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Checkpoint 1

     * Overview: Submit a simple SPJUA query evaluator.
     * Deadline: Feb 23
     * Grade: 15% of Project Component
          + 5% Correctness
          + 5% Efficiency
          + 5% Code Review

   In this project, you will implement a simple SQL query
   evaluator with support for Select, Project, Join, Bag Union,
   and Aggregate operations.  You will receive a set of data
   files, schema information, and be expected to evaluate multiple
   SELECT queries over those data files.

   Your code is expected to evaluate the SELECT statements on
   provided data, and produce output in a standardized form. Your
   code will be evaluated for both correctness and performance (in
   comparison to a naive evaluator based on iterators and
   nested-loop joins).

Parsing SQL

   A parser converts a human-readable string into a structured
   representation of the program (or query) that the string
   describes. A fork of the JSQLParser open-source SQL parser
   (JSQLParser) will be provided for your use.  The JAR may be
   downloaded from

   And documentation for the fork is available at

   You are not required to use this parser (i.e., you may write
   your own if you like). However, we will be testing your code on
   SQL that is guaranteed to parse with JSqlParser.

   Basic use of the parser requires a or from which the file data to be parsed (For
   example, a Let’s assume you’ve created one
   already (of either type) and called it inputFile.
        CCJSqlParser parser = new CCJSqlParser(inputFile);
        Statement statement;
        while((statement = parser.Statement()) != null){
          // `statement` now has one of the several
          // implementations of the Statement interface
        // End-of-file.  Exit!

   At this point, you’ll need to figure out what kind of statement
   you’re dealing with. For this project, we’ll be working with
   Select and CreateTable. There are two ways to do this.
   JSqlParser defines a Visitor style interface that you can use
   if you’re familiar with the pattern. However, my preference is
   for the simpler and lighter-weight instanceof relation:
        if(statement instanceof Select) {
          Select selectStatement = (Select)statement;
          // handle the select
        } else if(statement instanceof CreateTable) {
          // and so forth



   JSQLParser includes an object called Expression that represents
   a primitive-valued expression parse tree.  In addition to the
   parser, we are providing a collection of classes for
   manipulating and evaluating Expressions.  The JAR may be
   downloaded from

   Documentation for the library is available at

   To use the Eval class, you will need to define a method for
   dereferencing Column objects.  For example, if I have a Map
   called tupleSchema that contains my tuple schema, and an
   ArrayList called tuple that contains the tuple I am currently
   evaluating, I might write:
        public void LeafValue eval(Column x){
          int colID = tupleSchema.get(x.getName());
          return tuple.get(colID);

   After doing this, you can use Eval.eval() to evaluate any
   expression in the context of tuple.

Source Data

   Because you are implementing a query evaluator and not a full
   database engine, there will not be any tables — at least not in
   the traditional sense of persistent objects that can be updated
   and modified. Instead, you will be given a Table Schema and a
   CSV File with the instance in it. To keep things simple, we
   will use the CREATE TABLE statement to define a relation’s
   schema. You do not need to allocate any resources for the table
   in reaction to a CREATE TABLE statement — Simply save the
   schema that you are given for later use. Sql types (and their
   corresponding java types) that will be used in this project are
   as follows:
        SQL Type Java Equivalent
        string   StringValue
        varchar  StringValue
        char     StringValue
        int      LongValue
        decimal  DoubleValue
        date     DateValue

   In addition to the schema, you will be given a data directory
   containing multiple data files who’s names correspond to the
   table names given in the CREATE TABLE statements. For example,
   let’s say that you see the following statement in your query
        CREATE TABLE R(A int, B int, C int);

   That means that the data directory contains a data file called
   ‘R.dat’ that might look like this:

   Each line of text (see
   corresponds to one row of data. Each record is delimited by a
   vertical pipe ‘|’ character.  Integers and floats are stored in
   a form recognized by Java’s Long.parseLong() and
   Double.parseDouble() methods. Dates are stored in YYYY-MM-DD
   form, where YYYY is the 4-digit year, MM is the 2-digit month
   number, and DD is the 2-digit date. Strings are stored
   unescaped and unquoted and are guaranteed to contain no
   vertical pipe characters.


   Your code is expected to support both aggregate and
   non-aggregate queries with the following features.  Keep in
   mind that this is only a minimum requirement.
     * Non-Aggregate Queries
          + SelectItems may include:
               o SelectExpressionItem: Any expression that
                 ExpressionLib can evaluate.  Note that Column
                 expressions may or may not include an appropriate
                 source.  Where relevant, column aliases will be
                 given, unless the SelectExpressionItem’s
                 expression is a Column (in which case the
                 Column’s name attribute should be used as an
               o AllTableColumns: For any aliased term in the from
               o AllColumns: If present, this will be the only
                 SelectItem in a given PlainSelect.
     * Aggregate Queries
          + SelectItems may include:
               o SelectExpressionItems where the Expression is one
                    # A Function with the (case-insensitive) name:
                      SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN or MAX.  The Function’s
                      argument(s) may be any expression(s) that
                      can be evaluated by ExpressionLib.
                    # A Single Column that also occurs in the
                      GroupBy list.
               o AllTableColumns: If all of the table’s columns
                 also occur in the GroupBy list
               o AllColumns: If all of the source’s columns also
                 occur in the GroupBy list.
          + GroupBy column references are all Columns.
     * Both Types of Queries
          + From/Joins may include:
               o Join: All joins will be simple joins
               o Table: Tables may or may not be aliased.
                 Non-Aliased tables should be treated as being
                 aliased to the table’s name.
               o SubSelect: SubSelects may be aggregate or
                 non-aggregate queries, as here.
          + The Where/Having clauses may include:
               o Any expression that ExpressionLib will evaluate
                 to an instance of BooleanValue
          + Allowable Select Options include
               o SELECT DISTINCT (but not SELECT DISTINCT ON)
               o UNION ALL (but not UNION)
               o Order By: The OrderByItem expressions may include
                 any expression that can be evaluated by
                 ExpressionLib.  Columns in the OrderByItem
                 expressions will refer only to aliases defined in
                 the SelectItems (i.e., the output schema of the
                 query’s projection.  See TPC-H Benchmark Query 5
                 for an example of this)
               o Limit: RowCount limits (e.g., LIMIT 5), but not
                 Offset limits (e.g., LIMIT 5 OFFSET 10) or JDBC
                 parameter limits.


   Your code is expected output query results in the same format
   as the input data:
     * One output row per (‘\n’-delimited) line.  If there is no
       ORDER BY clause, you may emit the rows in any order.
     * One output value per (‘|’-delimited) field.  Columns should
       appear in the same order that they appear in the query.
       Table Wildcards should be resolved in the same order that
       the columns appear in the CREATE TABLE statement.  Global
       Wildcards should be resolved as Table Wildcards with the
       tables in the same order that they appear in the FROM
     * A trailing newline as the last character of the file.
     * You should not output any header information or other

Example Queries and Data

   These are only examples.  Your code will be expected to handle
   these queries, as well as others.

   Sanity Check Examples: A thorough suite of test cases
   covering most simple query features.

   Example NBA Benchmark Queries: Some very simple queries to
   get you started.

   The TPC-H Benchmark: This benchmark consists of two parts:
   DBGen (generates the data) and a specification document
   (defines the queries).  A nice summary of the TPC-H queries can
   be found here.

   The SQL implementation used by TPC-H differs in a few subtle
   ways from the implementation used by JSqlParser.  Minor
   structural rewrites to the queries in the specification
   document will be required:
     * The date format used by TPC-H differs from the date format
       used by SqlParser.  You will need to replace all instances
       of date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ with DATE(‘YYYY-MM-DD’) or
     * Many queries in TPC-H use INTERVALs, which the project does
       not require support for.  However, these are all added to
       hard-coded parameters.  You will need to manually add the
       interval to the parameter (e.g., DATE ‘1982-01-01′ +
       INTERVAL ‘1 YEAR’ becomes DATE(‘1983-01-01′))

   Queries that conform to the specifications for this project
   include: Q1, Q3, Q5, Q6, Q8*, Q9, Q10, Q12*, Q14*, Q15*, Q19*
   (Asterisks mean that the query doesn’t meet the spec as
   written, but can easily be rewritten into one that does)
     * Q2 requires SubSelect expressions.
     * Q4  requires EXISTS and SubSelect expressions.
     * Q7 requires an implementation of the EXTRACT function.
     * Q8 violates the restriction on simple select items in
       aggregate queries.  It can be rewritten into a compliant
       form with FROM-nested Selects.
     * Q11 violates the simple select item restriction, and
       requires  SubSelect expressions.
     * Q12 requires IN expressions, but may be rewritten into a
       compliant form.
     * Q13 requires Outer Joins.
     * Q14 violates the simple select item restriction, but may be
       rewritten into a compliant form.
     * Q15 uses views, but may be rewritten into a compliant form
     * Q16 uses IN and NOT IN expressions as well as SubSelects
     * Q17 uses SubSelect expressions and violates the simple
       select item restriction
     * Q18 uses IN and violates the simple select item restriction
     * Q19 uses IN but may be rewritten into a compliant form
     * Q20 uses IN and SubSelects
     * Q21 uses EXISTS, NOT EXISTS and SubSelects
     * Q22 requires an implementation of the SUBSTRING function,
       IN, NOT EXISTS and SubSelects

Code Submission

   As before, all .java files in the src directory at the root of
   your repository will be compiled (and linked against
   JSQLParser). Also as before, the class

   will be invoked with the following arguments:
     * –data data directory: A path to a directory containing the
       .dat data files for this test.
     * sql file: one or more sql files for you to parse evaluate.

   For example:
        $> ls data
        $> cat R.dat
        $> cat query.sql
        CREATE TABLE R(A int, B int, C int)
        SELECT B, C FROM R WHERE A = 1
        $> java -cp build:jsqlparser.jar edu.buffalo.cse562.Main --data data que

   Once again, the data directory contains files named table
   name.dat where table name is the name used in a CREATE TABLE
   statement. Notice the effect of CREATE TABLE statements is not
   to create a new file, but simply to link the given schema to an
   existing .dat file. These files use vertical-pipe (’|’) as a
   field delimiter, and newlines (’\n’) as record delimiters.

   The testing environment is configured with the Sun JDK version


   Your code will be subjected to a sequence of test cases, most
   of which are provided in the project code (though different
   data will be used). Two evaluation phases will be performed.
   Phase 1 will be performed on small datasets (< 100 rows per
   input table) and each run will be graded on a per-test-case
   basis as follows:
     * 0/10 (F): Your submission does not compile, does not
       produce correct output, or fails in some other way.
       Resubmission is highly encouraged.
     * 5/10 (C): Your submission runs the test query in under 30
       seconds on the test machine, and produces properly
       formatted output.
     * 7.5/10 (B): Your submission runs the test query in under
       15 seconds on the test machine, and produces the correct
     * 10/10 (A): Your submission runs the test query in under 5
       seconds on the test machine, and prduces the correct

   Phase 2 will evaluate your code on more complex queries that
   create large intermediate states (100+ MB). Queries for which
   your submission does not produce correct output, or which your
   submission takes over 1 minute to process will receive an F.
   Otherwise, your submission will be graded on the runtime of
   each test as follows
     * 5/10 (C): Produce correct output in 1 minute or less.
     * 7.5/10 (B): Produce correct output in 30 seconds or less.
     * 10/10 (A): Produce correct output in 15 seconds or less
     * 12/10 (A+): Produce correct output in 8 seconds or less

   Your overall project grade will be a weighted average of the
   individual components.  It will be possible to earn extra
   credit by beating the reference implementation.

   Additionally, there will be a per-query leader-board for all
   groups who manage to beat the reference implementation.

Checkpoint 2

     * Overview: Optimize your implementation to support
       specialized join algorithms and limited memory.
     * Deadline: March 30
     * Grade: 15% of Project Component
          + 5% Correctness
          + 5% Efficiency
          + 5% Code Review

   This project is, in effect, a more rigorous form of Project 1.
   The requirements are identical: We give you a query and some
   data, you evaluate the query on the data and give us a response
   as quickly as possible.

   First, this means that we’ll be expecting a more
   feature-complete submission. Your code will be evaluated on
   more queries from TPC-H benchmark, which exercises a broader
   range of SQL features than the Project 1 test cases did.

   Second, performance constraints will be tighter. The reference
   implementation for this project has been improved over that of
   Project 1, meaning that you’ll be expected to perform more
   efficiently, and to handle data that does not fit into main

Join Ordering

   The order in which you join tables together is
   incredibly important, and can change the runtime of your query
   by multiple orders of magnitude.  Picking between different
   join orderings is incredibly important!  However, to do so, you
   will need statistics about the data, something that won’t
   really be feasible until the next project.  Instead, here’s a
   present for those of you paying attention.  The tables in each
   FROM clause are ordered so that you will get our recommended
   join order by building a left-deep plan going in-order of the
   relation list (something that many of you are doing already),
   and (for hybrid hash joins) using the left-hand-side relation
   to build your hash table.

Blocking Operators and Memory

   Blocking operators (e.g., joins other than Merge Join, the Sort
   operator, etc…) are generally blocking because they need to
   materialize instances of a relation. For half of this project,
   you will not have enough memory available to materialize a full
   relation, to say nothing of join results. To successfully
   process these queries, you will need to implement out-of core
   equivalents of these operators: At least one External Join
   (e.g., Block-Nested-Loop, Hash, or Sort/Merge Join) and an
   out-of-core Sort Algorithm (e.g., External Sort).

   For your reference, the evaluation machines have 2GB of memory.
    In phase 2,  Java will be configured for 100 MB of heap space
   (see the command line argument -Xmx).  To work with such a
   small amount of heap space, you will need to manually invoke
   Java’s garbage collector by calling System.gc().  How
   frequently you do this is up to you.  The more you wait, the
   greater the chance that you’ll run out of memory.  The
   reference implementation calls it in the Two-Phase sort
   operator, every time it finishes flushing a file out to disk.

Query Rewriting

   In Project 1, you were encouraged to parse SQL into a
   relational algebra tree.  Project 2 is where that design choice
   begins to pay off.  We’ve discussed expression equivalences in
   relational algebra, and identified several that are always good
   (e.g., pushing down selection operators). The reference
   implementation uses some simple recursion to identify patterns
   of expressions that can be optimized and rewrite them.  For
   example, if I wanted to define a new HashJoin operator, I might
   go through and replace every qualifying Selection operator
   sitting on top of a CrossProduct operator with a HashJoin.
        if(o instanceof Selection){
          Selection s = (Selection)o;
          if(s.getChild() instanceof CrossProduct){
            CrossProduct prod =
            Expression join_cond =
               // find a good join condition in
               // the predicate of s.
            Expression rest =
               // the remaining conditions
            return new Selection(
              new HashJoin(
        return o;

   The reference implementation has a function similar to this
   snippet of code, and applies the function to every node in the
   relational algebra tree.

   Because selection can be decomposed, you may find it useful to
   have a piece of code that can split AndExpressions into a list
   of conjunctive terms:
        List<Expression> splitAndClauses(Expression e)
          List<Expression> ret =
             new ArrayList<Expression();
          if(e instanceof AndExpression){
            AndExpression a = (AndExpression)e;
          } else {


   Your code will be evaluated in exactly the same way as Project
   1.  Your code will be presented with a 1GB (SF 1) TPC-H
   dataset.  Grading will proceed in two phases.  In the first
   phase, you will have an unlimited amount of memory, but very
   tight time constraints.  In the second phase, you will have
   slightly looser time constraints, but will be limited to 100 MB
   of memory, and presented with either a 1GB or a 200 MB (SF 0.2)

   As before, your code will be invoked with the data directory
   and the relevant SQL files. An additional parameter will be
   used in Phase 2:
     * --swap directory: A swap directory that you’re allowed to
       write to. No other directories are guaranteed to be
       available or writeable. If the –swap parameter is not
       present, you should not swap (i.e., the data size is small
       enough to be handled entirely in-memory)

        java -cp build:jsqlparser.jar
             -Xmx100m      # Heap limit (Phase 2 only)
             --data [data]
             --swap [swap]
             [sqlfile1] [sqlfile2] ...

   This example uses the following directories and files:
     * [data]: Table data stored in ‘|’ separated files. As
       before, table names match the names provided in the
       matching CREATE TABLE with the .dat suffix.
     * [swap]: A temporary directory for an individual run. This
       directory will be emptied after every trial.
     * [sqlfileX]: A file containing CREATE TABLE and SELECT
       statements, defining the schema of the dataset and the
       query to process


   Your code will be subjected to a sequence of test cases and
   evaluated on speed and correctness.  Note that unlike Project
   1, you will neither receive a warning about, nor partial credit
   for out-of-order query results if the outermost query includes
   an ORDER BY clause.

   Phase 1 (big queries) will be graded on a TPC-H SF 1 dataset (1
   GB of raw text data).  Phase 2 (limited memory) will be graded
   on either a TPC-H SF 1 or SF 0.2 (200 MB of raw text data)
   dataset as listed in the chart below.  Grades are assigned
   based on per-query thresholds:
     * 0/10 (F): Your submission does not compile, does not
       produce correct output, or fails in some other way.
       Resubmission is highly encouraged.
     * 5/10 (C): Your submission runs the test query faster than
       the C threshold (listed below for each query), and produces
       the correct output.
     * 7.5/10 (B): Your submission runs the test query faster than
       the B threshold (listed below for each query), and produces
       the correct output.
     * 10/10 (A): Your submission runs the test query faster than
       the A threshold (listed below for each query), and produces
       the correct output.

   TPC-H Query Phase 1 Runtimes   Phase 2 Runtimes Phase 2 Scaling
        1      45 s             A 1 min            SF = 0.2
               67.5 s           B 2 min
               90 s             C 3 min
        3      45 s             A 40 s             SF = 0.2
               90 s             B 80 s
               120 s            C 120 s
        5      45 s             A 70 s             SF = 0.2
               90 s             B 140 s
               120 s            C 210 s
       10      45 s             A 2 min            SF = 1
               67.5 s           B 4 min
               90 s             C 6 min
       12      45 s             A 1.5 min          SF = 1
               67.5 s           B 3 min
               90 s             C 4.5 min

Checkpoint 3

     * Overview: Add a pre-processing phase to your system.
     * Deadline: May 8
     * Grade: 15% of Project Component
          + 5% Correctness
          + 5% Efficiency
          + 5% Code Review

   Once again, we will be tightening performance constraints.  You
   will be expected to complete queries in seconds, rather than
   tens of seconds as before.  This time however, you will be
   given a few minutes alone with the data before we start timing

   Concretely, you will be given a period of up to 5 minutes that
   we’ll call the Load Phase.  During the load phase, you will
   have access to the data, as well as a database directory that
   will not be erased in between runs of your application.
   Example uses for this time include building indexes or
   gathering statistics about the data for use in cost-based

   Additionally, CREATE TABLE statements are now annotated with
   PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY attributes.  You may hardcode index
   selections for the TPC-H benchmark based on your own


   For this project, you will get access to a new library:
   BerkeleyDB (Java Edition).  Don’t let the name mislead you, BDB
   is not actually a full database system.  Rather, BDB implements
   the indexing and persistence layers of a database system.
   Download BDB at:

   The BerkeleyDB documentation is mirrored at:

   You can find a getting started guide at:

   And the javadoc at:

   BDB can be used in two ways: The Direct Persistence layer, and
   the Base API.  The [1]Direct Persistence Layer is easier to
   use at first, as it handles index management and serialization
   through compiler annotations.  However, this ease comes at the
   cost of flexibility.  Especially if you plan to use secondary
   indexes, you may find it substantially easier to work with the
   [2]Base API.  For this reason, this summary will focus on the
   Base API.


Environments and Databases

   A relation or table is represented in BDB as a [1]Database,
   which is grouped into units of storage called
   an [2]Environment.  The first thing that you should to do in
   the pre-computation phase is to [3]create an Environment and
   one or more Databases.  Be absolutely sure to [4]close both
   the environment and the database before you exit, as not doing
   so could lead to file corruption.


   BDB Databases are in effect clustered indexes, which means that
   every record stored in one is identified (and sorted by) a key.
    A database supports efficient access to records or ranges of
   records based on their keys.

Representing, Storing, and Reading Tuples

   Every tuple must be marked with a primary key, and may include
   one or more secondary keys.  In the Base API, both the value
   and its key are represented as a string of bytes.  Both key and
   value must be stored as a byte array encapsulated in a
   DatabaseEntry object.  Secondary Keys are defined when creating
   a secondary index.

   Note that you will need to manually extract the key from the
   rest of the record and write some code to serialize the record
   and the key into byte arrays.  You could use toString(), but
   you may find it substantially faster to use Java’s native
   object serialization:

        [1]ObjectOutputStream  |  [2]ObjectInputStream


   … or a pair of classes that java provides for serializing
   primitive data:

        [3]DataOutputStream  |  [4]DataInputStream


   Like a Hash-Map, BDB supports a [1]simple get/put interface.
   Tuples can be stored or looked up by their key.  Like your
   code, BDB also provides an iterator interface called a
   [2]Cursor.  Of note, BDB’s cursor interface supports [3]index


Secondary Indexes

   The Database represents a clustered index.  In addition, BDB
   has support for unclustered indexes, which it calls
   SecondaryDatabases. As an unclustered index, a secondary
   database doesn’t dictate how the tuples themselves are laid
   out, but still allows for (mostly) efficient lookups for
   secondary “keys”.  The term “keys” is in quotation marks,
   because unlike the primary key used in the primary database, a
   secondary database allows for multiple records with the same
   secondary key.

   To automate the management process, a secondary index is
   defined using an implementation of SecondaryKeyCreator.
   This class should map record DatabaseEntry objects to a (not
   necessarily unique) DatabaseEntry object that acts as a
   secondary key.

BDB Joins

   Another misnomer, BDB allows you to define so-called Join
   Cursors. This is not a relational join in the traditional
   sense.   Rather, a Join Cursor allows you to define multiple
   equality predicates over the base relation and scan over all
   records that match all of the specified lookup conditions.

Performance Tuning

   BerkeleyDB can be quite tricky to get performance out of.
   There are a number of options, and ways of interacting with it
   that can help you get the most out of this indexing software.
   Since evaluation on the grading boxes takes time due to the
   end-to-end testing process, I encourage you to evaluate on your
   own machines.  For best results, be sure to store your database
   on an HDD (Results from SSDs will not be representative of the
   grading boxes).  Recall that the grader boxes have 4 GB of RAM.

Heap Scans

   Depending on how you’ve implemented deserialization of the raw
   data files, you may find it faster to read directly from the
   clustered index rather than from the data file.  In the
   reference implementation, reading from a clustered index is
   about twice as fast as from a data file, but this performance
   boost stems from several factors.  If you choose to do this,
   take a look at DiskOrderedCursor, which my experiments show
   is roughly about twice as fast as a regular in-order Cursor on
   an HDD on a fully compacted relation.

Locking Policies

   Locking is slow.  Consistency is slow.  As long as you’re not
   implementing your code multithreaded or with updates or
   transactions, you’ll find that cursor operations will be faster
   under [1]LockMode.[2]READ_UNCOMMITTED.  See below for ways to
   set this parameter globally.


Config Options

   BDB also has numerous options that will affect the performance
   of your system.  Several options you may wish to evaluate, both
   for the load and run phases:
     * [1]EnvironmentConfig
          + [2]setCachePercent
          + [3]setLocking
          + [4]setConfigParam
               o EnvironmentConfig.[5]ENV_RUN_CLEANER
               o EnvironmentConfig.[6]ENV_RUN_CHECKPOINTER
                    # See the documentation for
                      Environment.[7]cleanLog() if you plan to
                      turn either of these off.
     * [8]DatabaseConfig and [9]SecondaryConfig
          + [10]setReadOnly
          + [11]setTransactional
     * [12]DiskOrderedCursorConfig
          + [13]setInternalMemoryLimit
          + [14]setQueueSize

   Your code will be evaluated in exactly the same way as Projects
   1 and 2.  Your code will be presented with a 500MB (SF 0.5)
   TPC-H dataset.  Before grading begins, your code will be run
   once to preprocess the data.  You will have up to 5 minutes,
   after which your process will be killed (if it has not yet
   terminated).  Your code will then be run on the test suite.

   As before, your code will be invoked with the data directory
   and the relevant SQL files. Two additional parameters will be
   used in the preprocessing stage:
     * --db directory: A directory in which it is safe to persist
       data.  The contents of this directory will be persisted
       across the entire grading run.
     * --load: This parameter will be passed during the
       preprocessing phase.  When it appears on the command line,
       you have up to 5 minutes to preprocess the data.

        java -cp build:jsqlparser.jar:...
             --data [data]
             --db   [db]
             [sqlfile1] [sqlfile2] ...

   This example uses the following directories and files:
     * [data]: Table data stored in ‘|’ separated files. As
       before, table names match the names provided in the
       matching CREATE TABLE with the .dat suffix.
     * [db]: A directory for permanent data files.  This directory
       will be persisted across all runs of the
     * [sqlfileX]: A file containing CREATE TABLE and SELECT
       statements, defining the schema of the dataset and the
       query to process.  If –load appears on the command line,
       these files will contain only CREATE TABLE statements.


   Your code will be subjected to a sequence of test cases and
   evaluated on speed and correctness.
     * 0/10 (F): Your submission does not compile, does not
       produce correct output, or fails in some other way.
       Resubmission is highly encouraged.
     * 5/10 (C): Your submission runs the test query faster than
       the C threshold (listed below for each query), and produces
       the correct output.
     * 7.5/10 (B): Your submission runs the test query faster than
       the B threshold (listed below for each query), and produces
       the correct output.
     * 10/10 (A): Your submission runs the test query faster than
       the A threshold (listed below for each query), and produces
       the correct output.

   TPC-H Query Grade Maximum Run-Time (s)
       Q1        A   30
                 B   60
                 C   90
       Q3        A   5
                 B   30
                 C   120
       Q5        A   10
                 B   60
                 C   120
       Q6        A   20
                 B   45
                 C   70
       Q10       A   10
                 B   30
                 C   90
       Q12       A   40
                 B   60
                 C   90


CSE 562 - Database Systems






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