A curated list of awesome 3D point cloud denoising (and closely related fields) papers.
This is a work in continuous progress.
For any suggestions, please contact garnungalejandro@gmail.com.
Thank you and enjoy the 3D point cloud denoising world.
Updated: 13/01/2025
: traditional filter | var.
: variational-based | pde
: PDE-based | spec.
: spectral-based | dl.
: deep learning | un.
: unsupervised | rec.
: resampling/compression | sur.
: surface reconstruction | ne.
: normal estimation | inp.
: inpainting | res.
: super-resolution | mesh.
: mesh denoising | surv.
: survey | oth.
: other
- ◼️ Less than 5 citations
- 🔹 Less than 25 citations
- 🔸 Between 25 and 50 citations
- 🔥 More than 50 citations
- 🌟 More than 150 citations
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
- [Link] Mesh-Independent Surface Interpolation MLS [][
] 🌟 - [Link] Non-Iterative, Feature-Preserving Mesh Smoothing [code] 🌟
- [Link] Bilateral mesh denoising [code] 🔥
- [Link] Point cloud denoising using robust principal component analysis [][] 🔸
- [Link] Nonlocal discrete regularization on weighted graphs: A framework for image and manifold processing [][] 🌟
- [Link] Noise reduction and modeling methods of TLS point cloud based on R-tree [][] 🔹
- [Link] Algorithm for 3D Point Cloud Denoising [][] 🔹
- [Link] 3D Body Point Cloud Data Denoising and Registration [][] ◼️
- [Link] Scatter Point Cloud Denoising Based on Self-Adaptive Optimal Neighborhood [][] 🔹
- [Link] ℓ1-Sparse reconstruction of sharp point set surfaces 🌟
- [Link] Nonlocal PDEs-Based Morphology on Weighted Graphs for Image and Data Processing [][] 🔥
- [Link] Bilateral Normal Filtering for Mesh Denoising [code] 🌟
- [Link] Denoising point cloud [][] 🔹
- [Link] A New near Point Denoising Algorithm for Point Cloud [][] ◼️
- [Link] Motion estimation and filtered prediction for dynamic point cloud attribute compression [][] ◼️
- [Link] Mesh Denoising via L0 Minimization [code1][code2][code3] 🌟
- [Link] A General Framework for Bilateral and Mean Shift Filtering [][] 🔸
- [Link] Research on 3D scanning point cloud de-nosing [][] 🔹
- [Link] Denoising Point Sets via L0 Minimization [][] 🌟
- [Link] 3D point cloud denoising and normal estimation for 3D surface reconstruction [][] 🔹
- [Link] Guided Mesh Normal Filtering [code] 🌟
- [Link] Adaptive Denoising Algorithm for Scanning Beam Points Based on Angle Thresholds [][] ◼️
- [Link] Graph-based denoising for time varying point clouds [][] 🔥
- [Link] Density-based Denoising of Point Cloud [][] 🔸
- [Link] Mesh Denoising via Cascaded Normal Regression [][]
- [Link] Point Cloud Noise and Outlier Removal for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction [][] 🔥
- [Link] Robust Feature-Preserving Denoising of 3D Point Clouds [][] 🔹
- [Link] Point Cloud Denoising via Moving RPCA [][] 🔥
- [Link] The bilateral filter for point clouds [code] 🔥
- [Link] Guided 3D point cloud filtering [code][] 🔸
- [Link] Data-Driven Sparse Priors of 3D Shapes [][] 🔹
- [Link] Guided point cloud denoising via sharp feature skeletons 🔸
- [Link] Fast 3D Point Cloud Denoising via Bipartite Graph Approximation & Total Variation 🔹
- [Link] Weighted Multi-projection: 3D Point Cloud Denoising with Estimated Tangent Planes 🔹
- [Link] EC-Net: an Edge-aware Point set Consolidation Network [code] 🌟
- [Link] Pointpronets: Consolidation of point clouds with convolutional neural networks [][] 🔥
- [Link] Static/Dynamic Filtering for Mesh Geometry [code] 🔥
- [Link] Robust and effective mesh denoising using L0 sparse regularization [][] 🔸
- [Link] Constraint based point set denoising using normal voting tensor and restricted quadratic error metrics [][] 🔸
- [Link] 3D Point Cloud Denoising via Bipartite Graph Approximation and Reweighted Graph Laplacian 🔹
- [Link] 3D Shape Processing by Convolutional Denoising Autoencoders on Local Patches 🔸
- [Link] DUP-Net: Denoiser and Upsampler Network for 3D Adversarial Point Clouds Defense [code] 🔥
- [Link] A 3D point cloud filtering method for leaves based on manifold distance and normal estimation [][] 🔸
- [Link] 3D Point Cloud Denoising via Deep Neural Network based Local Surface Estimation 🔥
- [Link] 3D Point Cloud Denoising using Graph Laplacian Regularization of a Low Dimensional Manifold Model [code] 🔥
- [Link] PointCleanNet: Learning to Denoise and Remove Outliers from Dense Point Clouds [code] 🌟
- [Link] A Novel Denoising Algorithm for Airborne Lidar Point Cloud Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition [][] ◼️
- [Link] A 3D Point Cloud Filtering Algorithm based on Surface Variation Factor Classification [][] 🔹
- [Link] Deep Unsupervised Learning of 3D Point Clouds via Graph Topology Inference and Filtering [code] 🔥
- [Link] Differentiable Surface Splatting for Point-based Geometry Processing [code] 🌟
- [Link] Low Rank Matrix Approximation for 3D Geometry Filtering [][] 🔥
- [Link] Method for Filtering Dense Noise from Laser Scanning Data [][] ◼️
- [Link] A novel anisotropic second order regularization for mesh denoising [][] 🔹
- [Link] Denoising of 3D Point clouds [][] ◼️
- [Link] Total denoising: Unsupervised learning of 3D point cloud cleaning [code] 🔥
- [Link] 3D Point Cloud Color Denoising Using Convex Graph-Signal Smoothness Priors [][] 🔹
- [Link] Feature Graph Learning for 3D Point Cloud Denoising [][] 🔥
- [Link] Point Cloud Denoising via Feature Graph Laplacian Regularization [][] 🔥
- [Link] Pointfilter: Point Cloud Filtering via Encoder Decoder Modeling [code] 🔥
- [Link] Non-Local Part-Aware Point Cloud Denoising [][] 🔹
- [Link] Research on denoising algorithm of 3D point cloud data based on curvature change [][] ◼️
- [Link] Point Cloud Denoising Algorithm Based on Noise Classification [][] 🔹
- [Link] Learning robust graph-convolutional representations for point cloud denoising 🔸
- [Link] 3D point cloud registration denoising method for human motion image using deep learning algorithm 🔹
- [Link] CNN-based Lidar Point Cloud De-Noising in Adverse Weather [code][] 🔥
- [Link] A feature-preserving framework for point cloud denoising [][] 🔹
- [Link] Sparse Regularization-Based Approach for Point Cloud Denoising and Sharp Features Enhancement [][] 🔹
- [Link] Deep feature-preserving normal estimation for point cloud filtering [][] 🔥
- [Link] Deep Manifold Prior [][] 🔹
- [Link] 3D Point Cloud Denoising Using a Joint Geometry and Color k-NN Graph 🔹
- [Link] Learning Graph-Convolutional Representations for Point Cloud Denoising [code] 🔥
- [Link] Differentiable Manifold Reconstruction for Point Cloud Denoising [code] 🔥
- [Link] Deep Point Set Resampling via Gradient Fields [code] 🔸
- [Link] Dynamic Point Cloud Denoising via Manifold-to Manifold Distance [][] 🔸
- [Link] Score-Based Point Cloud Denoising [code] 🔥
- [Link] RePCD-Net: Feature-Aware Recurrent Point Cloud Denoising Network [code] 🔸
- [Link] VIPDA: A Visually Driven Point Cloud Denoising Algorithm Based on Anisotropic Point Cloud Filtering [][] ◼️
- [Link] Mesh Total Generalized Variation for Denoising [][] 🔹
- [Link] Exploiting color for graph-based 3D point cloud denoising [][] 🔹
- [Link] PCA-Based Denoising Algorithm for Outdoor Lidar Point Cloud Data [][] 🔹
- [Link] Anisotropic Denoising of 3D Point Clouds by Aggregation of Multiple Surface-Adaptive Estimates [][] 🔹
- [Link] Joint Geometry and Color Point Cloud Denoising Based on Graph Wavelets [][] 🔹
- [Link] Point cloud denoising using non-local collaborative projections [][] 🔹
- [Link] Single-Stage Adaptive Multi-Scale Point Cloud Noise Filtering Algorithm Based on Feature Information 🔹
- [Link] GeoGCN: Geometric Dual-domain Graph Convolution Network for Point Cloud Denoising ◼️
- [Link] TDNet: transformer-based network for point cloud denoising 🔹
- [Link] PD-Flow: A Point Cloud Denoising Framework with Normalizing Flows [code]
🔹 - [Link] Point cloud denoising algorithm with geometric feature preserving ◼️
- [Link] Point Cloud Upsampling Algorithm: A Systematic Review
🔹 - [Link] Dynamic Point Cloud Denoising via Gradient Fields ◼
- [Link] Structure-Aware Denoising for Real-world Noisy Point Clouds with Complex Structures 🔹
- [Link] From Noise Addition to Denoising: A Self-Variation Capture Network for Point Cloud Optimization ◼️
- [Link] MODNet: Multi-offset Point Cloud Denoising Network Customized for Multi-scale Patches [code] ◼️
- [Link] Denoising for 3D Point Cloud Based on Regularization of a Statistical Low-Dimensional Manifold ◼️
- [Link] Reflective Noise Filtering of Large-Scale Point Cloud Using Transformer 🔹
- [Link] Optimization of point cloud preprocessing algorithm for equipped vehicles ◼️
- [Link] Motion estimation and filtered prediction for dynamic point cloud attribute compression ◼️
- [Link] Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning-Based 3D Point Cloud Completion Processing and Analysis
🔥 - [Link] A Method Based on Improved iForest for Trunk Extraction and Denoising of Individual Street Trees 🔹
- [Link] Contrastive Learning for Joint Normal Estimation and Point Cloud Filtering [code] 🔹
- [Link] Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Point Clouds [code] 🔹
- [Link] Point Cloud Denoising Algorithm via Geometric Metrics on the Statistical Manifold ◼️
- [Link] Optimization of point cloud preprocessing algorithm for equipped vehicles ◼️
- [Link] 4DenoiseNet: Adverse Weather Denoising From Adjacent Point Clouds [code] 🔸
- [Link] 3D Point Cloud Denoising Algorithm Based on Two-Stage Filtering ◼️
- [Link] Attention Mechanism-based Deep Learning Denoising of Scanned Point Cloud for Rocket Tank Panel ◼️
- [Link] NoiseTrans: Point Cloud Denoising with Transformers ◼️
- [Link] A single-stage point cloud cleaning network for outlier removal and denoising 🔹
- [Link] GeoDualCNN: Geometry Supporting Dual Convolutional Neural Network for Noisy Point Clouds 🔹
- [Link] MSaD-Net: A Mix Self-Attention Networks for 3D Point Cloud Denoising
- [Link] Parameter optimization for point clouds denoising based on no-reference quality assessment 🔹
- [Link] Multiscale Feature Fusion for the Multistage Denoising of Airborne Single Photon LiDAR 🔹
- [Link] Bilateral filter denoising of Lidar point cloud data in automatic driving scene 🔹
- [Link] PCDNF: Revisiting Learning-based Point Cloud Denoising via Joint Normal Filtering [code] 🔹
- [Link] Point Cloud Denoising via Momentum Ascent in Gradient Fields [code] 🔹
- [Link] 3D point cloud global denoising algorithm based on different noise characteristics ◼️
- [Link] 3D point cloud denoising using anisotropic neighborhoods and a novel sharp feature detection algorithm [code] 🔹
- [Link] IterativePFN: True Iterative Point Cloud Filtering [code] 🔹
- [Link] Graph-Based Point Cloud Color Denoising with 3-Dimensional Patch-Based Similarity ◼️
- [Link] Deep learning-based point cloud upsampling: a review of recent trends
◼️ - [Link] 3D point cloud denoising method based on global feature guidance ◼️
- [Link] Fast graph-based denoising point cloud color information ◼️
- [Link] Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Denoising for Tunnel Data by Combining Intensity and Geometry Information ◼️
- [Link] PointCVaR: Risk-optimized Outlier Removal for Robust 3D Point Cloud Classification [code] ◼️
- [Link] Point Cloud Denoising in Outdoor Real-World Scenes Based on Measurable Segmentation ◼️
- [Link] Transformer-based Point Cloud Denoising Network ◼️
- [Link] 3DMambaIPF: A State Space Model for Iterative Point Cloud Filtering via Differentiable Rendering
- [Link] PathNet: Path-Selective Point Cloud Denoising [code] 🔹
- [Link] The implementation method of point cloud denoising filter based on KinectV2 ◼️
- [Link] Denoising Point Clouds in Latent Space via Graph Convolution and Invertible Neural Network [code] ◼️
- [Link] Self-supervised multi-echo point cloud denoising in snowfall [code] ◼️
- [Link] Denoising point clouds with fewer learnable parameters ◼️
- [Link] Review of 3D Point Cloud Processing Methods Based on Deep Learning
◼️ - [Link] A Novel Point Cloud Adaptive Filtering Algorithm for LiDAR SLAMinForest Environments Based on Guidance Information ◼️
- [Link] StraightPCF: Straight Point Cloud Filtering [code] ◼️
- [Link] Deep Learning for 3D Point Cloud Enhancement: A Survey
◼️ - [Link] TripleMixer A 3D Point Cloud Denoising Model or Adverse Weather [code] ◼️
- [Link] P2P-Bridge Diffusion Bridges for 3D Point Cloud [code] ◼️
- [Link] TPDNet: A point cloud data denoising method for offshore drilling platforms and its application ◼️
- [Link] Noise4Denoise: Leveraging Noise for Unsupervised Point Cloud Denoising ◼️