Calculates letter magic squares and generates a TeX file which can be used to build a pdf.
Download the jar-file (LetterMagicSquares.jar) as well as the dictionary txt-file (EnglishNumberDictionary.txt). Place both files into the same directory and run
java -jar LetterMagicSquares.jar <min> <max> [ <dictionary> ]
where <min>
and <max>
need to be between 1 and 999 (the default dictionary contains only the words for these numbers)
and the optional <dictionary>
is the filename of the dictionary to be used.
The command to build the pdf is as follows:
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode LetterMagicSquares.tex
The example had been built with
The IDE for this project is IntelliJ IDEA (Community).