Current Features:
Storing books, users and the sign in and sign out of the books
User and book search
Due dates, and extensions
Adding books to database, with ISBN autofill
What is planned soon/TODO:
Cleaning up code(OOP, and cleaning up my messy quick code)
Dues and an email system
A settings panel
Managment of multiple libraries
CSV columns for each file, the following format will stay:
books.csv - Col 1 ID(From 0 to whatever), Col 2 Title, Col 3 Author, Col 4 ISBN, Col 5 Location
users.csv - Col 1 ID(From 0 to whatever), Col 2 name, Col 3 username, Col 4 email, Col 5 Dues
Small Video Showcase:
- Note: This is as of March 30,2020, this may not be full up to date.
How to Use:
- Have the following CSVs from what is listed above, after the 5th columns, you can put whatever data you want the program wont touch it
- Have the following CSVs in the folder of the folder.
- Simply run with python3 as follows --> python3
-, is a simple test file to show real world use, but this is the non-GUI implementation
-, ok I agree an ugly name, but this is the feel in which all the functions are stored for now
-, pretty clear, where the classes for the parser, books and users is stored, I don't see this file changing drastically for now. Maybe some small additions or changes
-, this file is just to setup all the classes and functions for the gui, it will most likely expand
gui folder, includes everything gui