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pintOS Project Repository


PintOS is a lightweight operating system kernel designed for educational purposes. Developed primarily for teaching operating system principles, PintOS provides a practical platform for students to explore concepts such as threads, processes, virtual memory, file systems, and synchronization. With its simple yet comprehensive structure, PintOS offers a hands-on learning experience in understanding the inner workings of an operating system. This repository contains the implementation for the PintOS project.

Table of Contents


First, we need to install a simulator, I prefer qemu.

QEMU Installation

  1. Install QEMU on system
    sudo apt install qemu
  2. Make link qemu
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/qemu-system-i386 /usr/bin/qemu

PintOS Installation

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Add pintos to PATH

    echo "export PATH=<path to pintos utils>:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
  3. Create environment variables for pintos home directory and pintos phase. i.e pintos contains of four phases, threads, userprog, vm and filesys.
    i.e. Add these lines to ~\.bashrc, or ~\.zshrc if you use zsh, replace <path to pintos home> with the actual path to pintOS

    export PINTOS_HOME=<path to pintos home>
    PINTOSPH="filesys" # stop@000001
    export PINTOSPH

    you can do so by running these commands

    echo "export PINTOS_HOME=<path to pintos home>" >> ~/.bashrc
    echo "PINTOSPH="threads" # stop@000001" >> ~/.bashrc
    echo "export PINTOSPH" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc

    To validate your work, run:

    which pintos

    You should see something like:

  4. To change phase, replace <phase> with the current phase name.

    pintosph <phase>
  5. To test for all phases run using shell name.

    • For bash:
    • For zsh:

Project Structure

  • devices/: Contains device drivers and hardware interaction code, including timer, console, and disk drivers.

  • doc/: Contains documentation for the PintOS project, including design documents, user guides, and developer notes.

  • examples/: Contains example user programs that can be run on PintOS to demonstrate various features and test the system.

  • filesys/: Provides the file system implementation, including files and directories management, buffer cache, and file system utilities.

  • lib/: Provides library code used by both the kernel and user programs. This includes standard C library functions and other utility routines.

  • misc/: Contains miscellaneous files and resources that do not fit into the other directorject consisies. This may include documentation, build scripts, and other auxiliary files.

  • tests/: Includes a suite of tests for verifying the functionality and correctness of different components of PintOS. This is crucial for ensuring reliability and stability as the project develops.

  • threads/: Contains the implementation of kernel threads, synchronization primitives (like semaphores, locks, and condition variables), and thread scheduling.

  • userprog/: Implements user programs, system calls, and process management. This includes loading and running user programs, handling user-kernel mode transitions, and system call implementations.

  • utils/: Contains utility scripts and tools that assist in building, testing, and managing the PintOS project.

  • vm/: Implements virtual memory management, including paging, swapping, and page fault handling.

  • LICENSE: The license file for the PintOS project, detailing the terms under which the project's code can be used, modified, and distributed.

  • Make.config: Configuration file for the build system, allowing customization of the build process.

  • Makefile: The main makefile that directs the overall build process, including dependencies and build targets.

  • A makefile that defines the rules for compiling and linking the project.

  • Makefile.kernel: A makefile specifically for building the kernel components of PintOS.

  • Makefile.userprog: A makefile specifically for building the user program components of PintOS.

  • A shell script that switches between phases and runs the grading for all phases of PintOS, printing out the summary of results for each phase.

  • pintos.checker.js: JavaScript script primarily used by GitHub Actions. It fetches the results from an action that grades PintOS phases.


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