@ClimateChangeBot is a Mastodon bot that posts daily North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST), and Antartica Sea Ice Extend plots. It provides valuable insights into the changing climate and the impact on sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic region as well as sea ice extent in the Antartic.
- Daily North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (SST) plots.
- Two plots: Raw temperature data and Anomaly.
- Captions with data source, origin, and date.
- Informative hashtags for climate enthusiasts.
- Daily Antartic Sea Ice Extent plots.
- Two plots: Raw extent and Anomaly.
- Captions with data source, origin, and date.
- Informative hashtags for climate enthusiasts.
- North Atlantic Data:
- Data Source: NOAA Optimum Interpolation SST (OISST) dataset version 2.1.
- Data Provided by: ClimateReanalyzer, Climate Change Institute, University of Maine.
- Antartic Sea Ice Data:
- Data Source: NOAA Sea Ice Index developed by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
- Through https://noaadata.apps.nsidc.org/NOAA/G02135/south/daily/data/S_seaice_extent_daily_v3.0.csv
- add automatic bot reply to mentions
- Find more photogenic climate data to make daily posts from
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact Maxwell A. Fine:
- Website: https://afinemax.github.io/afinemax1/
- GitHub: https://github.com/afinemax
- Email: max.fine@student.uva.nl
- ClimateChangeBot is an educational project and does not provide real-time or official climate data. The data provided is for educational and awareness purposes only.