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Test Cases Licenses

Anupam Ghosh edited this page Jun 28, 2022 · 1 revision

TC01: Create, edit and delete license

Step Action Result
1 Sign In with a known clearing admin user User successfully signed in and Home page is displayed
2 Click on Licenses tab Licenses page is displayed
3 Click on Add License New License page is displayed
4 Fill in Fullname and Shortname fields and press Add License License added successfully! message is displayed
5 Write the license or part of newly created license name in Keyword Search field License is filtered successfully
6 Click on license name and then on Edit License Details and Text License page is displayed
7 Modify some fields and click Update License License updated successfully! message is displayed
8 Check all fields on Details and Text pages Values are filled in correctly
9 Click on Edit License Details and Text License page is displayed
10 Click o Delete license name License removed successfully! message is displayed

TC02: Edit license TODOs and Obligations

Step Action Result
1 Sign In with a known clearing admin user User successfully signed in and Home page is displayed
2 Click on previously created license name License Details page is displayed
3 Click on Add a Todo Todo page displayed successfully
4 Enter a Todo text (e.g. "First todo text"), click Applies to development, and click Submit License updated successfully! message is displayed
5 Click TODOs and Obligations The previously entered Todo is listed on the page with No obligations
6 Click on Add a Todo Todo page displayed successfully
7 Enter a Todo text (e.g. "Second todo text"), click on some Obligations and click Submit License updated successfully! message is displayed
8 Click TODOs and Obligations The previously entered Todo is listed on the page together with chosen obligations
9 Click on Edit WhiteList, deselect first Todo and click Submit The deselected Todo is not displayed anymore on TODOs and Obligations page

TC03: Check Export Licenses

Step Action Result
1 Sign In with a known user User successfully signed in and Home page is displayed
2 Click on Licenses tab Licenses page is displayed
3 Click on Export Licenses A dialog for opening Licenses.xlsx is displayed
4 Open the xlsx file and compare the number of rows with total number of entries from Licenses tab All licenses names are exported successfully.
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