];
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventStateStart info:muteState metadata:nil];
Defines the standard video constants used as keys when creating or modifying video metadata dictionaries. Use the available constant values or custom defined video metadata key values.
public class MediaConstants: NSObject {
public class VideoMetadataKeys: NSObject {
public static let AD_LOAD = "adLoad"
public static let ASSET_ID = "assetID"
public static let AUTHORIZED = "isAuthenticated"
public static let DAY_PART = "dayPart"
public static let EPISODE = "episode"
public static let FEED = "feed"
public static let FIRST_AIR_DATE = "firstAirDate"
public static let FIRST_DIGITAL_DATE = "firstDigitalDate"
public static let GENRE = "genre"
public static let MVPD = "mvpd"
public static let NETWORK = "network"
public static let ORIGINATOR = "originator"
public static let RATING = "rating"
public static let SEASON = "season"
public static let SHOW = "show"
public static let SHOW_TYPE = "showType"
public static let STREAM_FORMAT = "streamFormat"
var mediaObject = Media.createMediaObjectWith(name: "video-name", id: "videoId", length: "60", streamType: MediaConstants.StreamType.VOD, mediaType: MediaType.Video)
var videoMetadata: [String: String] = [:]
// Standard Video Metadata
videoMetadata[MediaConstants.VideoMetadataKeys.SHOW] = "Sample show"
videoMetadata[MediaConstants.VideoMetadataKeys.SEASON] = "Sample season"
tracker.trackSessionStart(info: mediaObject, metadata: videoMetadata)
NSDictionary *mediaObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createMediaObjectWith:@"video-name" id:@"video-id" length:60 streamType:AEPEdgeMediaStreamType.VOD mediaType:AEPEdgeMediaTypeVideo];
NSMutableDictionary *videoMetadata = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// Standard Video Metadata
[videoMetadata setObject:@"Sample show" forKey:AEPEdgeMediaVideoMetadataKeys.SHOW];
[videoMetadata setObject:@"Sample Season" forKey:AEPEdgeMediaVideoMetadataKeys.SEASON];
[_tracker trackSessionStart:mediaObject metadata:videoMetadata];
Defines the standard audio constants used as keys when creating or modifying audio metadata dictionaries. Use the available constant values or custom defined audio metadata key values.
public class MediaConstants: NSObject {
public class AudioMetadataKeys: NSObject {
public static let ALBUM = "album"
public static let ARTIST = "artist"
public static let AUTHOR = "author"
public static let LABEL = "label"
public static let PUBLISHER = "publisher"
public static let STATION = "station"
var audioObject = Media.createMediaObjectWith(name: "audio-name", id: "audioId", length: 30, streamType: MediaConstants.StreamType.AOD, mediaType: MediaType.AUDIO)
var audioMetadata: [String: String] = [:]
// Standard Audio Metadata
audioMetadata[MediaConstants.AudioMetadataKeys.ARTIST] = "Sample artist"
audioMetadata[MediaConstants.AudioMetadataKeys.ALBUM] = "Sample album"
tracker.trackSessionStart(info: audioObject, metadata: audioMetadata)
NSDictionary *audioObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createMediaObjectWith:@"audio-name" id:@"audioid" length:30 streamType:AEPEdgeMediaStreamType.AOD mediaType:AEPEdgeMediaTypeAudio];
NSMutableDictionary *audioMetadata = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// Standard Audio Metadata
[audioMetadata setObject:@"Sample artist" forKey:AEPEdgeMediaAudioMetadataKeys.ARTIST];
[audioMetadata setObject:@"Sample album" forKey:AEPEdgeMediaAudioMetadataKeys.ALBUM];
[_tracker trackSessionStart:audioObject metadata:audioMetadata];
Defines the standard ad metadata constants used as keys when creating or modifying ad metadata dictionaries. Use the available constant values or custom defined ad metadata key values.
public class MediaConstants: NSObject {
public class AdMetadataKeys: NSObject {
public static let ADVERTISER = "advertiser"
public static let CAMPAIGN_ID = "campaignID"
public static let CREATIVE_ID = "creativeID"
public static let CREATIVE_URL = "creativeURL"
public static let PLACEMENT_ID = "placementID"
public static let SITE_ID = "siteID"
let adObject = Media.createAdObjectWith(name: "ad-name", id: "ad-id", position: 0, length: 30)
var adMetadata: [String: String] = [:]
// Standard Ad Metadata
adMetadata[MediaConstants.AdMetadataKeys.ADVERTISER] = "Sample Advertiser"
adMetadata[MediaConstants.AdMetadataKeys.CAMPAIGN_ID] = "Sample Campaign"
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.AdStart, info: adObject, metadata: adMetadata)
NSDictionary *adObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createAdObjectWith:@"ad-name" id:@"ad-id" position:0 length:30];
NSMutableDictionary *adMetadata = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// Standard Ad Metadata
[adMetadata setObject:@"Sample Advertiser" forKey:AEPEdgeMediaAdMetadataKeys.ADVERTISER];
[adMetadata setObject:@"Sample Campaign" forKey:AEPEdgeMediaAdMetadataKeys.CAMPAIGN_ID];
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventAdStart info:adObject metadata:adMetadata];
Defines the media event that is currently being tracked. Only the available constant values are allowed.
public enum MediaEvent: Int, RawRepresentable {
// event type for AdBreak start
case AdBreakStart
// event type for AdBreak Complete
case AdBreakComplete
// event type for Ad Start
case AdStart
// event type for Ad Complete
case AdComplete
// event type for Ad Skip
case AdSkip
// event type for Chapter Start
case ChapterStart
// event type for Chapter Complete
case ChapterComplete
// event type for Chapter Skip
case ChapterSkip
// event type for Seek Start
case SeekStart
// event type for Seek Complete
case SeekComplete
// event type for Buffer Start
case BufferStart
// event type for Buffer Complete
case BufferComplete
// event type for change in Bitrate
case BitrateChange
// event type for Player State Start
case StateStart
// event type for Player State End
case StateEnd
tracker.trackEvent(event: MediaEvent.BitrateChange, info: nil, metadata: nil)
[_tracker trackEvent:AEPEdgeMediaEventBitrateChange info:nil metadata:nil];
Constant used to denote that the current tracking session is resuming a previously closed session. This information must be provided when starting a tracking session.
public class MediaConstants: NSObject {
public class MediaObjectKey: NSObject {
public static let RESUMED = "media.resumed"
var mediaObject = Media.createMediaObjectWith(name: "video-name", id: "videoId", length: "60", streamType: MediaConstants.StreamType.VOD, mediaType: MediaType.Video)
mediaObject[MediaConstants.MediaObjectKey.RESUMED] = true
tracker.trackSessionStart(info: mediaObject, metadata: nil)
@interface AEPEdgeMediaObjectKey : NSObject
+ (NSString * _Nonnull)RESUMED
NSDictionary *mediaObject = [AEPMobileEdgeMedia createMediaObjectWith:@"video-name" id:@"video-id" length:60 streamType:AEPEdgeMediaStreamType.VOD mediaType:AEPEdgeMediaTypeVideo];
// Attach media resumed information.
NSMutableDictionary *obj = [mediaObject mutableCopy];
[obj setObject:@YES forKey:AEPEdgeMediaObjectKey.RESUMED];
[_tracker trackSessionStart:obj metadata:nil];