Guestmgmt-ref is a web based application, running with web server (tomcat or jetty) and launch from web browser. It is published in form of "AS IS" source code. Users need to follow instruction to configure "", customize to own needs, compile a war file and deploy on a web server.
- Register an API client account in order to call Aerohive HMNG Identify APIs
- Work with Aerohive to configure PingFederate for using own Active Directory login as employee sponsorship
- Install Maven and JDK 1.7 to compile source code
Users need to configures “src/main/resources/" before compilation and deployment.
Configure deployment mode as either "Kiosk" application, which is mostly used for lobby ambassador or "Register User" application, which is used for employee sponsored guests registration.
Fill in API client account information
Fill in HMNG server information.
Fill in information gotten from Aerohive support for using own Active Directory login
Fill in own deployed web server attributes
Having “/aerohive_app/etc/” can override the properties defined in “src/main/resources/"
Users can modify source code to apply with own business logic and presentation view.
- Customize style by editing src/main/webapp/resources/css/guestmgmtapp.css
- Customize image by replacing image files under src/main/webapp/resources/images
- At project based directory, issue command “mvn clean; mvn compile war:war” to build war file
- Put war file to either Tomcat or Jetty webapp associated directory
- Restart Tomcat or Jetty
- Launch web application through URL https://<application-server/guestmgmt-ref/
- At project base directory, issue command "mvn clean; mvn assembly:single"
Refer to
Refer to license file