this is an explanation on how to stream torrent videos with low level library torrent-stream on nodejs
- what's bittorrent:
- what's trackers:
- what's peers and seeds:
- torrent-stream: to download torrent file
- how to use createReadStream() to stream video to HTML5 video tag
- range-parser: to parse range
- fluent-ffmpeg: to convert non supported formats
- |___ fluent-ffmpeg uses ffmpeg that you have in your computer if you dont have it use @ffmpeg-installer/ffmpeg
- converting with ffmpeg guid
const logger = require('./logger'); // ignore this, its just a fancy console.log
const torrentStream = require('torrent-stream');
const parseRange = require('range-parser');
const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');
const ffmpegPath = require('@ffmpeg-installer/ffmpeg').path;
module.exports = (req, res) => {
* its up to you on how you going to get the magnet link from client
var torrentId = 'magnet:?xt='+req.query.xt;`magnet link ${torrentId}`);
* lets create an engine of the torrent
* path: is where we are saving the file
* trackers: is the trackers that come with the magnet link
const engine = torrentStream(torrentId, {
path: '/Users/adouz/goinfre/',
* engine.on('ready', () =>{}) is event listener that will trigger when the engine is ready
engine.on('ready', () => {
let large = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < engine.files.length; i++) {
console.log('filename:', engine.files[i].name, 'length:', engine.files[i].length);
* get largest file because is going to be the video file
if (engine.files[i].length > engine.files[large].length) large = i;
const videoFile = engine.files[large];
* exetract file extension from
* we going to need this to know if we can stream the video directly
* or we will have to convert it first
* most browser supported formats: (.ogg/.ogv) .mp4 .webm
* other format you will have to convert it to a supported format
const re = /(?:\.([^.]+))?$/;
const ext = re.exec([1];
console.log('largest file:: filename:',, 'length:', videoFile.length, 'extension:', ext);
* to start file download we call;
* if its first time that we get request we will not have range header
* so we just start streaming video for html5 video and he will send us back a request with range header
* then we start string using the range header
if (req.headers.range){
console.log(`range: ${req.headers.range}`);
* we use parseRange to parse the range for us
const range = parseRange(videoFile.length, req.headers.range)[0];
* if theres somthing wrong with range we will response with 415
if (range.type !== 'bytes' && range === -1 && range === -2)
return res.status(415).end(); //415 Unsupported Media Type
* 206 status code is needed to tell the browser that the body containes the requested range of data
* and we set the necessary headers to describe our range of data
'Content-Range': `bytes ${range.start}-${range.end}/${videoFile.length}`,
'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes',
'Content-Length': (range.end - range.start) + 1,
* check if file is a supported video format
if (['mp4', 'webm', 'ogv', 'ogg'].includes(ext)) {
* and take the range.start and range.end pass it to createReadStream so it will return a stream file at the requested range
let stream = videoFile.createReadStream({ start: range.start, end: range.end });
* set type of content we are streaming
'Content-Type': `video/${ext === 'ogv' ? 'ogg' : ext }`,
}else if (ext === 'mkv'){
* this if the file is not a supported video format
* we will have to convert to a supported format like .webm
let stream = videoFile.createReadStream({ start: range.start, end: range.end });
'Content-Type': `video/webm`,
* converting mkv to webm using fluent-ffmpeg and streaming it
ffmpeg(stream) //set stream file
.setFfmpegPath(ffmpegPath) // set path of ffmpeg
.format('webm') //set output format to webm
.videoCodec('libvpx') //transcoding video using libvpx library (
.audioCodec('libvorbis') //transcoding audio using libvorbis library (
.on('progress', (p) =>'[ffmpeg Processing] ' + p.frames + ' frames'))
.on('start', (s) =>`[ffmpeg started] ${s}`))
.on('error', (e) =>`[ffmpeg error] ${e}`))
}else return res.status(415).end(); //415 Unsupported Media Type
* this if the browser didnt send us the range header
* we will just send a stream to it so he will send us range header and start streaming
* we call videoFile.createReadStream() and it will create a readable stream file
*/`firt request`);
let stream = videoFile.createReadStream();
* those are other event listeners to just debug and you dont need them!
engine.on('download', (i) => {`download ${i}`) });
engine.on('upload', (i) => {`upload ${i}`) });
engine.on('torrent', (i) => {`torrent ${i}`) });
> npm i
> npm run dev
- go to
to watch the stream - if you want to change magnet link go to
file and changesrc
attribute on<source />