Openwhyd-Jekyll (fork of
Discover, collect and play music from Youtube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Deezer and other streaming platforms.
Openwhyd-jekyll is a fork of which objective is to provide some of its features without requiring a back-end.
Read more: Let's turn an Openwhyd playlist into a static Jekyll site
- Renders a profile page from a JSON dump
- Allows to play tracks in sequence
This is a side-project started for learning and experimentation purposes. It's work in progress.
- Jekyll
- jQuery
- Playemjs for streaming tracks continuously
(Requires the Ruby interpreter)
$ git clone
$ cd openwhyd-jekyll/public
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
$ open http://localhost:4000/my-openwhyd-profile-playlist.html
- Go to => type a name for your project => click on the "done" notification when it's shown
- After that, go to => find "YouTube Data API v3", then click on it => click on the "activate" button
- Click on the "create identifier" (or "create credentials") button => pick "YouTube Data API v3" again in the dropdown list of APIs, "Web Browser (JavaScript)", "Public data", then submit => it will provide an API key
- In the source code, paste that API Key as value for every definition of the
Openwhyd is a collaborative and open-source project.
There are several way you can help Openwhyd! 💓
If you're a developer, you can help us reply to our users' problems and questions from the Music Lovers Club, maintain issues, or even better: contribute to the codebase. (beginners are welcome too!)
You can help Openwhyd sustain by becoming a backer (starting at $1/month, can be interrupted anytime), or giving a one-off donation. We publish our expenses transparently on Open Collective.
If you have other skills you'd like to contribute to Openwhyd, please tell us.
If you're out of time and money, you can still spread the word about, e.g. by showing it to your friends or sharing your playlists on social networks.
Thank you in advance for your kindness! 🤗