All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Merging and publishing improvements
- Can use hostname in config file
- Automation in package.json and workflows
- Better cached accessories handling
- When a WLED device is not reachable, the plugin should ignore it
- Supports multiple WLED devices
- Additional information in plugin SETTINGS
- Get handler for Active Identifier characteristic
- Fully reviewed and cleaned up platformAccessory.ts
- Plugin is now only using the Television Service Type
- Users are now unable to create a second platform as it breaks the plugin
- Plugin does not turn on the WLED device at Homebridge start up
Displaying the plugin as a combination of Lightbulb and Television Service Types
- Lightbulb brightness slider and TV Active button are not syncing with each others
- TV Active button does not get updated if WLED is activated from another utility (e.g. WLED web interface, postman...)