🎮 A GB Cartridge Dumper, based on GBCartRead. It adds an Electron app that acts as frontend.
Both GBCartRead and ElDumper are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/
Created by [r]labs.
Flash the Arduino Uno with firmware/firmware.ino
- Download it from Releases
- Run
sudo dnf install python3
pip3 install pyserial
python3 software/python-reader/reader.py
(check port/dev/ttyACM0
- Cartridge labels go upwards. Pin 1 is the lower one.
- The left 74HC595N shifts the high ports of the cartridge.
- The right 74HC595N shifts the low ports of the cartridge.
(based on Hardware Picture 2)
- Connect 5V to the upper-right +
- Connect GND to the upper-right -
- Connect PINA3 to the 13-down trail (GB pin #3, orange cable)
- Connect PINA5 to the 10-down trail (GB pin #4, gray cable)
- Connect PINA4 to the 11-down trail (GB pin #5, white cable)
- Connect PIN12 to the 12-up trail (74HC595N pins #11, blue cables)
- Connect PIN11 to the 11-up trail (right 74HC595N pin #14, turquoise cable)
- Connect PIN10 to the 10-up trail (75HC595N pins #12, yellow cables)
- Connect PIN09 to the 39-up trail (GB pin #29, gray cable)
- Connect PIN08 to the 38-up trail (GB pin #28, white cable)
- Connect PIN07 to the 37-up trail (GB pin #27, brown cable)
- Connect PIN06 to the 36-up trail (GB pin #26, turquoise cable)
- Connect PIN05 to the 35-up trail (GB pin #25, blue cable)
- Connect PIN04 to the 34-up trail (GB pin #24, black cable)
- Connect PIN03 to the 33-up trail (GB pin #23, red cable)
- Connect PIN02 to the 32-up trail (GB pin #22, white cable)