Using rosserial to communicate from host computer to arduino. Arduino handles servo/stepper control.
Current tracking method is based on HSV colour detection.
- Base and webcam holder (STL models here)
- Any arduino or arduino clone
- USB 2.0 Cable Type A/B
- Servo motor
- USB Webcam
- Stepper Motor + Driver (28BYJ-48)
- Implement a deep learning tracking model
- Investigate Kalman filter for tracking stability
- Update the algorithm for moving the servo towards the target (ie PID or something)
3D print a better servo/webcam base
Clone repository into catkin_ws/src,
cd ..
then catkin_make
ls /dev/ | grep video
-> provides possible webcam indices
Ensure cv.VideoCapture(X) in is using a valid argument
Upload the ros_servo_sub.ino to the arduino
Check ls /dev/ttyACM*
to check which port the arduino is connected to
Ensure the tracking_webcam.launch has the correct port
Run roslaunch tracking_webcam servo.launch
or roslaunch tracking_webcam stepper.launch
Run include/ --filter HSV --webcam
to see a live preview with the HSV mask, you can adjust the sliders for any colour you want to detect. This can also be a convenient place to test any other algorithms for segmentation.
WSL 2 does not yet support using the webcam or usb ports, I did not check if this works on a VM, nor did I check if this works with the Windows installation of ROS