GUI that send orders / receives response from actual compiled verilog PCI modules , and draws the waveform manually on the screen
PCI bus (peripheral component interconnect ) is a communication protocal used inside computers for various devices to communicate . this project is a GUI and implementation of PCI modules .
this repo contains the GUI code as well as the verilog modules that helped in the GUI . the project performs a complete cycle from the GUI (php + js) to the verilog modules , then vice versa from the verilog to the GUI to draw the response waveform .
for software : used vanilla php + konva-vuejs
for hardware : used xilinx technologies , fuse [a verilog compiler] , isim [simulator] , used TCL scripting
-for launching you have to edit all the file destinations after cloning the repo to match your computer ,including any links that contain localhost , image places , etc
-compile your own verilog modules or use the provided ones
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
the project can draw the output of any verilog module , just write a verilog test bench to monitor all signal changes over time , then in the file phpverilog.php let it get contents of your file instead of the default .
-there are lots of modifications and features to be added , contributions are more than welcome , all pull requests will be reviewed and either accepted or further discussed