- This DevOps model for ECS Fargate is API driven.
- It will provision DevOps resources in AWS using serverless template and parameters file which will contain all the information related to AWS accounts (NonProd and Prod), VPC, subnets, and so on.
- There will be an additional SharedAccount for which one needs to create 3 different Dynamo Tables for application inventory. A cross account role needs to be created for that.
- The serverless template will give some APIs to carry out different operations related to stack creation, deployments, and deleting stacks.
- This functionality provides APIs to make calls to and perform stack creation, deploy image to non production servers in non production account, productions servers with blue/green functionality along with training/da environments in production account, swap blue/green environments and delete the stack for any application.
To run this successfully the system will require to have python and serverless installed along with an AWS account.
- Edit parameters.yml file
apiname: <api-name>
stage: <dev/qa/stage/prod>
nonprod_accountid: <NonProdAccountId>
prod_accountid: <ProdAccountId>
devqa_vpc: <devqa-vpc>
stage_vpc: <stage-vpc>
training_vpc: <training-vpc>
da_vpc: <da-vpc>
prod_vpc: <production-vpc>
devqa_subnet: <devqa-container-subnets>
stage_subnet: <stage-container-subnets>
training_subnet: <training-container-subnets>
da_subnet: <da-container-subnets>
prod_subnet: <prod-container-subnets>
devqa_elbsubnet: <devqa-elb-subnets>
stage_elbsubnet: <stage-elb-subnets>
training_elbsubnet: <training-elb-subnets>
da_elbsubnet: <da-elb-subnets>
prod_elbsubnet: <prod-elb-subnet>
devqa_sg: <devqa-sg>
stage_sg: <stage-sg>
training_sg: <training-sg>
da_sg: <da-sg>
prod_sg: <prod-sg>
devqa_elbsg: <devqa-elb-sg>
stage_elbsg: <stage-elb-sg>
training_elbsg: <training-elb-sg>
da_elbsg: <da-elb-sg>
prod_elbsg: <prod-elb-sg>
region: us-east-1
repouri: <repo-uri-sample-image>
ecscftemplatebucket: <bucket-for-storing-cf-template>
cftemplate: <url-for-cf-template>
hostedzonename: <hostedzonename-NonProdAccount>
prodhostedzonename: <hostedzonename-ProdAccount>
admin_rolearn: <admin-rolearn-for-cloudformation-stack>
execution_rolename: <execution_rolename>
stsrolearn: <stsrolearn>
stsrole_prod: <stsrole_prod>
nonprod_certarn: <Certificate Manager ARN to be used in ALBs>
prod_certarn: <Certificate Manager ARN to be used in ALBs>
ecsautoscaling_arn: <IAM Role ARN for ECS AutoScaling - NonProd Account>
prod_ecsautoscaling_arn: <IAM Role ARN for ECS AutoScaling - Prod Account>
admin_sso_role_arn: <Administrator User SSO Role>
poweruser_sso_role_arn: <PowerUser SSO Role>
dev1_sso_role_arn: <Dev1 User SSO Role>
dev2_sso_role_arn: <Dev2 User SSO Role>
dev3_sso_role_arn: <Dev3 User SSO Role>
domainName: <Custom Domain Name>
stage: <API Gateway Stage Name>
certificateName: <Name of the Certificate associated with custom domain>
createRoute53Record: true
endpointType: <regional/edge>
- Run this command to deploy Serverless Architecture for DevOps
$ serverless deploy
- The output of serverless will look something like this
service: <resource-name>
stage: <stage-deployed>
region: <aws-region-name>
stack: <cloudformation-stack-name>
api keys:
<METHOD> <API from API Gateway>
<METHOD> <API from API Gateway>
<METHOD> <API from API Gateway>
<lambda_function>: <stackname-lambdafunction>
<lambda_function>: <stackname-lambdafunction>
<lambda_function>: <stackname-lambdafunction>
- Make note of endpoints as this will be used to make RESTful API calls
- These APIs can be used by developers to make following operations:
- create stack
- deploy image to non-production environments
- deploy image to production blue environment
- swap blue and green environment
- deploy to training/da environments
- add additional notification subscriptions to SNS
- shutdown nonprod tasks when not needed
- shutdown prod blue tasks when not needed
- find out application related information and version deployed
- delete stack
- POST /stacks
- POST /stacks/deploytoNonProd
- POST /stacks/deploytoProdBlue
- POST /stacks/swapProdBlueAndGreen
- POST /stacks/deploytoProdBlueWest
- POST /stacks/swapProdWestBlueAndGreen
- POST /stacks/deploytoTrainDA
- POST /stacks/addSubscription
- POST /stacks/nonprodStatus
- POST /stacks/prodblueStatus
- POST /stacks/applicationInfo
- DELETE /stacks
- The purpose of this Repository is to store an sample image for the initial creation of the stack.
- A DevOps Cluster that can be used to launch ECS Service for the sample image
- ECS-CF-Bucket
- This bucket is used to store CloudFormation Template that is used to deploy developer resources
- In future it can also store custom templates based on different applications