Implementing the Bidirectional Attention Flow model using pytorch
configure your environment:
- create a conda env : conda create {"env name"} python= 3.6 - activate {"env name"} - install all requirements
preprocessing your dataset :
- run python * this will preprocess SQuAD 2.0 traing , dev , test and my_test datasets ( dataset containing a concrete example) * this will also dowlnlods the Glove 300-dimensional word vectors
train your model :
- create "save" folder - run python --name training * this will train your model by reading command line arguments, loading SQuAD dataset * you can add --num_epochs argument to specify the number of epochs * with 10 epochs you will have : F1: 58.47 , EM: 55.42 , AvNA: 64.88
to test your model with the dev/test SQUAD dataset:
- run python --name dev/test --split dev/test --load_path ./save/{"your training folder"}/best.pth.tar
to visualize the machine learning workflow in tensorboard :
- run tensorboard --logdir ./save/{"your training folder"}
to test your model with your test dataset
- run python -name test --split test --load_path ./save/{"your training folder"}/best.pth.tar