- Simulated an auction and a coffee shop real-life scenarios using multi-threading techniques such as synchronization, locks, wait, notify, thread executor, and atomic and non-blocking data structures.
- Used akka framework to implement the actor system model for counting vowels from multiple text files and predicting the number of vowels in a file during each iteration and updating the prediction parameter depending on the accuracy.
NetBeans, IntelliJ
- I have just included the source code of all the projects in this repository, so if you would like to run the code then just make a Java project in your preferred IDE and copy all the class files in the src folder of your project and run the class with the main method.
- For running the Akka project download akka_2.11-2.4.20.zip file from https://doc.akka.io/downloads/ and then add the following three jars present in the lib folder of the downloaded zip file to the build path of your Java project.
- lib/scala-library-2.11.11.jar
- lib/akka/akka-actor_2.11-2.4.20.jar
- lib/akka/config-1.3.0.jar