- Made for NodeMCU (ESP8266)
- Configures WiFi authentication using a provisional configuration portal using EasyNTP library.
- Updates a DS1307 RTC by fetching Internet Time from Network Time Protocol
- Measures temperature using an LM35
- Displays time and temperature on a 16x2 I2C Lcd
- Serial debug output at 9600 baud
See breadboard prototype image.
- NodeMCU V3 - Chinese clone
- D2 = I2C SDA
- D1 = I2C SCL
- A0 = Analog input
- VV = USB voltage output (+5V)
- G = Common GND
- DS1307 (I2C)
- Vcc = +5V
- Gnd = Common GND
- SDA = NodeMCU D2
- SCL = NodeMCU D1
- 16x2 Lcd with I2C "Backpack"
- Vcc = +5V
- GND = Common GND
- SDA = NodeMCU D2
- SCL = NodeMCU D1
- LM35 Temperature Sensor
- Vs = +3.3V
- Vout = NodeMCU A0
- GND = Common GND