Africa I. Flores-Anderson 19-05-2023
- Visualize and interpret deforestation events using Sentinel-1 and Alos Palsar data in GEE
- Plot time series data from Sentinel-1 and Alos Palsar and explain changes in forest cover
- Distinguish how SAR C-band and L-band see deforestation events
- Open the code editor of GEE
- The following figure describes the GEE code editor interface
We will explore a deforestation event in Papau New Guinea as detected by RADD Forest Disturbance Alert. The location of interest is Lat: -4.011° , Lon: 141.303°. Below we can see a detailed time series of this location using Planet data. A main deforestation event is first visible on April 2022.
Figure 2. Time series of location of interest in optical data .We will explore in the following exercises how this event is seen by radar data, both Sentinel-1 and Alos Palsar.