The package enables developers to send request to discord webhook in order to create message and send it discord channel.
Use the package manager composer to install PHP Webhook.
composer require ahmetonurslmz/php-webhook
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; // You must include autoload register.
use PhpWebhook\Providers\Discord;
$discordWebhook = new Discord(); // initializes discord instance
$discordWebhook->setMessage('Hello World!');
$discordWebhook->setToken(YOUR_DISCORD_CHANNEL_TOKEN); // Discord token exists in your webhook URL.
When you copy a discord webhook URL, you obtain a link like this.
Token which exists in the webhook URL:
You can set a message which you will send with two different ways.
You can only set a message with setMessage method.
$discordWebhook->setMessage("Hello world!");
You can change all details of message (username, user logo, embedded message etc.) with setData method. Example data format is here
"username" => "Webhook",
"avatar_url" => "",
"content" => "Text message. Up to 2000 characters.",
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.